How to clean diamonds at home

As it is known, diamonds are called faceted diamonds, which are also given such a form that their natural shine will be revealed to the maximum. At the same time, ornaments with these minerals tend to literally absorb fat, dust, and the surrounding dirt, as a result of which they lose their luster and gradually grow turbid.

 How to clean diamonds

Important: if you do not clean the mineral for a long time, the dirt can cause a complete loss of the decoration of its original luster, even a very long polishing process will not be able to return it.

As you know, diamond is the hardest natural formation (its strength is estimated at 10 on the Mohs scale), but it is relatively fragile, because a sharp and strong blow can disrupt its structure, resulting in very deep cracks on the surface, which heal will be impossible.It is for this reason that it is recommended to clean diamonds (as well as other jewelry and precious stones) at a low height from the floor, preferably on a table with soft bedding just in case.

Even if relatively small cracks appear on the diamond, the jeweler will be forced to change the size, shape and even the mass of the jewelry in order to give it an initial shine.

Diamond cleaning at home

The main advantage of pure diamonds is the seeming feeling that they take up a lot of space and look large enough. Covered with even a small layer of dust and fat, the minerals do not outwardly differ from other gems, so all jewelers are advised to clean the jewelry at least once every two weeks.

Ways to clean diamonds
Professionals clean diamonds in a special ultrasonic bath, after which they additionally polish the minerals and lubricate with special grease repellent. It should be noted that specialists resort to the help of a bath in an emergency case when the decoration is too stained and soaked with such a layer of fat that it is impossible to scrub using the methods listed below.

So, to remove dirt from the surface of diamonds and clean them from the layer of fat at home, you can use the following methods:

  1. Cleaning with shampoo and water. In any capacity, for example, an ordinary wash, so much warm water is poured so that its upper level completely covers the decoration. It is not recommended to use pots, pans or cauldrons because most of them are made of such material, in contact with which micro-scratches may remain on the decoration. About 50-100 ml of shampoo is added to warm water, after which the liquids are stirred until uniform. After that, you should take a soft brush (even an old toothbrush may come up) and gently walk across the entire surface of the mineral. Finally, then you only need to finally rinse the jewelry, then wipe it dry with a soft cloth (for example, a flannel).
  2. The use of alcohol. To clean diamonds using this method, it is necessary to have a cotton pad or, again, a soft cloth. They need to be lightly dipped in alcohol, vodka or ammonia, then rub the jewelry with them, then letting it dry.Some people use special sprays to clean the windows and surfaces of televisions, but it is strongly not recommended to do this because of the slightly different composition of the solution.
  3. Finally, it is possible to clean diamonds with soda. To do this, they should be soaked in a full glass of this solution and left in this state for the night. In the morning, again, they should be wiped with a soft cloth.

A rather original method of cleaning diamonds is the use of a tablet designed for dentures. It should also be dipped in a glass of warm water, then placed there for a few minutes.

Tip: you can remove any dirt particles from hard-to-reach areas with a toothpick, and from the recesses with a cotton swab.

To clean the diamonds, you can use soapy water, but it is important to ensure that it is “soft”, because it is not recommended to use soap for these purposes.

How to clean diamonds can not

Experimenting with various cleaners, especially abrasives, is not recommended.Abrasives, having a very hard surface, are able to leave a huge number of microcracks, which afterwards “heal” with dirt, grease and other elements harmful to diamond.

Also, diamonds cannot be cleaned with vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and iodine. All of these solutions have a negative impact on the state of minerals, because it is very important to always consult with a specialist before cleaning (or read the relevant literature).

Diamond care

In order to clean the diamonds less often, you should follow a few simple rules on their wearing and storage, which, firstly, will prevent the accumulation of a thick layer of dirt and dust, and secondly, will provide a classic shine of jewelry.

 Diamond care

Firstly, to constantly wear earrings, necklaces and other jewelery that diamonds contain is strongly discouraged, since the various conditions in which minerals fall into, contribute to the absorption of harmful components. Especially often dirt gets on them during playing sports (fat is added also), household and garden works and even washing of ware.

Tip: you should take all measures so that diamonds do not have full contact with chlorine bleach, various lotions and natural oils.These liquids, frozen on the surface of minerals, form a kind of plaque, which is much more difficult to remove than the "classic" fat.

Various jewelry (for example, bracelets and rings) that contain diamonds should be stored either in separate special soft boxes, or in different compartments of the box. Since one diamond can only scratch another, in order to preserve the integrity and the original appearance of the mineral, the risk of their direct contact should be excluded.

It is very important to monitor the conditions in which jewelry is stored: for example, leaving earrings or rings in the bathroom (as in other rooms where high humidity) is absolutely not recommended by jewelers. However, they also can not be stored in a place open to the sun, because the sun's rays adversely affect the appearance of minerals.

Video: how to verify the authenticity of a diamond

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