How to teach a child to stand without support

Every child is different. And do not need to customize his skills in the framework of average skills. Someone starts doing this or that action earlier, and someone later. But there are medical standards, or rather the deadlines, according to which the child must learn to do something at a certain time. For example, turning a baby must learn to six months - this is the deadline for a healthy child. Sit babe can start by 9-10 months - this is also normal. But to learn how to stand without support a child should be by one and a half years old - this is also the latest term. If the baby is not worth a year - do not worry, but begin to actively train the baby, help him physically and mentally. If the baby does not stand at the support after 18 months of life - be sure to show the child to the doctor.

 How to teach a child to stand without support

Exercises for training a child

It is very important to show the child to an orthopedist and a neuropathologist before starting exercises and exercises.This does not mean that the baby is sick, you just need to make sure that the child is healthy in this part. If experts do not notice serious violations, you can do gymnastics, which will strengthen the muscles of the child and force him to stand without support.

  1. Very well develop the muscles of the legs special swing jumpers, such as walkers. The baby is placed in the so-called seat, the top of the swing is securely mounted on the door frame or home horizontal bar with a hook. The middle of the swing spring through the gum. Kid jumps, but does not fall. With such jumps, the calf muscles, thigh muscles, and the spine are trained.
  2. It is possible to teach a child to keep balance and train his vestibular apparatus using a fitball. To do this, place the crumb on the big rubber ball with his stomach down and twist it from side to side, left and right. Be attentive to the child - if he does not like it, it is better to stop the exercise.
  3. If the child is well worth the support, but does not want to let her go, go to the trick. When the baby is standing by the sofa or chair, entice him with a favorite toy or an unknown object - ladle or remote (they are so loved by children).But the object must be quite large, so that the child needs both hands in order to take a new toy. Be careful not to let the child fall. He just has to take his hands off the support and reach for the toy - this is enough for the first time. Short-term retention of balance - already a serious achievement for the crumbs.

Being engaged with the child playfully, you can teach him many physical skills. However, in order for the baby to learn to stand without support, you need to act in a complex.

Massage to strengthen the muscles

With the help of massage you can stimulate the development of the muscles of the child. In general, a healthy child receives three courses of a wellness massage after three months, after seven, and about a year. Usually, after each course of professional massage, the baby produces real results of physical skills. After the first course, it begins to roll over well, after the second course, it creeps, and after the third course, it begins to stand at the support or without support, and sometimes walk (depending on the child’s physical development). It is best to massage with a professional, but if there is no time or money to take the child to the massage therapist, the mother can also do the massage.It would be better if you take the child to the specialist a couple of times to see what kind of massage he does. After all, babies have hypo-and hypertonus, that is, weak or strong muscle development. The type of massage depends on this conclusion.

 Massage the child to strengthen the muscles

Restorative massage do healthy kids, it is as follows. Baby put on the bed, and better on the changing table. The baby should be soft, comfortable and warm. Strip the baby and moisten your hands in baby massage oil (choose hypoallergenic formulations). Start the massage with the foot - gently massage each finger, carefully walk on the heel and the entire foot, rub the back side. Then massage the calves, thighs. Movement can be rubbing, puzzling, stroking. The main thing that the child was comfortable. After the legs, massage your palms and hands, then your shoulders. Use a circular motion to massage the abdomen for better digestion. Massage your chest and back with stroking movements, avoiding the spinal area. Massage the neck should be carefully, without undue pressure. With curvature, only a doctor can massage this area.You can complete the massage with exercises of physical therapy - “bicycle”, placing the child on the legs with the support of the armpits, stimulating crawling (this strengthens the musculoskeletal system).

Regular massage activates blood circulation in the muscles, strengthens them, makes the legs more prepared for the upcoming loads. After the massage it is very useful to give the baby a chance to swim. A special circle, which is put on the child’s neck, allows him to move across the entire surface of the bath. At the same time, the child does not feel his weight in the water; it is much easier for him to move his legs. This is another important training on the way to free standing.

Environment and motivation

The environment in which the child learns to walk is very important. If the baby slips and falls, he will not just hurt himself. The important thing is that he will lose confidence in his abilities and will stop for some time trying to stand without support. Therefore, it is very important to choose shoes for the child. If the baby walks on the bare floor at home, buy him special socks with rubberized soles that do not slip.It is very important to secure the place where the exercises take place - soften the corners of the furniture and the shoals with special silicone linings. If the baby walks in shoes, it should be as comfortable and soft as possible. It may be necessary to remove rugs and carpets for which the baby may trip over time.

Very important and motivation of the child. The kid does not want to let go, simply because he does not need it. Surround him with interesting toys and new items that may be curious to him. But don't give it to them right away - keep one step away from the support. Try to let go of the hands of the child, but do not move away from him. Let the baby feel that you are still there and if you fail to catch it. Do not allow serious falls - the child may lose faith in his strength. When the baby stands at least a few seconds - stretch out his arms, he should know that mom and dad will always come to the rescue and the next time you do not need to be afraid to stand on your own. The first time of training for walking and standing should be only on the soft - at home or on the lawn, in any case not on the pavement.

When teaching a child to stand without support, do not force events.If the baby refuses to stand on his own - do not blame and, especially, do not force him. It's just that his body is not yet strong. In order not to harm the children's spine, the baby can not be planted and put on his feet ahead of time. The child himself will feel strength in his legs and will surely go soon. At the same time, you shouldn’t delay your visit to the doctor - it’s better to make sure that the baby is healthy and to wait patiently for the first steps than to lose precious time in the hope that everything is in order. Be patient and attentive to your child, and he will certainly soon stand on his feet!

Video: how to teach a child to walk

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