How to wash beets: 9 effective ways

Surely you are disappointed when there are pink spots on clothes when cooking borsch or beet salad? Beetroot is considered to be a real food dye - its juice is added to a cream or homemade sausage to make the dishes appetizing-pink. What to do if beet juice got on clothes? How to remove these difficult spots?

 How to wash beets

How to get rid of fresh traces after beets

If you are dirty clothes just now, you need to act instantly. A quick response will help you clean the fabric effortlessly. To do this, remove the item and bring it to the tap with the hottest water possible. It is necessary to hold the fabric so that hot water passes through the sheet, right through the stain. Be careful not to burn your hands. You can simply put clothes in the sink and pour boiling water from the kettle.However, first make sure that the fabric allows for high water temperatures. Some types of synthetic colored fabric may shed from boiling water.

After that, put the clothes in a washing machine and add a little stain remover to the powder. This will protect you from unexpected stains - you might not notice the small beet juice splashes.

If you are soiled with juice at a party and there is no way to immediately lock up your clothes, just sprinkle it with salt. Salt will absorb the remnants of the juice and allow you to subsequently wash out traces without much difficulty.

How to wash beets

If the spot was planted a few days or even months ago, it is also possible to get rid of it. For this there are lots of useful recipes.

  1. Milk. This is a proven method that helps remove stains from fresh beets. If the stain is small, pour the milk into a glass or cup and dip a piece of cloth that has been contaminated into the container. If the whole thing has suffered, it will need to be soaked completely. Literally in a few minutes the milk will react with the beet juice and there will be no trace of the stain.
  2. Vinegar and baking soda. Mix these two ingredients and immediately apply the mixture to the stain. It is important that the reaction of interaction took place on the fabric. You can do otherwise - first pour the fabric with vinegar, and then sprinkle with soda. After half an hour, clothes can be washed and dried.
  3. Lemon juice. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on the stain and leave for 5 minutes. Keep the lemon on clothes for a long time can not, otherwise the acid corrodes the fabric. In this way, you can clean the cotton or linen, but the silk can deteriorate. Instead of fresh lemon juice, you can use citric acid, diluted in high concentrations. This composition can be cleaned of beets, not only fabric, but also cutting boards, the surface of the kitchen table.
  4. Wine alcohol. Heat a little ethyl alcohol and apply to the stain. Leave for a while, and then wash as usual. For reliability, you can add a little ethyl in the drum during washing.
  5. Ammonia. Apply some ammonia to a cotton pad or dish sponge. Try to wipe the beet stain with cautious movements. Then soak the clothes in warm water with the addition of two tablespoons of ammonia.Rinse your clothes several times and leave to dry in a ventilated place so that there is no smell. In this way, you can only clean white things, color can shed.
  6. Egg and glycerin. Beat egg yolk and glycerin in a small bowl so that the components are mixed in approximately equal proportions. Apply the prepared product to the beet stain and leave to dry completely. After that, wash the cloth in a typewriter or by hand.
  7. Oxalic acid. You can buy it at any hardware store. Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of acid in 100 ml of water and moisten with a cotton pad. Under the spot itself, too, place a disc or piece of unwanted white cloth. Press the stain between two cotton pads. If necessary, they should be replaced with clean ones. Oxalic acid perfectly removes food traces.

To implement many of these recipes, you don’t even have to run to the store - surely the ingredients are in your first aid kit or kitchen box.

How to wash beets professional means

On the shelves there are many effective tools that will help you to remove beet spots.If the clothes got traces of fat borscht, help ordinary dishwashing liquid. It is able to break down food dyes and get rid of grease stains. Just apply a little gel for dishes on the wet cloth and leave for half an hour. Add some more gel to the drum of the washing machine for reliability.

It is possible to wipe off almost any stain with the help of ordinary, undeservedly forgotten laundry soap. It contains a lot of acids that can remove many of the pollution. Instead of laundry soap, you can use antipyatin. This is a special soap for removing various types of dirt.

In the hardware stores colorless crystals are sold, this is sodium hydrosulfate. It must be diluted with water so as to obtain a concentrated mixture. If you soak clothes in it, you can clean the fabric not only from beetroot, but also from many other hardly removable food stains.

The easiest way to cleanse the fabric is to use modern stain removers. Their composition includes components that penetrate deep into the fibers and remove pollution in a matter of minutes.Among the most powerful and popular cleaning compositions can be noted Vanish, Amway, Ac, Astonish, Bos, Ushasty Nyan, Faberlik and others. If the white thing is spoiled, by all means use chlorine bleach. It will not only get rid of the beet stain, but also give the fabric a crystal whiteness.

A few decades ago, beet juice was used instead of cosmetics - as a persistent and bright blush. Modern technologies allow us to clean not only the skin and kitchen utensils from beets, but even the thinnest fabrics. Use our tips to get rid of beet traces quickly and efficiently!

Video: how to remove beet stains

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