How to clean the plastic window sill

At present, plastic windows are installed in most houses in Russia: they have a much longer service life than the classic ones declared by the manufacturer, they easily cope with the effects of both elevated and lowered temperatures and have a reasonable price. However, in order to maintain their normal condition and extend the life, it is necessary to regularly clean both windows and window sills.

 How to clean the plastic window sill

And if the windows are usually contaminated solely with dust and dirt, which can be easily removed with a normal damp cloth, various smudges, stains, much more powerful layers of dirt can form on the window sills, and even rust can appear in the corners.

It is important: you can clean the plastic window sill from everything, the main thing is to choose the right cleaning agent, because some manufacturers give the structure a porous texture, others - a rough one, etc.

Full information about the proper care for any window sill is always collected in the manufacturer's booklet, which is given to the owner of the plastic construction upon purchase, therefore it is not recommended to immediately throw out the product passport. But, fortunately, there are quite a few universal methods, using which, you can clean all components of various kinds of pollution without harm.

Light pollution control

Light pollution of any window sill always consists of particles of dust, dirt and the smallest components of sand. They can be removed without problems with a damp cloth; after all dirt has been removed, the window sill should be wiped dry with a towel or other cloth. It is necessary to do this so that, firstly, accidentally water droplets do not remain on the surface and in the smallest pores and, as a result, do not form new spots, hardening, and secondly, so that the water is not absorbed by the sill. This process is very slow, but with a constant flow of water, the intensity of the destruction of the internal structure of the product increases.

Important: especially described above concerns window sills (both plastic, and made of other material) that are established on the balcony. In the fall and spring, when in most regions of Russia the temperature constantly crosses the 0-degree line both in that and in the other direction, the water sometimes freezes, expanding, then heats up again, reducing its volume. This process leads to the fact that in the sill, first there will be small cracks, and then - deeper.

Twice a month it is recommended to use various solutions for cleaning the window sill to help get rid of the presence of harmful components on its surface. So, ideal:

  1. Soap solution (it is necessary to dilute 15-30 milliliters of soap and 150 ml of water in a glass).
  2. A mixture of washing powder and water (importantly, not a suspension, but a homogeneous system). It is enough to use 5-8 grams of powder on the same 150 ml of water.
  3. Soda solution, for the preparation of which you will need 20-30 grams of soda powder and 200 ml of water. It will perfectly cope with all the pollution, while being a non-aggressive chemical reagent and, as a result, without harming the plastic window sill.

If it is necessary to remove stagnant dirt from any crack, crack, then it is possible to slightly increase the concentration of the solid component in one of the solutions described, so that some kind of paste can be obtained. This mixture should be applied to either an old toothbrush or a toothpick, and then carefully remove the dirt first, and then clean the hole.

Remove stains, rust

If the above solutions and pastes do not help get rid of yellow-brown spots, or, at all, rust, then various special chemical products sold in any modern supermarket can help. Their choice is large enough, but they are somewhat different in their intended purpose, because when you buy should be based on the type of pollution that must be removed.

 Removing stains and rust from the windowsill

According to statistics, the most popular and sold in this area of ​​household chemicals is the universal remedy “Mr. Proper ”, which is suitable for cleaning plastic and metal (in case a metal-plastic construction is installed) surfaces. It is quite simple to use it: it is only necessary to distribute the solution on the window sill using a spray bottle,rub it in a circular motion with a cloth and wipe dry after that.

Important: in no case should the last stage be missed, since otherwise the particles of both the powder and the gel will be a kind of magnet for dust.

Alternative to the solution described are Cillit Bang, Pemolux and Domestos products. They differ among themselves only by the force of impact (in the row they are listed in descending order) and composition, therefore it is necessary to see if a particular sill is taken to be afraid of certain components.

To remove rust from a plastic window sill is somewhat more difficult, for this you need a tool with a composition that is strikingly different from the compositions listed above. The most effective, according to numerous reviews on the forums, is “Cosmofen 10”, which contains a small amount of a toxic substance (in small doses its content in the air is harmless to humans, but it’s still not recommended for doctors for a long time in such an environment). There are several requirements for its use:

  1. It is necessary to work only in plastic gloves or mittens that must completely cover the hand, wrist and the surface of the hand to the elbow.
  2. It is mandatory to wear a respirator.
  3. Since the product is toxic, it is necessary to remove all pets and children from the room where the rust-damaged window sill is installed.

It’s quite simple to work with “Cosmofen 10”: just apply a small amount of it to a rag (in this case it is advisable to first use a hard one, then a soft one for washing), and then treat the site of damage. It is necessary as much as possible to distribute the tool on the surface of rust, so that later it was not difficult to remove it.

Upon completion of the work, it is imperative to:

  1. Rinse the site of damage with a very large amount of water (at least two liters).
  2. After this, treat the place with the help of a soap solution, finally removing any randomly remaining particles.
  3. Wipe the place of damage dry with a rag (if there is a crack, then water can be removed from there using a cotton swab or a disk attached to a toothpick).

Work with this tool should be very carefully, following all prescribed instructions; It is important to prevent direct contact of the skin and the solution. If it does occur, the place must be treated with running water,after - hydrogen peroxide in order to eliminate the risks of serious damage to the skin.

The fight against primer and other mortars

Repair work always entail the appearance of a sufficiently large amount of debris, and the numerous solutions used can cause a hard-to-remove stain or even a completely thick layer of primer.

 How to clean the window sill

Remark: the primer is the most difficult-to-clean type of pollution, therefore all the methods described below are applicable to other frozen mortars.

Since it always plays the role of a kind of bonding layer, removing it from any surface for which it is not intended is a very difficult task. It is for this reason that builders and repair brigades always stick all places of possible contact with tape, and newspapers are put on top. This helps to avoid unnecessary problems to remove and allows you to work quietly at a normal pace.

If there is still a primer on the plastic window sill, then it is best to remove it instantly with the help of an ordinary damp cloth.A quality type of primer is enough for fifteen minutes to gain its maximum strength, after which it will be very difficult to remove it.

Tip: if the primer still spent more time in an intact state, it is recommended to remove it from the surface with an abrasive sponge, as it will cause minimal damage to the window sill, interacting exclusively with the components of the cured substance. Polyurethane foam can help speed up the process by soaking the stain.

Also help to decompose the cured substance by wetting it can help copious amounts of soda, which should be spread in a layer of 1-2 millimeters over the entire surface of the primer. It is necessary to give an hour or two to the substances for interaction, after which using a scraper or a usual trowel to remove the primer from the window sill.

Use for its decomposition can be vinegar (but not the one that is used in cooking, but the highest concentration). Since its solution is quite toxic, again it is necessary to use a respirator and other means of protection.

Tip: when using vinegar, you can start using a few rags soaked in solution.They should be spread over the entire surface of the contamination. Vinegar will have a exfoliating effect and it will be much easier to remove the primer after an hour.

Caring for a plastic window sill

In order not to have to deal with a serious layer of dirt, spreading spots and a lot of dust every six months, it is necessary to pay attention to the window sill as well when cleaning the living space every week. Since it is sufficiently resistant to various substances, it is enough just to wipe it clean with a melamine sponge and ordinary soap solution.

Once or twice a month, you can use the tools that are usually used for cleaning windows and mirrors. They have a non-aggressive chemical composition and will have a positive effect on the general condition of the plastic window sill. Every six months, it is recommended to literally clean every corner of the window sill with a toothpick and vinegar.

It is imperative to carry out the described procedures on the inner side of the structure (facing the floor), since it is there, in most cases, that has the beginning of a crack.

Video: how to clean the plastic window sill

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