How to survive the menopause: tips and medicine

Every woman's life is cyclical and is accompanied by such cycles as puberty, then comes the age when you can have children, and finally, with age, when the functions for the continuation of the species fade into the background, there is a menopause. Many women are very difficult to endure this period. Usually the age of a woman when these processes begin to occur is 50-60 years. Since this is a natural process, and therefore should not somehow deal with it. You should simply deal with the symptoms themselves, to ease this period.

 How to survive the menopause


First you need to decide on the symptoms that occur during menopause.

The most frequent signs of menopause:

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Irritability.
  • Drastic mood swings.
  • Hard breath.
  • Changes in metabolism.

All these processes may indicate that a person has started menopause. Based on this, you can very carefully begin to deal with the symptoms.

There are several ways to "work" with menopause:

  • Folk remedies.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • General therapeutic massage.
  • Drug.

You can choose any of them, but the combined approach will most effectively be used to relieve the symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

Acute conditions

If you have an acute state (tides), you should first calm down. To do this, take a breath gradually make it deeper and slower. As a rule, after several such breaths, the person calms down, and the state returns to normal.


Climax is associated with a change in the amount of estrogen in the body. Therefore, you should choose a diet that excludes fatty foods.

  • It is necessary, if possible, to reduce the use of meat products, fish.
  • Add to the diet more fresh vegetables.
  • You should also reduce the number of flour products, sweet.
  • It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day.
  • You should also reduce the use of cigarettes, and it is better to completely give up the bad habit.
  • Give up alcohol.

Therapeutic fasting

Before the change of nutrition is recommended to hold a three-day medical fasting on the water. You should gradually go into fasting, for a week, eat only vegetarian food and the day after you go out of fasting - just drink fresh juices. Fasting helps relieve tension, calms the nervous system, removes toxins, keeps the body's microflora in order, and improves the overall condition of the body.

Folk remedies

Throughout the history of mankind, a great many means have been invented that reduce the severity of the menopausal syndrome.

Red clover
Separately, I would like to highlight the red clover. Its effectiveness in the climax is associated with the presence of phytoestrogens in it. The action of these substances is associated with bringing the body's metabolism to normal. Also, red clover contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins such as retinol and C.It should be drunk in the evening for 1 наст4 glasses of red clover tincture to achieve greater effect.

Over the effectiveness of this method has already convinced many people. Scientists have conducted a large number of tests with the participation of people who confirm the effectiveness of clover during menopause.

Green Cocktails
Green shakes are very effective. They have a large number of phytoestrogens, which have a huge positive effect on the body. It is recommended to drink a glass of green cocktail every day in the morning, Besides the fact that it reduces the severity of menopausal syndrome, more vital energy will appear.

Also showed its effectiveness honey. He has a lot of antioxidants. They play an important role in cleaning the body of various toxins. It is most effective to drink a glass of warm milk with a tablespoon of honey before bedtime. This will have an additional positive effect on the nervous system.


During menopause, it is important to have a positive emotional mood. A very positive effect will be obtained from a walk in nature, hiking in the mountains, rest on the sea, in the park. It is good to be in nature and hear the singing of birds and other animals.It also makes sense to do any kind of dance. With menopause, such types of dances as the Argentine tango or Bachata are very effective. For each person, something interesting may be interesting.


A very important role is played by physical exertion during menopause. It is important to carry out exercises in such a way as to first of all bring the general condition of the body back to normal, and only then include special exercises aimed at the work of the ovaries.

First of all, it is necessary to accelerate the metabolism in the body and use the main muscle groups. To do this, you can perform three types of exercises in order: squats, press, push-ups. It is recommended to perform the exercises from the minimum comfortable number of times, and further increase the number to 100 times per group. To achieve the therapeutic effect of the exercise must be performed every day. Deep-squats, in turn, very well activate the blood supply to the ovaries, which has a beneficial effect on the passage of menopause.

In the future, it is recommended to add stretching exercises to this complex, since the health of the body directly depends on the elasticity of the muscles.A good option for stretching during menopause is yoga, because, in addition to stretching, it has a calming, relaxing effect and causes the nervous system to return to normal. Of the complexes for yoga, the most effective are Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Viñas. It is recommended to practice at least once a week.

Menopause is often accompanied by difficulty breathing, and for this, yoga provides special exercises to improve the functioning of the respiratory system. The two most effective ones are Kapalabhati and Nadi-Shodhana. After performing these exercises, the person’s breathing becomes calmer and deep with time.

It is also recommended to include in the program of classes (at least once a week) in swimming or jogging to train the heart muscle. Cardiac loads are also very helpful in cleaning the body of toxins.


It is very effective to use both a general classical massage and a deeply relaxing one. As a rule, a course of ten massages is prescribed. An important role is the choice of the masseur. It is best to choose from the circle of your friends or on the recommendations.Massage works most effectively if the person is also engaged in physical activity.

 Massage during menopause

The effectiveness of the massage is to relieve tension, a general sedative effect and bring the organs to normal tone. Also effective is the use of massage with honey, as it includes a strong cleaning of the body due to the antioxidant properties of honey. It will also be a plus if the masseur adds acupressure to the main course.

Medical methods

From drugs can be divided into three groups of drugs that will be applicable during menopause:

  • antidepressants;
  • vitamins;
  • hormonal drugs.

Used to reduce the symptoms of neurotic nature, seizures, irritability. As a rule, the effect of the drug is to blunt the vegetative system. Most popular at the moment: Efevelon, Velafax, Prozac. Discharged only as a last resort, since all antidepressants adversely affect health.

When menopause occurs a large restructuring of the body. The body needs an increased amount of building substances, so vitamins should be taken to maintain health.

Any multivitamin complexes will do. The best absorbed complexes that dissolve in water.

Hormonal drugs
When menopause decreases the level of the female hormone estrogen. Some people by this age have already lost the natural mechanism of production of this hormone, so they are recommended to use hormonal drugs that lead to the level of estrogen to normal. The most effective at the moment: Estrovel, Klimadinon, Femalgin, Feminal.

Video: how women survive menopause and menopause

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