How not to get fat during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique time for a woman. The ability of the female body to make, grow and feed the little man inside can be considered a real miracle. From the very first weeks of the desired pregnancy, the woman tries to protect her baby from external negative factors, monitors her health, and passes all the necessary tests. But at the same time, the woman relaxes, can afford any gastronomic delights, justifying itself by the fact that it is the wishes of the baby in the womb. Unfortunately, within a few months after giving birth, the young mother comes to herself and is annoyed to realize that the accumulated kilograms need to be somehow dropped. Excess weight is not only a cosmetic problem. Excess kilograms during pregnancy create real problems for its course.In this article we will talk about excess weight during pregnancy - is it permissible if it is how to deal with it with proper nutrition and sparing sports.

 How not to get fat during pregnancy

Danger of overweight during pregnancy

Of course, in the period of carrying a child, all women are gaining excess weight, and not always this is just the mass of the child. On average, if you add up the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid, the placenta, the increased amount of blood, the allowable fat layer, is about 10 kg. That is, normally, a woman’s weight gain is allowed for no more than 10–15 kilograms from the initial weight that you had before pregnancy. If your weight exceeds acceptable values, then this is fraught with dangerous complications.

Excess weight plus pregnancy is a tremendous burden on the cardiovascular system of a woman. That is why, during the period of carrying a baby, such patients may develop varicose veins and irregular heart function.

Pregnancy, burdened with excess weight, is a serious burden on the spine. As a result, a woman may have hernias, disc displacements, etc.

Excess weight creates the risk of preeclampsia, diabetes, hypertension.

If a woman becomes stout during pregnancy, not only her weight increases, but also the weight of the baby in the womb. It is more difficult to give birth to a large baby, it is fraught with ruptures of the birth canal.

For obesity, doctors do not recommend vaginal delivery, insist on a cesarean section. The surgery itself artificial birth is much more difficult in the presence of excess weight.

A woman with overweight always has the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. But in the later periods, on the contrary, overweight is fraught with perepraivaniem baby.

Postpartum rehabilitation in complete patients takes longer and more difficult.

With a lot of weight there is a risk of premature discharge of water.

Excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the baby. A sharp change in body weight often leads to imbalances in the head and torso of a child. A large amount of body fat leads to hypoxia baby. A well-fed child is more difficult to inspect after birth, state assessment may be biased.

In addition, gaining extra weight, you are programming the propensity for extra pounds before the baby is born. Why do you need it? Especially, if in the womb girl.Do you want her to go on diets all her life and suffer from endless complexes? If you want a happy and healthy life for your child, you need to monitor its nutrition today. In addition, you will not interfere with taking care of your own figure.

How to eat during pregnancy so as not to get fat

The opinion that with the beginning of pregnancy, you should start eating for two, very dangerous and insidious. If you double your diet, your weight will quickly increase to dangerous values. Yes, the diet should change, it is indisputable. But its quality must change, not its quantity. Here are some useful tips that will help you to establish a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy.

 How to eat during pregnancy so as not to get fat

Women during pregnancy are often caught up with a crazy feeling of hunger when the expectant mother is ready to tear down everything in her path. These are hormones, nothing can be done. So the body protects the baby from starvation. To avoid such impulses, you need to follow the diet. There is a need every 3 hours, even if you do not want. However, the size of the portions should be minimal - not more than the volume of one cup.This will protect you from overeating.

It is necessary to abandon the harmful fast carbohydrates. If you can not give up cakes and sweets, would like to limit their consumption - no more than one candy per day, cakes only on weekends.

Choosing between healthy and harmful snacks, give preference to healthy foods, they can also be tasty. Yogurt, curd cheese with various fillings, good cheese, fruits, vegetables - can it be tasteless? Recently, various healthy and tasty products have appeared in the departments of dietary nutrition. Why are only apple chips alone - so crisp and delicious, and absolutely safe. In addition, you can snack on different whole-grain bars - they have a lot of fiber, which will protect you from constipation. You can pamper yourself and home-made jelly - based on berry and fruit juices. The calorie content of such a product is negligible.

Surround yourself with goodies. Keep in a vase on the kitchen table, not candies, but apples, bananas, nuts and dried fruits.

Try not to eat at night, at least do not eat up to dump.

If you are tormented by a keen desire to eat something, know when to stop! Chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, eggs, strawberries - all this is permissible during pregnancy, but in small quantities.If you eat more than normal, you harm your child, he may get allergies for life.

Be sure to include in the diet lean meat, fish, poultry. This will give the body nutritional value and a lot of protein.

If you feel that you have gained too much excess weight, then make yourself a fasting day on buckwheat or kefir. You need to drink plenty of water or green tea. In pregnancy, the discharge day can be done no more than once a week. Psychologically, it is easier for a woman to withstand the restriction for 24 hours than to diet constantly.

Be sure to add to the dishes different types of greenery - the vegetation is very useful during pregnancy.
If the doctor does not limit you in the amount of fluid you drink, try to drink as much as possible. This will help cleanse your body of toxins and waste. Drink fruit drinks, fruit drinks, teas, fresh juices in a diluted form. Herbal decoctions should still be abandoned - some of them can cause uterus tone.

The diet should be a lot of vegetables - they are very useful, do not cause allergies and absolutely do not harm the body. In the morning try to eat cereal porridge - oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful.Lunch - vegetable and meat soups, salads. Dinner is better to make protein - meat, fish, poultry with vegetable salad. Snacks can be in the form of dairy products, fruits, cookies, nuts, etc.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy

Excess weight is a consequence of two main factors - overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. And if we have already dealt with nutrition, you need to decide how to play sports during pregnancy, because intense loads can be dangerous for the fetus. Indeed, such loads as running, weightlifting, playing and contact sports should be banned. But you can find an alternative that allows you to warm up without risk to health. During pregnancy, swimming is very useful - in the water the load on the spine is significantly reduced, the woman moves much more freely. Swimming kneads all the muscles of the body, the water soothes the mother and baby. Be careful when visiting public pools during pregnancy - you need to use a tampon to protect the vagina from infection. In addition, be sure to wear special grooved slippers to avoid slipping on the wet paths of the pool.

 Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy

In the fitness centers you can choose for yourself the best sport.As a rule, pregnant women are recommended yoga, Pilates, body flex, special gymnastics for pregnant women. All exercises in these sports are aimed at stretching the muscles - no strength training. Stretching makes the muscles more elastic and supple, which perfectly prepares the body for childbirth. If you work during pregnancy, and you have absolutely no time and energy to go to workouts, then just walk. Walking is beneficial to the body of a pregnant woman, the body is saturated with oxygen, you get rid of excess calories. It will be much more useful if you walk in nature - in a grove, forest, near a reservoir, etc.

Pregnancy is a great time for any woman, so why overshadow it with dangling folds and health problems amid obesity? In order not to gain excess weight, you need to carefully follow him. Be sure to buy scales and note changes in their performance every week. Get enough sleep - it will protect you from overeating, emotional outbursts and negative.

Sometimes a woman gains weight very much, even if she watches nutrition and does not overeat. Be sure to tell about the experiences of your doctor.A sharp increase in body weight may indicate preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, and even multiple pregnancies. Proper and balanced nutrition, good doctors and a positive attitude will help you make the baby without extra weight. Remember, food is not the only pleasure in life, try to please yourself with something else.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

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