How to clean the water at home

High-quality drinking water is a guarantee of human health. In addition, depends on the water, what taste will be cooked. Everyone knows that tap water, which is served in apartments and houses, has dubious qualities and purity and can harm the body. Various devices are used to clean it. But what if there is no filter in the house? Alternatively, you can use simple ways to clean the water at home.

 How to clean the water

There are many ways to get purified water without special equipment at home. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Freeze water

The method of freezing is one of the most popular due to its simplicity and affordability. According to experts, ice water is especially useful, because during freezing it is possible to obtain a living and pure liquid.All that is required is a freezing tank, a regular refrigerator (freezer compartment) and tap water.

Capacity is desirable to take deep. Water is poured into it, but not to the brim, but with a reserve of 1 cm, no less. These dishes are carefully placed in the freezer. Care must be taken to freeze half of the water in the vessel. How long it takes will depend on several factors, including the volume of the vessel, the temperature set in the freezer compartment.

As soon as half of all our liquid will freeze, you need to carefully pierce the crust of ice with a sharp knife and drain the water that did not have time to freeze. That it is the most harmful, it remains impurities. The remaining ice is a clean, useful liquid that can be safely consumed or used in the kitchen for cooking.

Frozen water is endowed with a number of therapeutic and preventive properties. Namely:

  • positive effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • helps to speed recovery after a disease;
  • promotes rapid adaptation of the body in unexpected conditions;
  • improves muscle function;
  • endowed with anti-allergic qualities.

Water that has undergone a freezing procedure is recommended to drink to people who know firsthand about such ailments as bronchial asthma, stomatitis, and dermatitis of various kinds.

This method of filtering water is far from perfect, because to determine how well the water has cleared, it is necessary only by eye. Nevertheless, the resulting liquid is cleaner and much more useful than the one that is supplied to us from the tap.


Boiling is a way to get clean water, which is used by almost everyone. High temperatures affect water - it is sterilized, cleaned of microorganisms. The desired result can be achieved only after 15 minutes of boiling, and it is not necessary to cover the container with a lid, since the harmful compounds "come out" with the steam.

 Boiling water purification

However, this method has significant drawbacks.

First, boiled water in the common people has earned the name "dead", and this is not accidental. Along with the harmful impurities, the useful components also evaporate, therefore there is no talk about any positive impact.

Not only are chlorine compounds trapped in such water, they become a carcinogenic substance - chloroform, which is dangerous for humans because of their ability to provoke cancer.

Parts of the salt linger on the walls of the tank in which the liquid was boiled. The result is soft water, which can “boast” the content of salts, nitrates and heavy metals much more than in the tap fluid flowing from the tap.

Despite this, for most people in our country boiling is a method used quite often due to its simplicity and accessibility. In this case, the resulting boiled liquid should try to neutralize.

Make it easy. 5 liters of boiled water are poured into the dishes, ascorbic acid (0.5 grams), purchased in advance at the pharmacy, should also be added there. The composition is stirred until complete dissolution of the acid and left for an hour to settle.


Assertion is a simple way that many people use. The result is a better quality fluid.

Vodichka, recruited from the tap, is left for 8 hours. During this period, volatile impurities, including chlorine, evaporate. It is advisable to mix the contents of the container from time to time, this will speed up the evaporation process.

But to get rid of the salts of heavy metals,they remain in the liquid, but settle to the very bottom. After that, it is necessary to pour 2/3 of the contents of the dish with distilled water. This should be done carefully, making sure that the liquid does not shake up and the sediment is not mixed with the already cleaned layer.

Table salt for water purification

Not everyone knows, but the well-known table salt can act as a kind of home “filter”.

 Table salt for water purification

2 liters of liquid from the tap is filled vessel. There also is placed 1 full tablespoon of salt, which should be well dissolved. After 15-25 minutes, the water will already be cleared of harmful microorganisms and salts of heavy metals.

Purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is actively used as a cleaning component. By the way, most of the cleaning devices use this substance. Activated carbon copes with the neutralization of unpleasant odors. In addition, he, like a sponge, is able to absorb harmful elements from the liquid.

To achieve the expected result, the tablets of this tool are wrapped in a piece of gauze and placed in a container filled with liquid. For 1 liter of water used 1 tablet.Already after 8 hours the water will become significantly cleaner and can be safely used.

Silver peeling

Silver is an excellent cleanser. With this element it is possible to neutralize not only chemicals, but also get rid of many harmful elements.

In the evening, a silver coin or spoon is placed in a container filled with liquid. Already in the morning, after 12 hours, the purified water is ready for use.

Purification of water by folk methods

In addition to the widely known household methods described above, there are many popular methods.

  1. Clusters of mountain ash can help with the solution of the problem. Berries are immersed in a vessel with water and left for 2-3 hours. The resulting purified liquid is no worse than that obtained by using activated carbon or silver.
  2. Willow bark, onion peel, juniper twigs, and bird cherry leaves will also do an excellent job with this task. However, filtering with such components will take longer - 12 hours.
  3. For cleansing, you can use iodine or vinegar. For 1 liter of water, you must take 3 drops of 5% iodine or 1 teaspoon of vinegar.These components are added to water for 2-6 hours. However, you need to know that chlorine and some microorganisms do not go anywhere.

All of these methods can be adopted. In the absence of a quality filter, any of them will help to get water much cleaner than the one that flows in the taps of our houses.

Video: how to clean ordinary water without filters

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