How to clean the mink hat at home

Mink fur is considered one of the most expensive, and it is not surprising. Due to the high wear resistance, caps based on this material do not lose popularity. However, in a barrel of honey there is a spoon of tar. The mink cap loses its former gloss over time, dims and becomes dirty. On light products appear yellow spots, often greasy shine. Mistresses clutching their heads, not knowing how to clean. There are not many ways to restore the beauty of a mink hat. Consider the important features in order, select the main thing.

 How to clean a mink hat

Method number 1. Shampoo

  1. The simplest and most common method of cleaning fur products is the use of conventional shampoo for hair. Of course, you can purchase a special composition in the leather goods store, but this is not necessary.
  2. To begin the manipulation, prepare a mink cap.Put it on your hand, gently knock out dust with a palm or soft lint-free sponge. Next, comb the fur brush on the basis of natural bristles, removing the pieces of dirt and smoothing stuck together.
  3. Before using the shampoo, read the “Composition” column on the back of the bottle. It is important that there is no air conditioning in the tool, it spoils the structure of the mink fur. Find the pan / jar / pig that matches the diameter of the cap.
  4. Put the product on the fixture, prepare a soap solution. Pour into a deep container 50-70 ml. shampoo (preferably baby), dilute it with 2 liters. warm filtered (!) water. Beat the mass in a dense foam using a shaving brush or a clean palm.
  5. Choose a soft brush for processing fur products (it can be replaced with a new unpainted foam sponge). Dampen the material in shampoos, squeeze, walk on the fur several times. Try not to touch the core, otherwise the cap will lose its shape after drying.
  6. There should be a dense foam on the headgear, which absorbs excess dirt. Gather it with a clean gauze cloth or a damp sponge.Send the product to fresh air, make sure that there is no dust on the balcony. Leave the cap to dry completely without removing it from the can / blanks.
  7. An alternative to shampoo is high-quality soap without dyes and fragrances, gel powder for wet processing of wool products, cleaning agent for mink, rabbit, lynx fur, etc.

Method number 2. Hot bran

  1. This method of cleaning involves the use of rye or wheat bran. To proceed with the manipulation, take a glass liter jar, add in it a bulk composition (measure the amount).
  2. Prepare a saucepan of suitable size, pour the bran into it, put it on the stove. Put the fire on the mark between medium and minimum. It is important to monitor the process, the product should not be burnt.
  3. Pick a jar or pot the size of a cap. Put the product on the fixture, start sprinkling it with hot bran. Keep the palm against the pile, carefully (but gently) rubbing the product into the fur.
  4. Process the upper part of the cap in a similar way, then the side walls. Comb the bran with a wooden or turtle comb, the teeth of which are located at a certain distance from each other.
  5. Beat out the remnants of plastic stick or a thin comb, wrapped in gauze fabric. If you do not have bran, use medium-sized corn grits or sawdust without resin / needles.

Method number 3. Flour

 How to clean the mink hat with flour

  1. Knock out a pile of hats to rid the fur of dust. Sift high-grade wheat flour into a clean dish. Comb the cap, put it on the three-liter jar or pan. Optionally, you can fill the cavity with album sheets.
  2. Flour the entire surface of the product with flour, walk in the direction against the nap with gentle movements. It is important that the flour is completely dry. Rub it with light (not circular!) Movements for 7-10 minutes.
  3. You will see the flour turn dark. At this point, it must be knocked out, and then combed the fur with a wooden comb. If the result was incomplete, the manipulations are repeated.
  4. Similarly, use fresh (dry) semolina, potato or corn starch, baby powder without perfumes and dyes (pharmaceutical talc).

Method number 4. Gasoline and starch

  1. If there are greasy spots on the mink hat or plots, solve the problem with gasoline for refilling lighters and cornstarch.Mix the ingredients in such a way to get a liquid mass.
  2. Tamp the cap with paper placed in clean plastic bags (you can wrap it with food film). An alternative to the paper frame is dishes that you can wear to the product.
  3. Knock out the cap to eliminate dust. Comb the pile, apply a starch gruel on the entire surface of the cap. If possible, do not touch the leather part (base of the product). Otherwise, the cap will harden and lose its shape, despite the frame.
  4. After applying the mixture, leave the product to dry in fresh air. Then carefully knock off the cap, combed out the remains of starch with a wide comb with rare teeth. Re-fill the cavity of the cap with paper, whisk (ruffle) the pile.

Method number 5. Ammonia or medical alcohol

  1. If dry dirt stains are noticed on the surface of the product, eliminate them with medical (ethyl) alcohol or ammonia (ammonia). To begin, comb the fur, remove clumps of dirt.
  2. Moisten a cosmetic swab in the composition, walk on the pile. In no case do not affect the core (leather base of the cap), otherwise the product is deformed, the fur will fall out.
  3. After all the manipulations, leave the cap to dry in the fresh air, then evaluate the result. If the spots were partially removed, repeat the procedure one more time.
  4. After complete drying, scrub the cap with a fur brush. The method is extremely effective in processing blue mink.

How to clean a white mink hat

 How to clean a white mink hat

  1. White mink fur products need cleaning the most. As a result of long-term operation, the pile turns yellow, losing its aesthetic appearance. To correct the situation, use hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Prepare a solution of 220 ml. warm drinking (!) water, 25-30 ml. hydrogen peroxide (concentration of 3-6%), 7 drops of ammonia (liquid ammonia). Shake the mixture with a stick, pour into a bottle with a spray (spray).
  3. Comb out and knock out the folder, pull it onto a three-liter jar to avoid deformation. Sprinkle with the prepared solution fur, send to dry under direct sunlight. Assess the result, if the pile is not completely bleached, repeat the cleaning.
  4. After complete drying, the fur may seem dull. Acetic solution (concentration of 6%) or glycerin (concentration of 10%) will help to restore shine.Wipe the pile with one of the compositions, leave it in the open air.

Use hot bran, regular hair shampoo without balsam, a mixture of gasoline and starch (potato, corn). Consider cleaning with medical alcohol, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

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