How to switch to proper nutrition: 6 ways

Modern people are increasingly thinking about how useful foods they eat. This thinking is logical, because the accelerated daily routine leads to the use of fast food and other junk food. Hence the need to switch to proper nutrition. Many believe that a healthy diet requires considerable financial expenditures, but this proposition is erroneous. All you need is time. The frequency of eating up to 5 times a day, while for every meal has its own dish.

 How to switch to proper nutrition

Features of proper nutrition

  1. The basis of the daily menu is fish, beef and veal, pork pulp, poultry, fish of any origin. In short, all these products you eat almost daily, so no additional funds for the purchase are required.
  2. One more main point - fresh vegetables, greens (obligatory!), Fruits, seasonal berries.In the refrigerator should always have the listed products, because they need to be consumed in the amount of 30-40% of the daily volume of food.
  3. The low-cost products included in the correct menu also include skimmed milk, cereals and legumes, eggs. White bread will have to be abandoned; whole-grain products come to replace it.
  4. Compliance with proper nutrition is not without water. You will need to radically revise your lifestyle, if necessary, install the application on your smartphone. It will signal that you need to drink. It is advisable to choose thawed or filtered water, suitable mineral water without gas.

How to switch to proper nutrition

The process is not difficult, but includes certain nuances. Let's talk about them in order.

Rule number 1. Change habits

  1. If you are used to eating a lot, but rarely, it's time to get rid of such attachments. The main rule of proper nutrition is eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. The meal consists of 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. The interval between them should not exceed the figure of 3 hours.If to speak conditionally, the day is divided into breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack, dinner, another snack (optional).
  3. If you are determined, be prepared to completely eliminate the use of alcohol. This especially applies to beer and strong alcohol. Every 3-4 weeks you can pamper yourself with a glass of dry wine (not more than 150 ml.).
  4. Proper nutrition is associated with a healthy lifestyle. As soon as you enter the rhythm and begin to eat on the schedule, sign up for the gym. Stop smoking, tobacco contributes to the blockage of blood vessels.
  5. Radically change the arrangement of products in the kitchen. If you live with other family members, push the sweets and junk food to the far corner of the closet. Place a fruit basket on the table and push the milk in the fridge forwards.
  6. A portion of food with proper nutrition does not exceed 300 grams. Therefore, there is no need to keep large plates with you. Replace them with small bowls and saucers, exclude dishes of red and yellow shades (these colors cause a feeling of hunger).

Rule number 2. Observe drinking regime.
 Drinking mode

  1. Water activates all metabolic processes in the body, saturates cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Never neglect this rule, drink more water.
  2. The average person needs to use about 2.3-2.5 liters. clean liquid. Depending on the season, the individual characteristics of the body and physical activity, the rate may vary by 200-300 ml.
  3. In addition, the use of water should be supplemented by drinking natural yoghurts, milk, fresh juices, herbal teas. From the diet it is necessary to eliminate sweet soda, juices in bags, sugar compotes and fruit drinks.
  4. Green tea lovers should be careful, you can not drink it more often 4 times a day for 250 ml. The composition washes out calcium from the body, as a result of which hair, nails and skin are affected.
  5. Start your morning awakening according to all the rules. We woke up, washed, drank 300 ml. melt water with lemon juice and honey. Such a move will push the body to the fact that it's time to swing faster.

