How to lighten hair folk remedies

Modern dyes can in a few hours turn a burning brunette into a light-headed blonde. But such an aggressive procedure is very bad for the health of hair. After dyeing with powerful chemical compounds, the hair often becomes dry, lifeless, brittle, and sometimes it starts to fall out. That is why most girls and women do not want to put their strands at risk and are looking for more gentle ways of coloring curls. Especially, what are the ways to eat! Some folk remedies will help you change the color of your hair. But you must understand that you cannot change the tone drastically. But a little bit to correct the pigment and lighten it to a semitone quite real.

 How to lighten hair folk remedies

The benefits of home "lightening"

Folk recipes will not only give you the desired shade of bright hair,but will bring real benefit to hair. Chemical paint contains ammonia, which penetrates the hair structure and changes its pigment. After such an impact, the hair scales open, the strands become brittle, thick, and badly combed. Natural means not only do not harm the hair shaft, but also strengthen it. After all, many natural dyes are part of health masks for hair. After such procedures, the strands become smooth, shiny and strong. Often, the growth of new young hairs increases, which over time makes the hair thicker.

In addition, natural dyes are absolutely available - you do not have to spend time and money on expensive salon procedures. You can repeat the coloring every week, adjusting the color and maintaining the result. Moreover, from frequent dyeing the hair does not deteriorate, but becomes even healthier!

What folk remedies will help lighten hair

We will tell you about the most popular ways to lighten hair with natural products. Each of the components acts in its own way,during its application you need to know a lot of secrets and subtleties. Choosing a means of lightening should be carefully, given your hair type.


This is one of the most effective ways to lighten hair. After chamomile strands become not just light, but incredibly smooth and radiant. In addition, chamomile helps get rid of itching and dandruff - it perfectly disinfects and soothes the scalp.

To prepare the broth, we need five tablespoons of chamomile blossoms and a liter of boiling water. Chamomile can be both pharmacy dried and fresh. By the way, fresh chamomile flowers brighten much better. Fill the flowers with boiling water and wrap a tightly closed jar with a towel to give the broth enough time to infuse. After a couple of hours, when the broth is cooled a little, it needs to be drained.

A decoction of chamomile is very useful to rinse your hair after each shampooing. This will keep your curls in tone and lighten it up a little more each time. If you want to get a visible result after the first application, proceed as follows. It is necessary to prepare a very concentrated decoction - about five tablespoons of inflorescences per cup of boiling water. When the decoction is ready, moisten their hair so that there is no dry and unprocessed area left.After that, wrap your head with a wrap and under the towel. In the heat, the reaction is much faster. Remove the mask can be no earlier than 3 hours. After this procedure, the hair will brighten - it will be noticeable not only to you.

There is an even more powerful and effective way to lighten hair with chamomile. For this you need to use additional components. Mix three tablespoons of dried chamomile with a tablespoon of black tea and a teaspoon of colorless henna. Fill all with two glasses of boiling water and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then add 100 ml of vodka to the broth, close the lid tightly and leave in a cool place for three days. Periodically shake the tincture so that the maximum amount of useful elements is given to the liquid. After three days, the composition is filtered, the liquid is heated and applied to dry hair. Keep the mask for at least an hour, then rinse with warm water.

This is another safe component for changing hair color. There are two ways to use lemon - mask or rinse. If you decide to change gradually,you need to rinse your hair with lemon water after washing your hair. It is not difficult to cook, just dissolve the juice of one lemon in a liter of boiled or filtered water. After lemon rinsing, you should not rinse your hair with water - just blot it with a towel. You will not only lighten the strands, but also give them a delicate citrus scent.

 How to lighten hair with lemon

To make a lemon mask you need some lemons. From them you need to squeeze the juice and mix it in equal proportions with water. Using a sponge, apply lemon to the hair. First, you need to process the roots, not leaving without attention a centimeter of scalp. Then the mask is distributed over the entire length, and finally wetted with tips in a lemon. If the ends are dry, you need to reduce the concentration of lemon - add a little more water to the composition. This is a good mask for greasy hair. After it, the strands cease to gather in icicles, they do not shine, they remain crumbly and clean longer.

To enhance the effect of the lemon mask, after its application you need to go out in the sun. The direct rays of the ultraviolet will accelerate the reaction of the acid and after such a procedure the hair will become lighter by one tone at least.But so that the strands are lightened evenly, do not collect them in a bun.

If lemon is more suitable for oily hair, then glycerin is a friend of dry and weak curls. With this cheap pharmacy you can breathe life into rare and thin strands.
But to maximize the effect, glycerin must be mixed with chamomile decoction. For half a cup of strong chamomile broth, you will need four tablespoons of warm glycerin. Mix the ingredients and apply them to your hair. Then wrap your head with a wrap and a towel. The mask should be kept for about an hour and a half, after which the hair should be rinsed twice with shampoo so that there is no greasy shine after glycerin.

Cinnamon and honey

This is a popular and very effective union for lightening hair. For this recipe, you need to take ground cinnamon and fresh natural honey in liquid form. Mix two tablespoons of cinnamon with three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of hair conditioner. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave overnight. Be careful - the mask should be distributed only along the length of the hair, avoid its contact with the scalp, cinnamon can be quite aggressive.For 10-12 hours your hair is soaked with a mask that in the morning you will get significantly lightened and shiny locks. To do this, you will only need to wash and dry your hair.

There is another effective way to brighten hair with honey. Honey, like hydrogen peroxide, deprives the hair of a dark pigment, but it does it gently and safely. Enhance this effect with baking soda. Two tablespoons of honey should be steamed. Add a teaspoon of soda and a tablespoon of your usual shampoo to warm honey. Apply the mixture on the head - first the roots, then spread over the entire length. Especially you need to handle the composition of the tips - often they most need careful care. The mask should be kept for about two hours, and then rinsed with boiled water. This mask will help you not only to lighten and improve your hair - it effectively fights dandruff.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

This is another homemade way to lighten strands. With the help of peroxide, you can significantly change the hair color - at least a few tones. Many fear peroxide, believing that it burns hair and leaves it brittle and lifeless.In fact, all the brightening paints are made on the basis of hydroperit, there is no difference - will you paint with expensive brightening paint or simple cheap peroxide. To preserve the health of the hair you just need to follow some rules.

 How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

Dilute 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with water in equal proportions. Add three teaspoons of ammonia and three tablespoons of liquid soap or shampoo. Mix all the ingredients in a ceramic or porcelain dish. Do not interfere with peroxide in a metal container - it will oxidize. Put the mask on your face before applying the paint so as not to inhale the poisonous vapors. Paint should be applied to dirty hair, hold no more than 20 minutes. Even if you want to get a lighter shade, do not hold the peroxide on the hair longer - the hair can permanently deteriorate. Cover the head with a package is not necessary, peroxide must interact with oxygen. So that the strands are not hard and brittle, one day after dyeing, you need to pamper your hair with a regenerating mask - kefir, cucumber juice, honey or any cosmetic oil. If these conditions are met, the hair will not just be brightened, it will remain alive and bright!

Did you know that only 2 percent of people in the world are owners of natural blonde hair? But this does not mean that everyone else can only dream of blond curls. Using our simple tips, you can lighten your hair not only effectively, but also really safe! Be beautiful in any color, love yourself!

Video: Cinnamon Brightening

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