How to wash tile after repair: effective ways

In the process of repair tile is covered with dust, glue, primer and other building materials. Such consequences make housewives clutch their heads, I don’t know what to do. As a rule, cleaning up new housing requires patience and attention to detail. To clean the floor of pollution, it is necessary to apply all sorts of means, which we will talk about today. Consider the important aspects in order and give practical recommendations.

 How to wash the tile after repair

How to wash a tile after repair: types of pollution

In the process of repairing the tile is dirty with building materials of different structures and purposes. It is not always possible to protect the coating, pre-bedded plastic film or newspaper.

Hence the need to clean the tile from construction dust, glue, grout, primer, plaster, sealant, foam, paint or lime.

In large building stores special floor cleaning products are sold, but they can be replaced by home methods. Consider effective ways to order.

How to wash tiles from construction dust

Perhaps, construction dust is considered to be one of the harmless types of pollution. Without it, no repairs can be done, so it makes sense to consider effective cleaning methods.

Before using home remedies, sweep the floor, collect large debris and dirt with a dry rag.

If possible, vacuum the coating, try removing the blade with glue, foam, and other frozen materials. After preparation, proceed to wet cleaning by selecting one of the proposed means.

  1. Lemon acid. Dissolve in 7 l. warm water 120 gr. citric acid, wait for the crystals to dissolve. Dip a rag or mop into the solution, carefully wash the floor from one wall to another (parallel lines).After wet cleaning, open the doors and windows, thoroughly ventilate the room. In addition to cleaning agents, citric acid will make the tile shiny and hide any cracks or scratches.
  2. Table vinegar. To prepare the solution, take 125 ml. Table vinegar (concentration 9%), dilute the product in 5 liters. warm water, mix. Add 1 packet of citric acid, wait for the crystals to dissolve. After that, moisten the mop in the prepared solution, carry out wet cleaning. Next, wipe the floor with a clean, dry cloth, eliminating the possible appearance of streaks.
  3. Powder "Automatic". Pour 8 liters into the bucket. hot water, add 150 gr. washing powder, mix the composition with a wooden spatula so that the crystals are completely dissolved. After that, moisten a rag in the solution, wipe the floor in a circular motion. When the entire tile is cleaned, wipe the cover clean by washing the cloth in clean water. It is important to collect all the foam from the tile so that it does not form stains. If necessary, walk on the cover with a dry cloth.

How to wash tiles from glue

Unlike construction dust, the adhesive solution is more resistant to various cleaning agents, therefore the approach must be solid.

  1. Water. If the glue gets on the tile during processing, remove it with a damp cloth and a rubber spatula. At the same time alternate tools (rag-spatula).
  2. Ammonia. In the case of fresh frozen glue, it is important to soften the composition in time. To do this, pour in a bucket 1 l. water, add 35 ml. liquid ammonia (ammonia) or 100 ml. Table vinegar (concentration 9%). Moisten in the composition of the gauze fabric, folded in several layers. It is important that it is very wet. After that, put a gauze on the stain of glue, leave for 10 minutes. Scrape off the remains with a rubber-tipped spatula, try not to damage the tile.
  3. Acetone. If it was not possible to prevent the glue from getting onto the tile, as a result of which it froze, proceed as follows. Take an old cotton towel and soak it in nail polish remover, construction solvent or acetone. Attach to the adhesive trail, wait half an hour. Periodically moisten the cloth in the solution. After all the manipulations scrape the remnants of the material with a spatula or blade.

How to wash tile grout

Grout is used for sealing joints, which are formed in the process of laying tiles. Ultimately, the tile looks holistic, beautiful. In addition, the mastic for this type of work is quite easily washed off the surface. This cleaning option is ideal for removing soft-cycle blends. Consider the procedure in more detail.

 How to wash tile grout

After you have plastered the seams, wait for the grout to dry (but not completely harden). The top layer will turn whitish, this will be a signal to start cleaning. Dampen a cloth in water, go over the entire surface of the tile, washing the grout as whitewash.

To remove the epoxy grout from the tile surface, purchase a solvent in your hardware store, designed specifically for such purposes. Without it, the tile can hardly be cleaned.

How to wash tiles from primer

As a rule, wall cladding is carried out after tile laying. For this reason, on the tile you can often find white spots that are difficult to clean after hardening.

  1. Water. If the primer just got on the tile, wash it off with warm (almost hot) water. To improve the effect, add 50 grams.sugar, wait for the dissolution of the crystals. Dip the sponge into the solution, wipe off the dirt.
  2. Solvent. An effective cleaning method is industrial solvent, both automotive and construction. It is enough to moisten in the composition of a cosmetic swab or a clean cloth, then wipe the trail from the primer.
  3. Alkali. Acquire an agent that contains alkali. Dampen a napkin or cloth, wipe the tile several times. Finish by wiping the tiles with vinegar.

Universal cleaning methods

  1. "White Spirit". Remove traces of foam, paint, primer and other building materials with a cloth moistened with White Spirit. After processing, wipe the tile with a dry cloth.
  2. Means for washing windows. The most effective and affordable way to clean tile from various kinds of pollution. Get a bottle with a spray, spray the composition on the tile, wipe dry first with cotton cloth, then a microfiber cloth. Carry out the procedure in stages, handle 1-2 square meters. m. tile at a time.
  3. "Cinderella". Purchase a cleaning liquid in a hardware store, use it according to the instructions. After the procedure, wet the tile with water, wipe with a sponge and polish with a soft cloth.
  4. Sandpaper. Try to scrape off large pieces of primer, polyurethane foam, glue, etc., with emery cloth for polishing cars. Choose a degree of abrasiveness from 1000 to 2000. After the procedure, polish the coating with a velvet cloth.

It is easy to wash the tiles from building materials, if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the procedure. Use acetone, vinegar, citric acid or solvent. Remove large parts with a scraper or sandpaper.

Video: how to clean the tile from the cement after repair

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