How to whiten baby things at home

All the moms know firsthand how difficult it is to keep track of an active baby. The child is just beginning to learn the world, and along with this on the clothes appear stains from grass, earth, colored drinks and food. Since washing children's clothes requires a careful approach, there are some difficulties with cleaning. Let's look at effective ways to whiten things baby.

 How to whiten baby things

Method number 1. Soda

  1. Connect 6 l. filtered water with 200 gr. sifted soda, let it dissolve. Enter 55 ml. liquid ammonia, soak baby things in this solution.
  2. The duration of exposure varies from 3 to 5 hours, it all depends on the intensity of pollution. Next, do the washing of things in the machine to remove residual substances.
  3. If the pollution is old or persistent, in this composition it is possible to boil children's clothes. In the future, to maintain whiteness, it is enough to add 150 gr. soda for 10 liters. water in each mixture when washing.

Method number 2. Tar soap

  1. To whiten children's clothes often resort to the use of household or tar soap. The second option is preferable, because in addition it has excellent bactericidal properties.
  2. Rub on a fine-grained grater more than half the bar of soap. Bring 1.5 liters. water to a boil, add chips and additionally add 20 grams. soda
  3. To bleach, take one thing at a time, send it to the boiling liquid for half a minute. Take out, carry out manipulations with the following products.
  4. After the procedure it is necessary to carry out the usual washing in hot water. In this way, many wash diapers and clothes that have persistent stains.

Method number 3. Boric acid

  1. To whiten baby socks, tights or socks, use boric acid. In addition to the excellent lightening properties, it has an antibacterial effect.
  2. Type a full basin of water, enter 40-60 ml.acid and immerse in this composition of clothing. Cover the container with plastic film, note the time. After 2-3 hours, wash things in a household typewriter.

Method number 4. Salt

 How to whiten baby things with salt

  1. If you do not have the above means, use the usual table salt. It perfectly bleaches fresh stains, removes gray and yellowness from prolonged wear.
  2. Measure out 130–150 g. salt, 30 gr. soda, add bulk ingredients in 10 l. hot water and let the granules dissolve. When this happens, enter 50 gr. powder for washing children's clothes.
  3. Dip the clothes in the composition and leave to soak for a few hours. Then rub the product with your hands, doing the usual washing. Complete the rinsing manipulations in a typewriter.

Method number 5. Potassium permanganate with vinegar

  1. The bleaching option is suitable for washing baby clothes that have fresh dirt or old stains. Potassium permanganate is universal, most importantly, do not overdo it with the amount.
  2. Pour 230 ml into the beaker. vinegar concentration of 6%. Send in 2 crystals of manganese and mix to obtain a pinkish tint. Dampen cotton sponge in the solution, begin to treat the spots from the edges to the center.
  3. If there is a need for complex cleaning of the entire surface of things, prepare a solution: for 10 liters.water add so much potassium permanganate to get a light pinkish tint.
  4. Sprinkle 25 gr. powder and mix, soak things in the composition to cool the liquid. Rinse and dry away from direct UV light.

Method number 6. Ethanol

  1. To cope with pollution on silk products, a simple way will do. Rub the stain with soap on a helium basis. Leave the item for 50 minutes.
  2. Heat a small amount of ethyl alcohol to 40 degrees on the steam bath. Dampen a sponge and rub it. Wash the product in the usual way.

Method number 7. Hydroperit and soda

  1. To whiten cotton items from various dirt and yellowness, you need to use a simple way. To do this, dissolve 100 gr. drinking soda in 220 ml. hot water. Add 90 ml to the composition. 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Dissolve in the resulting liquid 1 tablet of hydroperit and 10 ml. ammonia. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. Distribute the product to the areas of contamination. Wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. If the stains do not go away, it is recommended to soak the clothes and leave them on all night.If a fresh stain is found on the fabric, the problem can be solved with a wetted cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide.
  4. To whiten diapers, you need only ammonia. Pour in 15 ml. composition in a basin with warm water. Leave the product to soak for a long time.

Method number 8. Laundry soap

 How to whiten baby clothes with soap

  1. Baby clothes can be washed from complex dirt using laundry soap. To do this, wipe the bar through a small grater. As an alternative, if there is no soap, use tar, taking half the bar.
  2. Pour the chips into a small saucepan, add 1 l to the composition. water and 12 oz. baking soda. Boil the ingredients. Immerse the places of pollution in a seething composition for a few seconds.
  3. How to remove stains from woolen things? Thoroughly rub the place of contamination of wool with laundry soap. Dip the dirty part of the thing for a few seconds in boiling water. If the stain has not gone away, repeat the procedure. After achieving the desired result, the item is recommended to wash the classic way.

Method number 9. Household chemicals

In most cases, housewives resort to household formulations to solve washing problems.Currently, there are several groups with main components. Consider them in order.

  1. Bleach based on chlorine. Such funds are actively used for many years. The downside is that the chemical components adversely affect the fibers of the products. In addition, chlorine-containing substances often provoke the development of an allergic reaction in babies. Therefore, you should not resort to using such compositions for washing children's clothes.
  2. Optical bleach. As for optical brighteners, they do not fundamentally solve the problem. Such tools only mask spots. In addition, the product is quite difficult to wash. Consider, after applying the tools you need to rinse repeatedly. As a result, we can conclude that this bleach is also not suitable
  3. Oxygen bleach. This type of bleach is considered the youngest, as the products on the shelves appeared relatively recently. The undoubted advantage of the composition is that it is suitable for colored and white products. Bleach fix the problem in a benign mode. However, you can cope with all stains.Means provides full disinfection of things. Oxygen bleach can be easily rinsed from any fabric.

It is easy to achieve the whiteness of children's things, if you follow the instructions. Consider common pollution control methods. Be careful with delicate fabrics. Try oxygen bleaching in action.

Video: how to whiten baby underwear soda

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