How to learn not to overeat: useful tips

Nowadays, people are increasingly faced with the problem of overeating, because the frantic pace of life leaves its mark. Hurrying to work, a person simply does not have time to enjoy breakfast. From this come the thought that at lunch you can clog the stomach to the eyeballs. Such actions are the first sign of problems with weight gain. As with fast food and dense food intake (gluttony), normal digestion is disturbed. Consider the important aspects in order, we select the main thing.

 How to learn not to overeat

Causes of Overeating

  1. The cause of malnutrition are all sorts of promotions tasty foods. Often, such delicacies are not beneficial. Chocolate bars, fast foods, chips, etc. are considered to be a common way to quickly satisfy hunger that was inspired by the media. The problem is that you want to try these products, despite the feeling of satiety.Thanks to the beautiful advertising and packaging, the desire to taste the "forbidden fruit" is always present.
  2. More sentimental people simply start to jam their “hole” in the soul, formed from unrequited love. Not receiving due care and affection, they find comfort in delicious food, not thinking about the consequences. After all, this method brings them a sense of satisfaction.
  3. When a child is not restrained and pampered with tasty foods, his eating habits begin to be postponed, which pass into adulthood. Being in a conscious age, a person does not deny himself anything. By consuming a large amount of food at a time, the stomach is stretched. In the future, more hunger is needed to satisfy hunger.
  4. The main cause of overeating is eating food under stress. Many people mistakenly believe that these manipulations calm them down. Unfortunately, jamming negative factors or bad mood is just a self-suggestion.
  5. In most cases, during a short meeting with colleagues or acquaintances, you can have a snack “for the company”. Despite the fact that there is no such feeling of hunger, food still enters the body.Such snacks violate the normal metabolism. The stomach does not require food, and you still eat.
  6. Eating on the go - another reason for overeating, give up this habit. It is important to understand that this way you do not saturate your body, and the volume of food taken will only increase. In the modern world, few people think about healthy eating. Only after some time, there are problems with excess weight and an enlarged stomach.
  7. A packed-to-capacity refrigerator also contributes to overeating. A person tries to try everything at once, without thinking that the stomach does not require it. At the same time, spicy seasonings and sauces cause an increased appetite, blocking the feeling of fullness.

The consequences of overeating

  1. With the above rhythm of life and unhealthy diet appears overweight. For some people, this criterion is not a big problem, but the bottom line is that it can be dangerous. Due to the extra weight, laziness appears, unwillingness to move actively, to do favorite things. Self-esteem decreases in proportion to body weight. Hence the problems in personal and sexual life.
  2. Difficulties appear in the work of the digestive tract, since with a large meal this body works at the limit. Also, due to excess weight, kidneys, liver and heart are affected. Overweight puts pressure on the lungs, resulting in shortness of breath. It is difficult for the heart to drive blood through the large body, the vascular system suffers from it.
  3. As a result of constant overeating, metabolism is disturbed, hormonal imbalances are noticed in women. Often, acne appears on the skin, abscesses. Especially negatively large amounts of food consumed affect the health of diabetics.

How to learn not to overeat

 How to avoid overeating

  1. First of all, spend your free time properly, take up his studies, work, exciting hobby. Then the thought of food will begin to fade into the background. Meals will be taken as needed and in small quantities.
  2. Take the habit of eating from a small plate. Make sure that you have individual dishes. Thus, the superimposed portion will be significantly lower, after a while you will get used to small portions.
  3. Eat at the dinner table.Get rid of the habit of watching TV, reading a magazine, sitting at a PC during a meal. The process of absorption of food should be carried out in a calm and quiet environment. Enjoy the process itself, focus on the movement of the jaw and tongue.
  4. It is desirable to make an individual diet. Start eating more vegetables, lean meat, fish, seafood, greens. Avoid fried, pepper and salty foods. Cook food in a slow cooker, oven or steamed. Play sports, physical activity inspires new achievements and makes you look at the world differently.
  5. Eliminate the sweet and spicy dishes from the diet. Forget about fast food restaurants, convenience foods, homemade spins, compotes. It is strictly forbidden to drink beer with chips and crackers. If you want to relax, have a glass of dry wine at dinner, eat it with fruit.
  6. Divide meals by 5 times a day in small portions. Chew food thoroughly. Thus, you will not overeat, keeping yourself in good shape. Drink more fresh juice, water, green tea, kefir. Forget about unhealthy snacks, better eat fruit.
  7. When eating at home, get up from the table as soon as you feel light saturation. Do not get enough to untie. Also refuse from fatty food, being a guest. Do not let your friends impose a "harmful" meal on you. If necessary, carry food with you.
  8. Convince yourself that food is not the way out of difficult situations. Soberly assess the problems, solve them, without succumbing to the temptations to eat something delicious. In a critical situation, resort to the use of chamomile infusion or valerian, take a course soothing.
  9. Do not eat from boredom. Better think of yourself a hobby and do a useful job. Get rid of the habit of cooking several tasty dishes at the same time. Write down the menu for the week in such a way that cooking is carried out on the principle of "day after day."
  10. Do not allow overeating at night. In the evening, the digestive system should rest. Going to bed with a full stomach, you risk not getting enough sleep and earn a few extra pounds.
  11. If you eat while watching TV or at the computer, give up this habit. Reconsider your own desires, food should be carried out sitting and only in the dining room. Do not rush anywhere, chew food thoroughly.Doing extraneous affairs or communicating with relatives, you will not notice how much you can eat.

To cope with the need for food, you need to put a lot of effort. Force yourself to do an interesting business or sport. Make a "healthy" diet for a week, eat properly. You will feel a surge of strength and energy, self-esteem will return to you again, life will improve.

Video: how to avoid overeating - the secrets of nutritionists

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