How to wash iodine from clothes: effective ways

Stains from iodine are considered to be difficult to remove. For this reason, many people face difficulties regarding withdrawal of the drug from clothing. The process requires time and effort, it can not be called easy. Experienced hostesses through trial and error brought out effective recipes. It is not necessary to take the thing to dry cleaning, you can try to remove the pollution on its own. First of all, follow the practical recommendations and follow the important aspects.

 How to wash iodine from clothes

Tips for removing iodine from clothing

  1. Before using the tool, conduct a preliminary test. It will help assess the response of tissue to a particular drug. To make it right, select a separate section of fabric, process it from two sides. Wait a certain period of time, wash and evaluate the result. If the tissue is not dyed, is not "broken", proceed to the procedure.
  2. Wash clothes only on the wrong side. Place an unpainted wood wrapped with a cotton napkin or towel in the front.
  3. It is important to understand that harsh chemicals and bleaches should not be used on dyed, synthetic and delicate fabrics. Ignoring this recommendation, you risk getting a damaged product at the outlet. The same applies to denim, which sheds in lightly warm water.
  4. During processing, iodine can “spread out” over the entire surface of the tissue. To prevent this, begin clearing from the edges, gradually moving towards the center. Handle the dirt itself with soft circular motions, do not press, do not rub the stain.
  5. If iodine is spilled on clothing just now, blot it gently with toilet paper or dry wipes on both sides. Then immediately use the selected detergent, do not wait for the composition to dry.
  6. When you manage to remove the iodine stain from clothes, immediately wash the item in a household machine, be sure to add air conditioning. Dry the product in the open air away from ultraviolet rays.

Effective ways to eliminate iodine stains

There are basic ways to remove iodine stains from clothing. Consider each of them in order.

To remove contamination, use whole milk with fat content of 3.2 and above. Preheat it in the microwave or in a water bath, put a plastic film under the stain, pour the composition onto the iodine trail.

The duration of exposure is 30-40 minutes. Next, you need to wash the thing in cool water and rub it with soap. If the trail is not completely removed, leave the product for another 1 hour. Otherwise, perform a conventional machine or hand wash with the addition of air conditioning.

Send clothes to the household machine. If a stain of iodine forms on cotton or linen, set the maximum temperature setting. When the cycle is complete, proceed to the processing of still wet spots. Mix in one weight 20 ml. filtered water, 40 g. chalk powder and 35 ml. liquid glycerin.

 Glycerin for iodine stains

Rub the prepared composition of the trace, attach the food film over the pollution, wait 5 hours. During this time, the composition is absorbed into the fabric and draws iodine, you will only have to rinse your clothes or do another wash (machine, hand). Dry the thing only in the open air.Make sure that the fabric is not under the direct influence of ultraviolet radiation.

One of the common ways is acetone. You can use as a nail polish remover, and the drug in its pure form. Dampen a cosmetic disc in the product, treat the contaminated area with it, leave it for 20 minutes.

Blot the stain with paper napkins, repeat the manipulations until you achieve the desired result. Acetone should not be used on delicate products because it destroys the fibers of the fabric. If we are talking about flax or cotton, you can use an industrial solvent in small quantities.

To prepare an effective mass, take 35 grams. potato or corn starch, add to it 6 ml. turpentine and 4 ml. ammonia (ammonia). Mix the indicated components with a fork, soak the thing in warm, possibly hot water. Spread the compound throughout the stain, attach a piece of polyethylene. Soak the mixture on the product for about 1 hour.

When the specified time has elapsed, remove the remnants of paper towels, rub the iodine stain with an old toothbrush or sponge.If you are not satisfied with the result, re-apply the mixture. In cases where it was possible to remove the stain, wash the clothes in the usual way with the addition of air conditioning.

Dishwasher Cleaner
The composition is effective in the case of old and new pollution. It can not be used on wool and delicate products. Prepare a basin, pour in 4,5 l. water temperature of 45 degrees. Add 110 ml. composition for dishwashers and 120 ml. glycerol.

Dip the clothes in the composition, "sink" it, cover the basin with a bag or film. Leave the thing soaked for 5 hours, then rinse it in the usual way and send it to the household machine.

Stain remover
The easiest and most common way to remove stains is to use professional stain removers. The main aspect of the application is considered the moment that the product is produced in the company of powder, gel or soap. Choose the form of release at its discretion.

There is no single guideline for the use of the drug, it all depends on the manufacturer. Consider the following options that are well established in the market.These include Sarma, Ushasty Nyan, Minute, Vanish, Antipyatin, Amway, Edelstar, Ecover, Frau Schmidt, Domestos.

The general instruction looks like this: soak the clothes in the preparation, wait for the interval specified in the instructions, wash the thing with your hands or in a typewriter. Dry in fresh air away from direct sunlight.

Ammonia or ammonia is used in the fight against complex contaminants. To use it, dilute 35 gr. ammonia in 800 ml. water mix. Soak in the resulting solution stained area of ​​the product, leave for 1.5 hours.

 Ammonia from iodine stains

After the time, send the item to be erased in the machine, be sure to pour in a large amount of air conditioning. Otherwise, the fabric is impregnated with an unpleasant smell, which will be difficult to eliminate in the future.

Sodium borate
In common people sodium borate is called "brown". For the preparation of an effective mixture you need 25 grams. fat milk (from 3% and above), 30 ml. Table vinegar, 35 gr. sodium borate. Stir the indicated components with a fork, spread it over the spot, cover with food film.

If the trail of iodine is old, handle contamination on both sides. The duration of exposure of the composition varies in the range of 20-30 minutes. After all the manipulations wash the product in a typewriter or with your hands. Be sure to add air conditioning to eliminate unpleasant odors.

There is another option for using borax. Connect 25 gr. powder with 10 g. citric acid, pour in 20 ml. clean water. Spread hydrogen peroxide on the stain, wait 5 minutes, blot. Next, distribute the cooked product, wait 15 minutes, rinse.

The tool is used on denim. To begin, make a preliminary test to check whether the fabric is shedding or not. Dampen a rag in hot water, wipe the wrong side of the product (not a stain, but a third part). If you notice any paint residue from jeans on the fabric, the iodine stain removal procedure cannot be performed. Contact a dry cleaner so that the experts process the item without any damage to the fibers.

If the stability of the coloring pigment is in order, proceed with the cleaning. Mix potato or corn starch with filtered water so that the output is a pasty mass.Spread it over the stain in a thick layer, leave it for 12 hours. As a result, the stain will turn blue and become slightly noticeable. You only need to carry out the usual machine wash with the addition of bleaching powder.

To make the stain easier to move away, in the process of washing and applying the composition, stretch the fabric, so the cleaning composition will penetrate deep into the fabric fibers. For better removal, use foam sponges, cosmetic tampons, clothes brushes and other tools.

Video: how to remove iodine stain from clothes

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