How to teach a child to get up on all fours

As a rule, the achievements of the child, even if insignificant, are perceived by loving parents with great vigor and joy. Young mother boastfully starts telling her neighbors and friends that her Petenka has learned to roll over, hold her head, grab a toy. Among all these skills, a special place is occupied by the child’s ability to stand on all fours. This is a kind of intermediate stage between lying and crawling. Keep in mind if your baby has learned to stand on all fours - very soon he will begin to move independently, without your help.

 How to teach a child to get up on all fours

When you can "put" the child on all fours

Of course, all parents want their baby quickly got on all fours, crawled, went and spoke. However, there is a timeframe to determine the time within which the child can and even needs to be put on his knees.

After four months, the child’s muscular corset is quite strong, but this does not mean that the baby will immediately get on all fours. This usually occurs from five to seven months, but it can take up to 9 months. It so happens that the baby does not get up on all fours and crawls in their bellies. Doctors assert that this development is undesirable and it is impossible to skip the intermediate stages in the form of standing on all fours.

The ability to stand on the handles and on the knees contributes to the proper formation of intervertebral discs, trains the cervical and lumbar calves of the spine, develops strength in the arms and legs. In addition, the kid learns to coordinate their movements, trains the vestibular apparatus, develops mentally and mentally. After all, the ability to stand on all fours - this is not only the first step to crawling. The kid who got up on the hands and knees, very soon will learn to sit on his own. Therefore, it is very useful, important and necessary to stand and walk on all fours for small children.

Gymnastics to strengthen the muscular corset

If your baby is not on all fours yet, it means that his body is not yet ready for such a load.To strengthen the muscle corset crumbs, you need to train the child and perform various exercises with him.

Before starting classes, make sure that your baby is in a good mood, that he does not hurt anything and that he is not hungry. It is better to be engaged in an hour and a half after meals. The room should be moderately cool, it is better to pre-ventilate the room. The form of clothes is comfortable so that nothing will hold down the movements.

  1. The first exercise is aimed at training the arms and the upper part of the body. Surely your baby already knows how to lean on two pens and lift shoulders. Even if you can, still repeat the exercise to strengthen the muscles. It is necessary to put the child on a flat hard surface and entice him with a favorite toy not just ahead, but slightly up. When the baby wants to stretch her, he will involuntarily rise onto the handles and train his muscles a little. Let me hold the baby in that position for as long as he can stand it. By the way, experienced parents know that often their favorite toys are not bunnies and rattles, but a telephone, a remote and a ladle. They lure the child much easier. However, make sure that the child does not take the dirty object in his mouth.
  2. Fold the sheet in a long and wide strip and skip it in the child under the belly. Lift the baby so that only the arms and legs touch the floor. Carefully lift and lower the crumbs so that he feels the feeling of four-point support.
  3. It is very useful to push the child under the heels so that the baby involuntarily puts the legs on its knees. Initially, he will bulge the ass and move like a caterpillar, but this will allow him to prepare the muscles of the legs for the upcoming loads.
  4. Place a cushion or pillow under the baby’s chest and belly. The subject must be hard enough so that the child does not fall through. After that, take the feet of the baby by the feet and move them forward so that the child rests his knees. The kid instinctively gets on all fours, and the pillow will help him to keep his own weight.
  5. You can also put the child across his leg so that the arms and legs of the baby are lowered down. This will allow the child to learn to coordinate their movements and navigate in space.
  6. To train the muscles of the legs will help exercise "bike".

Being engaged with the child every day, after a couple of weeks you can see visible results.And to speed up the process, you need to do a baby massage.


Massage is essentially a passive muscle workout. With the help of massage, you can warm up and prepare the muscle corset of the crumbs for various upcoming loads. Many mothers know how to positively massage the baby. After several sessions, the baby begins to demonstrate new skills.

 Baby massage

Massage can do as a specialist, and mother. If you are doing the massage yourself, make sure the baby is in a good mood. All movements should be fun for both mother and child. Lay the diaper on the table and place it on top of the baby. Use baby massage oil. First, carefully knead the palms and fingers of the crumbs. Therefore, go to the arms to the shoulders. Make stroking, rubbing, sneering, patting movements. Give each pen at least three minutes. After that, go to the feet and legs. Also work the lower limbs carefully. After that, you need to gently massage the chest and abdomen, then go to the back. Movement should be soft, but sure.It is very important to massage the neck - while standing on all fours, she too is under tremendous pressure.

Massage should go about 15 minutes, until the child is tired and began to act up. To bring the child to standing on his knees, you need to do a full course of massage, which consists of 10 sessions.

How to teach a child to get up on all fours

Some kids help parenting example. The fact is that the baby simply does not understand what they want from him. And when mom or dad enthusiastically kneel down beside him, everything immediately falls into place. Crawl along with the child, stand on all fours to show the baby how he should move. Sometimes it helps the example of extraneous children. Many mothers say that the baby began to crawl after seeing well crawling kids.

To put the child on his knees, you can use this advice. Just put your hand under the child's belly and lift it up. He instinctively (as in danger) podzhmet knees. At this time, the baby must be lowered back - he will be on all fours. For a long time he, of course, will not stand, but at least he will understand the technique.

Some mothers make a mistake when they put the baby on their feet ahead of time. The same goes for all fours. When the body is not ready crumbs, it can not be subjected to such severe stress. You can only strengthen, help, teach, show. And then the baby will be able to stand on all fours and crawl in a short time. And you will remember your feelings with a slight smile!

Video: how to teach a baby to crawl

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