How to permanently remove cockroaches from an apartment

No one will approve the settlement of “whiskered friends” in their apartment, but, unfortunately, cockroaches are not uncommon. Their appearance does not always mean that sloppy people live in an apartment. New settlers may come from their neighbors, as they say, through a threshold or a vent. If you are faced with such a scourge, consider effective home methods and professional preparations of directional action.

 How to permanently remove cockroaches from an apartment

Cockroach Detection Methods

Pests prefer to stay awake at night, this is how they are most easily identified. Try not to sleep late, first turn off the lights in the kitchen, then turn on the lamp at 1-2 o'clock in the morning. You will notice baleen red or black foes.

In cases where insects do not catch the eye, you can determine their presence by the following characteristics:

  • cockroaches make sounds, they crawl on bags, paper and floor;
  • pests lay eggs, you can identify them in the corners;
  • insects have an unpleasant smell of mold;
  • Cockroaches remain traces of life - brown or black "grains" on various surfaces.

As practice shows, the owner does not need to search for parasites with difficulty. They blatantly appear on the eyes of the owner of the apartment and are not always clogged in the cracks.

Causes of parasites

  1. Cockroaches can descend on a visit if sanitary conditions are not observed. If the apartment does not shine with cleanliness after putting it or there is no time to clean up after itself, wait for the uninvited friends.
  2. With increased humidity in the room also infest pests. They are attracted by dampness, the situation is complicated by people living on the lower floors. Cockroaches can also breed near wet pipes and in the sink.
  3. Categories of people who live in an unfavorable house should explore the situation with their neighbors.Often, pests move from one apartment to another, it is not uncommon. It is necessary to fight with cockroaches together, otherwise everything will be useless.
  4. If you recently went on a business trip, went on a visit or traveled in another way with a bag or suitcase, the pest could arrive at the apartment unnoticed by the owners.

Pest control measures

Before embarking on hard methods, for example, calling special services, conduct a series of manipulations on your own. In the future, these same actions will help you to prevent the appearance of uninvited guests.

  1. Mustache love water, so often live in damp or live where there is a liquid. Before going to bed, wipe dry the cavity of the bath, sink and even a toilet bowl, if necessary (pre-empty the water).
  2. Do not leave crumbs on the table. Food should be packed in hermetic containers, plastic bags, containers, cans. Check the cabinets, eliminate everything that has crumbled.
  3. Carry out a general cleaning of the entire dwelling (including under the furniture). Remove the cabinets from the walls in the kitchen, wipe the wallpaper with a solution of vinegar. Wash the floor 2 times a day with the same composition.
  4. Do not save garbage, throw out the remnants of food immediately after a small amount has accumulated. Do not leave the bucket full overnight.
  5. If you have found that there are cockroaches not only for you, but also for your neighbors, talk to them. It makes no sense to deal with pests alone, they will come again from other apartments.
  6. Those who live on the lower floors have the hardest. It is necessary to plug all the cracks through which cockroaches can enter the apartment.
  7. Remove and inspect baseboards, place medicinal herbs under them or special cockroach tablets. At the time of disinsection do not attach the attributes back.
  8. Change the grilles on the ventilation holes. Put a fine-grained mesh, through which the pests do not exactly climb. In addition, lubricate the area around the mesh with cockroach gel.

Cockroach Spray

 Cockroach Spray

  1. This method is considered the most effective. The advantages can be attributed to the budget cost, a good result, a short processing time (10 minutes).
  2. With the use of spray cockroaches quickly scatter. There is no need to pre-wash the walls and floors, you just need to pack all the dishes, personal belongings, products in packages.
  3. More expensive aerosols smell good, and do not "give" chemistry.They are also relatively safe, but children and animals should be taken out of the room.

The most popular aerosol products aimed at fighting cockroaches:

  1. Gett - available in powder form. Before use, you must read the instructions, then dilute the composition with water. Then this solution is poured into a container with a spray and sprayed on the places of accumulation of pests.
  2. DICHLOPHOS - the tool for more than a decade has won the recognition of users. There is practically no unpleasant chemical smell left from the spray, and insects die after 1-2 uses.
  3. Raptor - useful in that it plays the role of a geometric progression. If the mixture gets on one cockroach, then when it comes into contact with the relatives, the whole colony will be infected. Efficient and fast!

