How to overcome laziness and apathy: 8 ways

In ancient Greece, apathy was equated with disease, and this is not surprising. Philosophers of the time described general depression as insensitivity. A person who is prone to apathy, is characterized by increased indifference to the world and others. He is not interested in career and personal growth, apathetic people are prone to suicide. If laziness and depression are noticed at an early stage, you can try to fix the problem on your own.

 How to overcome laziness and apathy

Method number 1. Start the morning right

  1. It is important to start the morning correctly, otherwise the whole day will pass sadly. The same goes for Monday: how you meet him and spend the whole working week.
  2. Each person has his own biorhythm, which must be followed. Some are accustomed to waking up at 7 am, others prefer to sleep before lunch. Proceed from the individual characteristics of the organism.
  3. Try to start the morning with your favorite drink and dessert, turn on cheerful music, charge with positive. Do not forget about breakfast, it will prompt the body to wake up.
  4. Often people are lazy because of insufficient saturation of the body. For this reason, girls who are on a diet are advised to include vitamin complexes in their daily diet. They improve mood and normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  5. If for some reason you need to wake up early, take a contrast shower in the morning and drink a cup of coffee with sugar. Next, do a fifteen minute charge to get on alert faster.
  6. If the morning passes in a hurry, the whole day will be the same. Try not to quarrel with people in public transport, meet colleagues with a smile. Try to love what you do not like, you will notice how life is filled with new colors.

Method number 2. Change the situation

  1. Do not think of yourself as a negative person. Find joy in everyday things. If this opportunity is absent, proceed to radical ways.
  2. Change the place of residence or make repairs in the apartment. Rearrange interior items in places, hang bright pictures and family photos on the walls. Peel wallpaper, buy new furniture, lay soft carpets. It is important to create your own "bright" corner in which you will be comfortable.
  3. If there is no desire and opportunity to engage in housing, go on a tour abroad. It is not necessary to buy expensive trips, limit to a three- or five-day tour. The best option is considered a beach or mountain vacation with many excursions.
  4. In cases where the financial condition does not allow you to travel, go to friends or relatives in the neighboring city. You can also make a raid on the nature every weekend.

Method number 3. Go in for sports

 Sport against laziness and apathy

  1. Sport is considered to be the most effective way to combat laziness and apathy. Physical activity accelerates blood circulation, causes the heart muscle to work at an accelerated pace.
  2. Sports help to get rid of negative thoughts, stress suppress stress and have a beneficial effect on general health.
  3. Experts have conducted studies and found that people involved in sports, fall into depression much less. Also, such activities are shown to girls and women who spend a long time at home (non-working category of citizens).
  4. Of course, you need to rest after a hard day, but it is better to combine lying on the couch with light loads. Shake your press or buttocks, popricate, jump rope.
  5. An excellent option is yoga, it helps to focus on the inner state and overcome chronic fatigue. You can also consider breathing exercises (Pilates), stretching (stretching), water aerobics, swimming.
  6. Sports activities include intense walking. Give her at least half an hour a day in the evening. As a result of such manipulations, sleep is normalized, the morning will begin with a positive wave. If possible, give up the elevator, go on foot instead of riding the bus (2-3 stops).

Method number 4. Spend business time with benefits

  1. If you are forced to spend 5-6 days a week at work, by the nature of the service, do not take your work for hard labor. Since you need to earn money, try to bring the working rhythm into a more vital course.
  2. Do not live from one weekend to others, learn to enjoy every day, regardless of the grumbling of the authorities, a small salary or a boring team.
  3. Chat with colleagues, start the day with a pleasant compliment and friendly gatherings over a cup of tea. You will learn many new things from these people, maybe even find new friends.
  4. At any job you need to look for time to rest. Try to cut out a small break once every 2 hours. Visit the dining room or go to the park for a walk, lie down on the couch, drink tea with a cake, sit on social networks.
  5. Try to make the work schedule correctly. Start the morning with difficult cases, do them as they are received, do not try to do everything at once. At the end of working hours leave petty affairs that do not take a lot of mental or physical resources.
  6. Try to make the workplace as comfortable as possible. Put frames near the computer with photos of children, relatives and friends. Equip space with statues and other small things.Bring your favorite mug from home, select the box for cosmetics.
  7. Many people can afford to do useless things at work, such as watching videos on YouTube or reading silly quotes. Do not be like them, read a book, start learning English, develop in any convenient way.

