How to wash the foundation with clothes

It is difficult to find a woman or girl with clean and smooth skin. Even popular actresses look perfect only on the covers of magazines. And this requires the skill of the photographer and a huge amount of decorative cosmetics. We also try to hide minor flaws - bags under the eyes, pimples, wrinkles, freckles. The best way to do this is foundation. High-quality concealer is able to transform the face, dropping from it for more than a dozen years. But what if the brown makeup base got on the clothes? Often in the place of pollution remains an erosive footprint, which is difficult to get rid of. How to wash the foundation with clothes, try to figure it out.

 How to wash the foundation with clothes

How to remove traces of foundation with different types of clothing

Depending on the type and density of the fabric, you need to use certain means to remove stains. Consider the most popular types of fabrics and effective ways to clean them.

  1. Cotton. Wiping tonal cotton products is quite difficult, since the oily texture is absorbed deep into the fibers of natural fabric. Get rid of this stain will help ordinary soap. To do this, rub the wet cloth with soap, brush on the garment and leave it for a while. After that, the clothes should be washed by hand or in a typewriter.
  2. Synthetics. Synthetic products are well cleaned with simple stain removers. If the thing is white, you can use chlorine bleach. It is easy to wipe off synthetics; it is enough to soak it in hot water for a few hours and rub the stain.
  3. Wool. It is possible to clear wool products from foundation even without washing. To do this, sprinkle a fresh stain of foundation starch and leave it for a while. Starch perfectly absorbs a fat basis, without leaving marks. After that, the fabric must be cleaned with a brush. The stain will become much less noticeable. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  4. Silk. To cope with the stain on this delicate fabric will help the special soap "Antipyatnin", which is designed to remove various contaminants. Rub a damp cloth with soap and wash gently with your hands. You should not use a brush - gentle silk can suffer.
  5. Jeans Denim is a fairly dense material and the tone is easily cleaned if you act immediately. Remove dried out marks from tonals with lemon juice. Dissolve lemon juice or acid in warm water and dip jeans into a basin. Leave the fabric for an hour, and then rub the dirt - there will be no trace of the foundation.

Remember, if you have a high-quality foundation - it deeply eats into the fibers, it is much more difficult to wash it off.

How to wash the foundation with improvised means

There are many ways to remove stains from foundation, for the implementation of which you do not have to leave the house. Cleansers are already at your fingertips!

  1. Makeup remover. Indeed, why reinvent the wheel, if a ready-made tool that can dissolve the foundation, is already on your shelf.Take the milk, gel or tonic that you use for makeup remover. Apply a little on the stain and leave to react for half an hour. After that, clothes can be washed as usual.
  2. Petrol. For cleansing the fabric is suitable not simple, but purified gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores. Before putting petrol on clothes, put a white napkin or a cotton pad under the fabric so that the pollution passes over there. Apply some gasoline to the stain and leave for a while. If necessary, change the napkin to a clean one. Gasoline perfectly cleans clothes, but can damage too delicate and thin fabrics. It is not recommended for cleansing silk and velvet.
  3. Alcohol. Vodka, cologne or other alcohol-containing liquids will help get rid of foundation on fur products. Dampen a cotton pad in it and wad around the contaminated area with cotton wool. When the fur is cleaned, you just need to wipe it with a wet gauze cloth.
  4. Vinegar and soda. Water the stain with diluted vinegar, about 10%. When the fabric has sufficiently absorbed the liquid, sprinkle the stain with baking soda.A reaction may begin - bubbles will appear and a slight hiss will be heard - this is normal. Leave the garment for a while longer, and then rinse with plenty of water. This way you can even remove old marks from the foundation.

Before using any product, apply a small amount on the wrong side of the fabric. If the thing in this place is not shed, you can safely use the cleansing composition for its intended purpose.

How to remove a fat stain from foundation

Some types of cosmetics are made on a fat creamy basis. Often, after washing there are greasy traces that are difficult to get rid of. You can eliminate such fat stains with ordinary dishwashing detergent. In its composition there are special components that quickly and effectively break down fat. Just apply a little dish gel on the wet cloth and leave for a couple of hours. If necessary, the stain can be rubbed several times. Then send the clothes to the washing machine, adding a little more dish gel to the powder. Put on an extra rinse mode to get rid of residual detergent. After such manipulations of the spots will not remain a trace.

How to wash the foundation with white clothes

As luck would have it, stains most often appear on white clothes or underwear. It is very unpleasant to see a crystal white fabric with brown marks. If simple soap and stain removers do not help, you can try to bleach the fabric with improvised means.

For starters, you can try to remove stains ammonia and salt. Dip the contaminated area with salve and then sprinkle it with salt. If necessary, the stain can be rubbed with a brush. Then wash the clothes in the usual way and rinse twice. The ammonia does not just remove the stain, but also perfectly bleaches the fabric. And salt doubles the effect of ammonia. White tissues can also be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Simply apply the liquid to the stain and leave for an hour. And then add the peroxide to warm water and soak the cloth in it. After such manipulations the stain will disappear.

If you have soiled your clothes, try to lock it in as soon as possible. After all, fresh stains are easy to remove, and old ones are much more difficult. In order to avoid future tonal cream on things, you need to be extremely careful when applying makeup.Very often traces of foundation remain on the collar when we put on or take off clothes. To avoid this, you need to apply makeup after the right dress is worn. If you doubt your abilities - dear and beloved jacket is better to give dry cleaning. But only immediately, and not after numerous attempts to correct everything on their own. And then you can again happy to wear your favorite little thing!

Video: how to wash cosmetics with clothes or hair

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