How to clean the laptop screen at home

Each owner of the laptop during the operation asks a question about how to clean the computer monitor. Basically, dust is deposited on the screen, but there are more serious contamination (fat stains, insect traces, dirt, etc.). For this reason, you need to know what and how to clean the laptop. Regular cloth or dining napkin will not help. Consider more effective ways.

 How to clean the laptop screen

Dust screen cleaning

  1. Turn off the laptop and let it cool. Use the simple way using a thin cellophane package. In this case, you will help physics and static electricity, obtained by contact between the package and the screen. You will see dust adhere to cellophane.
  2. Do not be lazy to regularly wipe the monitor. It is easy enough to get rid of dust, it is only necessary to use a special microfiber cloth.You can also take a cosmetic tampon and wipe the surface of the monitor with it without pressure.
  3. With the help of microfiber cloths, other similar surfaces can be cleaned: compact disks, glasses, camera lens, etc. The principle of operation is that the fibers cut by a special method attract dust and microscopic substances.
  4. In case the “dry” method does not help to get rid of stains, moisten the cloth so that there is no excess water. Be careful to monitor the humidity of the napkin, otherwise the drops will fall under the monitor body, as a result of which there will be visible stains on the matrix.

Napkins and monitors

  1. It is allowed to use simple wet wipes, if you do not have special ones at hand. Before using products, make sure that there is no alcohol in their composition. Try to choose not very wet wipes, so you will avoid streaks on the screen. You can re-wipe the monitor with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Popular manufacturers produce complexes of dry and wet wipes. Such tools have a beneficial effect on the display, as well as perfectly clean it from dust and dirt.There is another effective option - on the shelves you can find spray and dry wipes in the kit. It is more effective than other products. Spray the cloth and wipe the monitor, then wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  3. Do not use window cleaner; its composition is too hard and is not suitable for LCD screens. It is also not recommended to use a “computer spray” separately, otherwise the applied composition can leave stains that are hard to get rid of. Be careful with this procedure and do not spray the composition directly on the screen. Apply it first on a rag and only then get down to business.
  4. Get a soft napkin for office equipment. The best choice is a microfiber cloth, it is ideal for cleaning monitors. The secret of this napkin is that it contains almost no villi and is very soft. If you are in a hopeless situation, and the right material is not at hand, you can use flannel fabric. This material is not inferior in properties to specialized napkins.
  5. Purchase special office equipment wipes in the appropriate store. If you are using plain water, you should squeeze the napkin so that it is slightly damp. Do not allow direct drops of liquid on the screen.

Folk screen cleaning methods

 Folk methods of cleaning the laptop screen

  1. If you do not have the means to purchase professional chemistry, or urgently need to clean the monitor, you can prepare a soap solution. Use cosmetic discs, they do not leave lint due to the dense structure.
  2. Wet the swab, squeeze well, start gently wipe the display in all directions. Do not be afraid of soap stains that appear as it dries. Now take a clean cotton pads, moisten them, walk around the screen again.
  3. Perform the procedure until then, until you get rid of divorce, change the discs as it gets dirty. The LCD matrix dries quickly, so the procedure does not take much time.
  4. Similar properties have table vinegar concentration of 3-6%. To remove contamination from the screen, prepare a solution. Mix 100 ml. filtered water with 10 ml.composition, dip a cotton pad in the tool, and clean it. After the procedure, the LCD monitor should be wiped with a dry, lint-free cloth (microfiber cloth).

What not to do

  1. There are certain materials that are not recommended to clean the monitor at home. These include terry towels, toilet paper, a rough cloth with an abrasive nap, paper napkins, kitchen sponges.
  2. When using the above compositions will always remain lint, so there is a risk of scratching the screen. Sponges, in turn, leave stains. Do not be stingy and get quality products for the care of LCD displays. The only thing worth paying attention to is the absence of alcohol in these products.
  3. The use of such wipes threatens that with frequent use in a short time, the protective anti-reflective coating will simply be erased. The display of the gadget will begin to be covered with small cracks. When choosing a material do not forget to pay attention to the humidity of the napkin. The surface of the LCD has a feature to absorb water.For this reason, you should not forget that the screen cleaning material should be slightly damp.
  4. Do not attempt to scrape off contamination from the LCD screen with your fingernail, as this will damage the protective anti-reflective coating. Do not use ordinary paper napkins, as when interacting with water, the paper dissolves, and wood particles either scratch the surface or become clogged in hard-to-reach places.

Practical advice

 How to clean laptop screen

  1. To remove dust, use microfiber cloths or a soft, lint-free cloth.
  2. Rubbing the screen, do not push it, movements can be performed in different directions.
  3. If you often work at a laptop, cleaning should be appropriate for operation.
  4. Use cotton swabs to clean hard-to-reach spots on the computer case.
  5. For each procedure, use clean materials and products that do not contain alcohol.
  6. Before cleaning, check whether the laptop is turned off, while the screen should be cooled.
  7. It is possible to resume work on the computer only after full drying of the display.
  8. Replace regular water with a weak solution of vinegar (no more than 3%).The simple composition is able to remove even the most complex of pollution.

If you follow simple rules, putting your computer monitor in order is easy enough. Get special tools to clean the screen, use popular methods (table vinegar or soap solution). During the cleaning process, do not press on the display, make sure that no liquid droplets fall into the body of the device. Do not use abrasives or products containing alcohol.

Video: how to clean the laptop screen

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