The content of the article
- 1 How often to replace the ficus
- 2 What land is suitable for transplant ficus
- 3 How to disinfect the soil for ficuses
- 4 What material should be a pot for ficus
- 5 What size to take a pot for ficus
- 6 Do I need drainage for ficus
- 7 How to transplant ficus
- 8 Some recommendations
- 9 Video: how to quickly and easily propagate the ficus
Despite the fact that the ficuses have been grown for a long time by flower growers on window sills, very few people know about competent care. Particularly painful topic pot change. How to transplant ficus at home? There are many nuances. Now we will sort everything in detail.
How often to replace the ficus
This plant has a rich green mass, food consumes a lot, especially in childhood. Therefore, ficuses up to 6 years are transplanted every year. This will change the soil and ensure the normal growth of shoots.
Plants older than 7 years are practically not transplanted, but only regularly update the top layer of soil in the tank. This does not mean that the ficus has become quite old soil.Just for 7 years, often the plant reaches a height of 2 meters and has a large green mass. Such a miracle is difficult to transplant without damage, therefore, limited to a partial change of land.
Council Without fanaticism, loosen the top layer of soil, otherwise when it is replaced tear off the small feeding roots.
What land is suitable for transplant ficus
Many do not puzzle, but simply buy ready-made soil in the store. You should not do this, because in the package often there is lowland peat with a large number of unnecessary impurities. After all, even ordinary sand strongly cements the soil, which is bad for air permeability and prevents water from being absorbed during irrigation.
- sod land
- small gravel
- rich garden land
- well rotted manure or compost
- high peat
All this good is taken in equal quantities, and then thoroughly mixed. Now it is necessary to disinfect the mixture and can be safely transplanted. Ficus of all varieties like this soil.
Council Do not take sod or land near roads, highways or pistes.Everyone understands that there is a huge amount of harmful substances. Do not be lazy to go to the forest or park.
How to disinfect the soil for ficuses
There are only 3 methods available and easily accomplished at home.
Frost. The finished soil is poured into a tight bag, then placed in the freezer for a day. Get out, give thawed, again freeze day. After the second thawing, the earth is ready for transplant.
Calcination. The soil is poured into a baking sheet with a layer of not more than 5 cm, then placed in the oven. The processing time is 30-32 minutes, the temperature is + 105-110 ° C. After cooling the soil is ready.
Potassium permanganate The entire volume of the earth is watered with a strong hot (+ 90 ° C) solution of potassium permanganate until complete wetting. Then the container with the soil is closed with a thick film or foil for 1 hour. The soil is ready to transplant in 12 hours.
Council Be sure to spill the earth with a solution of phytosporin. Let beneficial microorganisms develop in a sterile environment.
What material should be a pot for ficus
It doesn't matter at all. The plant feels great in plastic and ceramics. The only wish: for adults, picks choose a clay pot or even a heavy wooden tub. And it's not about the inertia of the material. Everything is completely pragmatic.Just such a container often has a decent weight, so the tree does not tumble. A plastic container is very light, it is likely that the ficus will tip over.
What size to take a pot for ficus
Despite the impressive volume of the aerial parts, the root system of all ficuses is very small. Therefore, it is not necessary to replant the plant in a huge tub. With this planting, the roots will not be able to master the entire volume of the soil. It will quickly turn sour, begin to be covered with bloom and smell bad.
It should be guided by the principle of plus 2. That is, a new pot should be larger than the previous one no more than 2 cm in diameter.
The exception is made up of adult specimens with a height of more than 2 m. They will have to be transplanted in a container with a volume of at least 20 liters. Again, only so that the flower does not turn over. But at the same time, it is necessary to replace part of the land with a new one once a year, because the transplant of such large plants is rather problematic.
Do I need drainage for ficus
Be sure to. Even if there are already special holes in the tank, there should still be a small drainage system. The fact is that the root system of all ficuses reacts very negatively even to short-term stagnant moisture.Almost immediately begins the decay of the roots, and there and before the disease or the strongest leaf fall hand to hand.
It is better to protect your pet from such unpleasant surprises than rushing convulsively in search of a cure. A good drainage function is performed:
- gravel
- broken brick
- pebbles
- expanded clay
- ceramic or clay shards
And the eggshell, peat, sphagnum are completely unsuitable. These materials increase the acidity of the soil, and rubber plants do not like this kind of soil. Plus, such drainage will be compressed very quickly and will cease to perform its function.
Council When laying, make sure that the holes in the bottom of the container are not blocked with small stones or shards. Otherwise, this price is worthless.
How to transplant ficus
Well, all the subtleties and the necessary nuances are described, now you can go directly to the transplant process. If the hands grow from the shoulders, then such an operation is not difficult.
It is not necessary to replant the ficus immediately after watering. To get it from the old pot with wet swollen soil will be problematic, and the dirt will be transported. But a slightly dried earthen room is easily removed.
It is necessary to knock lightly on the walls of the container, then with a sharp knife to hold between them and the soil, separating the adherent roots. Now carefully for the base of the trunk ficus pull out. A little shake off the soil from the roots, inspect them for rotting or disease. At the ready there should be a new pot with drainage and a small amount of soil at the bottom. A ficus is neatly placed in it along with a part of the old soil. The distance between the roots and the walls of the pot is carefully covered with new soil. If necessary, you can help yourself with a stick or even a spoon.
You shouldn't press down the ground much, it will settle after watering, but it will remain breathable. Then you can just add a little more on top. Only carefully remember, at what height was the point of growth of the ficus. It is not recommended to deepen or strongly raise it. Otherwise, the plant will adapt for a long time, or even fall ill.
At the end of the procedure, the pot is returned to a permanent place of residence and well shed. It is advisable to spray the ficus with a solution of any adaptogen once. Aloe juice, zircon, epin - they greatly help the plant to transfer the transplant more easily and activate their own vital forces.
Council Losing a few leaves after transplanting is a completely natural process.But the fallout of more than 3 sheets per day already speaks about the violation of technology and the reason to look for your mistakes during transplantation.
Some recommendations
- You should not transfer the ficus to a new pot every year if it feels great. Signal to transplant are protruding roots from the drainage holes or above the ground. A stunted growth without signs of oppression or illness also suggests the need to replace the soil.
- Do not try to transplant an adult ficus alone. Enlist an assistant. It is much easier for the two to hand over such a colossus to a new pot without harm and unnecessary damage.
- Never shake the ficus during transplantation. He has very fragile shoots and stalks that can break off from any careless movement.
- Instead of gravel, pieces of charcoal can be added to the soil. Do not try to put chopped bark in the soil mixture, as some sources recommend. This makes the soil very sour, and rubber plants do not like this composition.
- After transplantation, it is forbidden to feed the plant for at least a month. Otherwise, a surplus of nutrients is possible, to which the ficus will react in an inherent manner - it will shed its leaves.Let the plant adapt first, get used to the new ground. As soon as there are signs of growth, you can begin to give supplements in small doses, gradually bringing it to the usual rate.
How to transplant ficus at home? It turns out very simple. Preparation of materials takes more time than the process itself. If done correctly, the transplant will pass for the plant quickly and painlessly. Falling leaves, which so sin all varieties of figs, will not happen.
Video: how to quickly and easily propagate the ficus
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