Before you spray the product, remove all from the room. Hermetically seal the windows with doors, remove food and other important items. After processing do not risk, go to spend the night with relatives or at least a couple of hours to walk in the fresh air.

Cockroach Gel

Poisonous gel acts for a long time, so uninvited guests will not appear at all. The product is distributed in the bathroom, toilet, under the sink, in the area of ​​ventilation. They need to work out all the corners where parasites and offspring accumulate.

The following drugs are considered the most effective:

  1. GLOBAL - interesting because it is safe for humans and animals. Smells good, but scares and kills baleen pests. After ingestion of an insect, it dies after 5 hours.
  2. Kombat - cockroaches do not necessarily have this composition, it is enough to step on it and come to the colony. All cohabitants will soon die.
  3. Raptor - is in demand due to its efficiency, one tube is enough to handle a large room. It acts for a long time, with the observance of sanitary conditions, the pests will no longer appear.

Before use, carefully read the instructions. Despite the assurances of the manufacturer in the absolute safety means, do not touch the gel, wear gloves.

Pest control by temperature exposure

  1. If you bring a small family of pests by chemical means does not work because of the home environment, you can resort to a more clever way.If you find animals in the winter season, try to leave the apartment with your family for a few hours.
  2. Before exiting, shut off the heating pipes and open all windows wide open. Cockroaches can not stand the cold and run away to another more comfortable place for them. If the temperature in the apartment falls below 5 degrees, the pests will die along with the eggs laid.
  3. The method of freezing has shown itself well in practice, but it is worth considering that the method has its drawbacks. At such a low temperature, an incident with a heating system can happen. It is also worth it in advance to take care of indoor plants.
  4. It is in flower pots and soil that insects can hide and survive. In such an environment, they will continue to multiply and feel good. It is also important to understand that laid eggs can be in a place inaccessible to frost.
  5. You can try this method at least in order to significantly reduce the number of adults. The rest of the cockroaches will have to display a more effective method.

Getting rid of cockroaches folk ways

From pests can get rid of proven home-made methods.It is important to understand that the process is not an easy one, but the result will justify itself. Often experienced housewives resort to using traps with the use of boric acid. Such a composition destroys pests and even completely solves problems in a relatively short time.

 Getting rid of cockroaches folk ways

  1. Egg and potatoes. Boil a hard boiled egg. Remove the yolk and grind with 1 tuber of boiled potatoes. Add 50 grams to the ingredients. boric acid. Make small balls out of the resulting mass. Dry the product near the heater. After that, lay the bait throughout the apartment. You should not worry, such structure is absolutely safe for pets and people.
  2. Sugar and flour. Use the capacity of the appropriate size and combine it in an equal amount of sugar, boric acid, flour. Add a small amount of water to the ingredients. As a result, you should have a dense dough. Next, follow the above scheme. Roll the balls and distribute around the perimeter of the apartment overnight.
  3. Boric acid and water. You can resort to a simpler way. Dissolve a small amount of chemical composition in running water and install the container in the kitchen near the sink. In this case, it is important to completely isolate the path of insects to other sources of fluid.As a result, cockroaches will be poisoned in a homemade drinker.
  4. Boric acid. Some housewives simply sprinkle the chemical composition of the habitat of pests. Most often, these include air vents, bathroom, kitchen, sinks, trash can and baseboards.
  5. Starch and vanilla. Connect in a total container 40 gr. boric acid, 4 g. vanillin and 65 gr. starch, powdered sugar. Pour in a small amount of water to form a sticky paste. Apply the product on a piece of cardboard and place such a trap around the house. Pests do not resist such a delicacy, and then die.
  6. Home plants. Indoor flowers are no less popular in the fight against insects. Some of these representatives exude a rather unpleasant smell for pests, and the person does not feel anything. This will require small bouquets. Hang the decoration throughout the apartment in places where cockroaches gather. Among such plants, eucalyptus, mint, elderberry, lemon balm, rosemary and camomile are effective.
  7. Citrus peel. This method can not be accurately called effective, although experienced housewives claim otherwise.To get rid of the problem, it is enough to place citrus fruits zest throughout the apartment. The specific smell frightens cockroaches, so they will not get to your products.

Getting rid of cockroaches is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. To fix the problem, you should familiarize yourself with simple rules and safety procedures. If you do not want to bother yourself, you should seek help from specialists. Otherwise, you will be helped by household tools that are sold in the store. Also pay attention to the proven folk methods.

Video: how to get rid of cockroaches at home

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