Rule number 3. Buy healthy products

  1. Before you go to the supermarket make a list of only useful products. Eat tightly so as not to put harmful ingredients into the basket (snacks, sausage, etc.).
  2. Make a list in such a way that it contains 30% of the daily volume of vegetables, 20% of fruits, 20% of greens.Be sure to buy eggs, lean meat, whole-grain bread, low-fat jelly (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk).
  3. With proper nutrition, special attention is paid to Chinese cabbage and Iceberg lettuce. The listed ingredients can be eaten at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. Salad is complemented with each dish.
  4. Buy wheat, rye, flax bran. They need to be added to kefir, first and second courses, soups, milkshakes, etc. Be sure to include in the list of legumes, in particular beans, it contains a lot of protein.
  5. As the morning begins with breakfast, make sure that there is an oatmeal in the basket (not in bags of sugar and cream). If desired, mix the oatmeal with chia or flax seeds.
  6. Vegetable salads are dressed with refined first-grade olive oil or apple cider vinegar (6% concentration). Twice a week you can eat butter.
  7. Get a hard or soft not very salty cheese in the hypermarket. A useful purchase will be fish oil capsules, the drug is sold in a pharmacy. Drink a course 1 time in six months.

Rule number 4. Eliminate junk food
 Unhealthy food

  1. The transition to a healthy diet involves eating steamed food. Completely save yourself from fried foods, add less salt and spicy seasonings.Refuse sausages.
  2. It is not recommended to use canned food (sprats, vegetables in oil, etc.). Replace crunchy pickles and other pickling products with frozen vegetables and legumes. You can buy a mixture of beans, eggplants, mushrooms, Bulgarian pepper, rice, etc.
  3. White bread causes enormous damage to the figure and the whole body, especially the intestines. It does not carry any benefit, so this product should be excluded. Replace the wheat product with a bread loaf, an integrated product from whole grains.
  4. You should forget about beet sugar forever, use brown sand, honey or stevia (natural substitute). Refuse baking, sweets and other sweets. If necessary, eat a little bitter chocolate.

Rule number 5. Do not forget to have breakfast

  1. Breakfast should be 1/3 day meal. If you have long working days or there is a strong physical exertion, set aside for the morning meal half the daily rate of food. Optionally, divide the amount into 2-3 meals every half hour.
  2. Begin the day with a glass of lemon water, after a quarter of an hour, start a meal. A perfect mix of flax and oatmeal with seasonal berries and fruits is ideal for breakfast. You can also eat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, yogurt, milkshake, cereal bars.
  3. Coffee whets the appetite and burns calories, the controversial drink. Do not give it up. Drink 40-50 ml. clean espresso after meals. Add a spoonful of honey or stevia as desired. Use the drink without milk and cream.
  4. If you treat yourself to people who never eat breakfast, try to eat at least 1 sandwich with cheese. The main thing is to send a signal to the brain to activate all metabolic processes. It is allowed to eat chocolate in the morning, a portion - no more than 30 grams.

Rule number 6. Do not forget to snack
 Light snack

  1. As mentioned above, a healthy diet should include 2-4 snacks. For example, in the morning you had breakfast, in half an hour eat an apple, pear or grapes. After about 1 hour, eat breakfast a second time, after 30 minutes, have a snack with a cereal bar.
  2. Snacks must be correct, just such a move will allow you to eat and not get fat.If you use only healthy foods, snacks will no longer be limited to time and portions.
  3. As an intermediate meal you can enjoy vegetable or fruit salads, nuts of any type (not more than a day,) dairy products, bread cakes with fish or cheese.
  4. You should not eat on the go, give yourself 10 minutes of time for a feast. Eat in silence, do not turn on the TV or music. Focus on the movement of the jaw and tongue.
  5. Experienced nutritionists recommend cooking cocktails from skimmed milk, honey and seasonal berries. You can add a raw egg or pure protein (sold in a sports nutrition store) to a drink. Cocktail quickly fills the body and retains a feeling of satiety for 1.5 hours.
  6. If by the nature of the service you cannot eat properly in the corporate canteen, prepare food in advance. Pack it in containers and go to work. Try not to eat the dish without preheating.

The transition to proper nutrition does not require special forces and finances. You must admit that the listed products are much cheaper than the daily consumption of fast food at McDonald's, KFS or Burger King.All you have to take care of is the presence of the necessary components in the refrigerator.

Video: how to start eating right

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