Method number 5. Set goals and objectives

 Set goals and objectives

  1. Properly placed priorities will help to overcome apathy in a short time. If possible, get a notebook, paint it every day. Specify which primary and secondary matters you need to complete.
  2. If you have global goals, mark them in red. Wishes highlight blue marked "I want." If the target is too large, break it into small sections.
  3. For example, you dream of a house with large windows and a terrace. First you need to buy a plot, then build a foundation, etc. It is advisable to specify a specific section for periods in order not to stretch the target for many years.
  4. As you complete small tasks, you will want a larger one; a similar move will provide additional incentive. Instead of lying on the couch, you start thinking about how to achieve this or that goal.
  5. To achieve a particular dream, specify it. If you want to buy a new car next year, imagine how you are driving. Visualization will stimulate you and make you work.
  6. If we are talking about self-improvement, set the task to learn spoken English / Spanish / Chinese by the New Year. In the case of sports, make a bet with your friends that in 5 months you will pump up a press or lose weight.
  7. No need to set yourself impossible goals, act reasonably. Remember that you need to move slowly but surely. Otherwise, while you are standing still, others take a step forward, thereby leaving you behind.

Method number 6. Get rid of unnecessary things.

  1. Try to get rid of old things that are fraught with negative memories. This may be gifts of a former guy or old things associated with sad moments.
  2. Regularly pick your wardrobe, take everything that you don’t wear to the dump. No need to store old things for “just in case”, the cluttered space is depressing.
  3. Once a week, clean the apartment, if possible keep only the necessary things on the shelves.Get rid of the statues that collect dust.
  4. Try on all the shoes that you have. Surely you will find never put on shoes, which are tight in the toe / heel. Offer good shoes to your friends, and take your old ones to the trash.
  5. It is also worth getting rid of electrical appliances that were left “before repair”. If a man does not take on an unbearable burden, do not need to save a box with trash. Replace the old dishes with new chips and cracks.
  6. These actions will revive you. One has only to try to throw out one or more old things, as the mood immediately improves. You will begin to update your wardrobe as needed, nothing can get rid of apathy better than shopping.

Method number 7. Learn to relax

 Learn to relax

  1. The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark on society. More and more people are immersed in the work entirely, depriving themselves of precious rest. It is important to remember forever that you will not earn all the money in the world, learn to relax.
  2. After completing your daily plan, allow yourself to sit around and read a book. Immerse yourself in your favorite activity entirely, watch your favorite series or take a hot bath.
  3. An excellent option for relaxation is massage and relaxation. Give the body the opportunity to recuperate, otherwise apathy will grow into depression.
  4. Active people relax by traveling or having fun. Passive spend hours behind the TV, it all depends on personal preferences. Do something that is fun.
  5. Observe the regime of work and rest, try to return from work on time, no need to work until the victorious. It has been scientifically proven that workaholics are more easily subjected to apathy than people leading a measured lifestyle.

Method number 8. Get rid of monotony

  1. In most cases, people do not become lazy because they don’t want to do anything. Such behavior is based on monotony, which obliges to do the same thing daily.
  2. To get rid of the sleepy stupor, try to make a variety in everyday life. For example, if your job is to tinker with paperwork, set aside 5 minutes per hour for exercises.
  3. You can also drink tea, go for a walk, talk on the phone with friends. At the same time, it is necessary to move away from the PC without performing several tasks at the same time.
  4. Exercise for hands and eyes, look for any opportunity to stroll. Go to the water cooler, consult with colleagues at the next table. At this time, the brain will rest a bit, you will have the strength for new achievements.

Change the situation, go on a trip or make a permutation in the apartment. Do not allow monotony, communicate more with colleagues, learn to relax, play sports. Set goals and goals, get rid of unnecessary things, start the morning correctly.

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