How to determine the type of skin: useful tips

Human skin is influenced by many factors. These include weather conditions, cosmetics, basic care, diet, proper sleep, lifestyle. All this affects the condition of the epidermis and its type. The latter can change at all once in 2-3 years. When choosing care products, people emphasize their skin type, and rightly so. We'll talk about how to define it below.

 How to determine the type of skin

Skin Type Test

The procedure is carried out by means of a usual paper napkin, which you probably have in the kitchen. If it is not available, use a thin sheet of paper, a cosmetic tissue (dry). The test is performed 3 hours after the usual washing procedure. Cosmetics in this case should be removed.

Comfortably lie down, place the selected paper attribute on the face. Napkin or sheet should be placed over the entire surface of the skin.Press your hand, wait a quarter of an hour. After a specified period of time, begin to evaluate the result.

You will see "wet" spots on the entire surface of the paper, they say that these places napkins were located on fat areas of the face.

If the sheet is dry, this aspect indicates the appropriate skin type.

When you see that the sheet is soaked ambiguously, that is, there are both greasy and dry places, the skin is mixed. In 80% of cases, women are seeing exactly this option.

Characteristics of different skin types

To verify the result of the test, examine the additional characteristics of each skin type.

Normal skin

  1. This type of epidermis is extremely rare, especially when it comes to residents of polluted megalopolises. The skin is characterized by elasticity, even shade and relief, the absence of pollution in the pores and luster.
  2. Normal skin does not peel off, there are no signs of rosacea (vascular networks), spots, purulent phenomena, rash on the face.
  3. This type of skin corresponds to tightness and dryness after washing. But these feelings pass in an hour and a half.
  4. Due to the correct formation of the lower layers, the skin is not subjected to flaking either in winter or in summer.
  5. Owners of such epidermis for a long time retain youth. Even at 45-50 years of age, they look much younger. The PH balance is 5.5 units.

Dry skin

  1. The main signs of the epidermis of this type is the complete absence of acne, purulent inflammation, acne and other dermatological problems. Simply put, dry skin is not prone to such manifestations.
  2. The epidermis has small closed pores, the skin is thin, scaly in places. The face looks dull, greasy shine is missing. The skin is soft to the touch like velvet.
  3. Dry skin is easy to detect with a sudden change in temperature. On the face appears irritation and peeling. Cosmetics, soap, cream - all this also leads to peeling.
  4. Most often, dry skin is subjected to tightness after washing, on the face sometimes appears allergic to new cosmetics. Skin of this type corresponds to pH balance in the region of 3-5.5 units.
  5. Dry skin is aging rapidly, as a result, by the age of 35 many wrinkles appear on it. By 45, the face was literally incinerated in creases and irregularities.
  6. This type of epidermis lacks retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP. Most often it is a hereditary factor, but for some, the type changes with age.

Combination skin

  1. The type of skin corresponds to the presence of oily shine on the nose, brow area, chin, middle of the forehead, temples. At the same time, the cheeks, neck, and base of the hairline are completely dry.
  2. The epidermis looks tired in the eye zone. The face often flakes off, creases and mimic wrinkles quickly appear on it. At the same time, sites with glitter are “famous” for the presence of open comedones and acne.
  3. Signs of aging are noticeable in people 30+. Beginning at the age of 45, the skin is experiencing a colossal lack of moisture; a person looks older than his years.
  4. Mixed type is formed due to improper care or lack of it. The pH balance sometimes reaches 6 units. The skin looks gray, with large pores.

Oily skin

  1. This option differs from others in the strong greyness that is visible on the whole face. The skin has large open pores, they are often polluted.
  2. On the face you can often find comedones, purulent acne and other formations of this type. After washing, red spots appear, but there is no feeling of tightness.
  3. Enhanced fat release has several advantages.The skin does not lose moisture, so it almost never peels off. Wrinkles appear on such a face later than on a mixed one.
  4. The indicator of hydrogen, or pH balance reaches 6 units. Most often, this type of possess teenagers and people under 30 years. Then the oily skin becomes combined.

How to care for different skin types

 How to care for different skin types
Dry skin

  1. Dry skin, despite its features, is able to look like a proper way. In this case, the dermis requires individual care. It is imperative to consume 1.5 liters. filtered water per day.
  2. Washing should be carried out with a light cosmetic lotion. At the same time it is recommended to lightly pat the skin. Blood circulation is improved in the tissues. Fat milk and dairy products of natural production are quite suitable instead of cosmetic.
  3. It is recommended to keep the animal product until it is completely absorbed; remove the remains with non-hot water. Regularly wipe your face with ice cubes based on herbal decoction. Apply a nutritional compound with ceramides, essential oils and UV protection.
  4. After a hard day, your face should be cleansed with directional milk, after it with a special lotion. Pamper your skin with moisturizer and night cream before you relax.Do not forget to use light scrubs and dry type nourishing masks.
  5. With this type of area around the eyes are most sensitive, therefore, proper care should be carried out already from 22 years of age. On frosty and windy days, apply cream to your face in advance. At the same time it is allowed to wash only with purified water.
  6. It is forbidden to visit saunas and swimming pools, where water contains a high concentration of bleach. If you decide to lie on sunny days on the beach, always wear a wide-brimmed hat. Forget about alkaline or alcohol based cosmetics. Such products will exacerbate the situation.

Normal skin

  1. The epidermis is less whimsical, but daily care is also needed. Take the habit of washing exceptionally cold water.
  2. In order for the blood to circulate properly, knead the neck more often and twist your head in different directions. Do not forget about light pats during washing.
  3. Wipe the skin with ice cubes, always after washing, apply moisturizing cream. At bedtime, the dermis must be cleaned with mousse. Make it a habit to make clay masks or scrubs once a week. Massage skin before the procedure.

Combination skin

  1. Daily care is needed, especially at age 35+. Regularly clean the T-zone with gel or milk only for combination skin. Next, you need to treat the face and neck with wadded disks, soaked in tonic.
  2. The last step is the application of a moisturizing composition. This manipulation should be carried out after waking up and before bedtime. It is allowed to apply night cream, bypassing the T-zone. Deep cleaning should be done twice a week. In this case, scrub or peeling is used exclusively in the T-zone.

Oily skin

  1. To put the skin in order and narrow the pores, you have to put a lot of effort. It is necessary every day to clean several times with a special gel, lotion or tonic without alcohol.
  2. Cosmetics are recommended to rinse with water at room temperature. After cleansing, use moisturizers. Prohibited the use of creams, they clog pores.
  3. At bedtime, wash, rub your face with a tonic and apply an antibacterial agent. The application of night cream is contraindicated. Peel twice a week.

Depending on the type of skin, you need to be able to correctly solve possible problems and apply suitable cosmetics. Consider the individual characteristics, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Video: how to determine your skin type

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