How to wash the pen with white clothes: 6 ways

Since the beginning of the school year, mothers are faced with a real test of removing various stains from white fabric. Schoolchildren’s blouses and shirts get dirty all the time, but one of the most common and most difficult to remove is dirt from a felt-tip pen.

 How to wash the pen with white clothes

Markers are different, depending on the basis on which they are made. The traces of water markers are the easiest to wash off - usually they leave after a normal wash. Markers can be fatty, alcoholic, chalky, paintwork. Depending on the foundation, you need to choose the stain removing tool that will be as effective as possible.

How to remove the spot from the marker with white clothes

  1. Ammonia and soda Mix ammonia and baking soda so as to obtain a mixture that needs to be applied to the stain. After rinsing clothes and wash them in a washing machine at high temperature. This method is suitable for cleansing stains from water markers.If there is no soda at hand, you can simply pour a little ammonia on the stain and put a piece of unwanted white cloth underneath. Pollution will simply go to the bottom layer.
  2. Alcohol. If the pen is alcohol-based, it can be removed with ordinary medical alcohol. Spread the clothes over a basin or pan so that the stain is on top. Then pour the stain with alcohol. Pollution will just wash off. Instead of medical alcohol, you can use any alcohol-containing solution - cologne or vodka.
  3. Solvent. If the felt-tip pen with which you soiled clothes, on a paint and varnish basis, it is necessary to use paint thinner, nail polish remover, clean gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab with the chosen agent and apply it to the stain for a while. After that, thoroughly rinse and wash the item. This is usually enough. Often, after such a stain is removed, a new problem appears - the smell of gasoline or solvent. To avoid this, it is necessary to dry the item of clothing for a long time in the open air, so that the gasoline finally disappears. If the smell is still present, you can get rid of it by rinsing clothes in lemon water.To do this, the juice of one lemon is dissolved in a pair of liters of water. After such manipulations, there is no trace of an unpleasant smell.
  4. Oil and dishwashing detergent. If you are dirty with oil markers, you need to knock out the wedge with a wedge. Carefully pour some oil on the stain. Do not worry - oil marks remove much easier! When you notice that the stain is pale or gone, the clothes are thoroughly rinsed. The next stage of purification is getting rid of the oil stain. Take the dishwashing gel and apply it on the stain. Leave for half an hour, then put the clothes in the washing machine. After washing you will not find where there was a stain!
  5. Bleach. Most professional stain removers for white linen is a powerful formula against stains of various kinds. Pour the stain over the selected agent and leave for a while. Then wash the clothes in a typewriter, adding a little bleach. You will not only get rid of the stain, but also get the crystal whiteness of your favorite piece of clothing.
  6. Bleach. With a simple bleach, you can remove any stains from white things. Dilute the bleach with water to make a slurry, and then apply this slurry on the stain. Or just wet the clothes and sprinkle with a dry bleach stain.After 15-20 minutes, the stain will discolor and disappear completely. You just need to wash and dry clothes. However, the use of chlorine is possible only in the purification of natural cotton fabrics. By the way, instead of bleaching powder, you can use chlorine-containing detergents for cleaning baths and toilet bowls, for example, Domestos, Vanish, Toilet Duckling.

How to clean white things depending on the type of fabric

For different types of fabric you need to use different stain removers. For example, it is best to clean cotton and synthetics with hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad in it and apply to the stain. As the disc becomes dirty, change it to a clean one. Thus you can completely "pull out" the stain from the fabric.


If you have soiled white jeans, acetone will help you. Moisten a cotton swab in it and apply to the stain. After that, wash the denim at high temperatures.

When contaminated white wool will have to make a lot of effort to remove the stain from the marker. To do this, you need lemon and baking soda. Mix soda with lemon juice to make a slurry.Apply the product in advance on an invisible patch of wool - on the bend or lining. This is done to check the reaction of the fabric, because this mixture is quite aggressive. If the fabric from such a mixture does not skukozhilas and did not lose its color, safely apply the cooked gruel on the stain. This is the last way to bring white wool to life.

Leather items that have been contaminated do not have to be washed. It is enough to wipe them with soap and water with the addition of nail polish remover. This will allow you to quickly and easily return the original look to leather clothing.

Sometimes carpet stains are also exposed to felt pens. To get rid of this kind of stains, you need to process them with warm milk. Dairy products perfectly break down various coloring pigments. You just have to wash the place of pollution with a soap sponge.

If the stain could not be removed, do not rush to get rid of pants, blouses or skirts. You can mask the spot with a beautiful appliqué in the form of lace, embroidery or children's textile pictures.

Traces of the marker on white clothes are not worth the worry.It is only necessary to correctly determine the type of felt-tip pen, and also to take into account the type of fabric when choosing a stain remover. And then return the things crystal white is not difficult.

Video: how to remove stains from a permanent marker in 5 minutes

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