How to teach a child to use scissors

How to teach a child to use scissors? Such a question arises sooner or later in every parent. Because in the kindergarten or school, the child will still have to perform some actions with this subject. Therefore, as soon as the baby asked - what is it? - you need to start learning.

 How to teach a child to use scissors

General principles

The first step is to explain to the crumbs that it is impossible to play with scissors. None of the word at all. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is possible to hurt yourself with a tool or, through carelessness, harm another person.

The second postulate should explain that you can cut only those materials that parents have prepared for classes. Other things can not spoil. Otherwise, one fine morning, you can find holes in curtains or worse - the lack of your own bangs.

The next step is safety. The phrase is an adult, but it is also necessary for the smallest men.Just do not have to brush it off now and think that you will explain later. Of course, then ... you will tell a fucker with bandaged fingers. And this is not the worst case scenario.

Therefore, be sure to say that:

  • Do not leave scissors open.
  • Swing tool.
  • Leave them on the edge of the furniture.
  • Transfer the blades forward to another person.

Of course, the baby will not be able to remember everything at once. But if you periodically repeat, the information will remain in memory forever.

Did you know? Interestingly, and who approved the decision that the child should be trained on scissor cutting strictly on paper? And why not on a dried maple leaf or not on a foil? And maybe the chad would like to cut a piece of thick cloth or raw cabbage leaf? Include your imagination - the more interesting and faster the learning process.

Staging is important

Now you can go to the process of learning. First you need to show the child how to put his fingers. Some sources recommend that you take your instrument in your hand, and show by your own example how to hold the scissors.

The process will accelerate significantly if you sit not in front of the baby (his brain is not very good at mirroring the picture), but right behind his back. At the same time, your hands should be in front of the child so that he can see everything himself.

Do not think that the child will instantly understand everything and put his fingers correctly. Especially if he is less than 4 years old. At the beginning, help the child to hold the hand correctly. After he gets used to it, your participation will be limited to control.

By the way, it is equally important to immediately show the crumbs how to hold the material to make it easier to cut. After all, if you hold a sheet of paper incorrectly, then the scissors will tear and crush it. This can discourage the child from all desire to learn. The most comfortable position is approximately at the level above the chest, but below the eyes. And strictly exactly. Lying sideways is inconvenient to cut even an adult, not to mention a child.

Council Some sources recommend for left-handers to look for special scissors. Their blades are turned upside down and the baby knows better what is happening. We believe that this is an unjustified waste of funds. Moreover, many left-handers only write and eat with their left hand. And all the rest of the cases with success perform the right.

We teach in the game

Despite the interest shown to the instrument, babies often get tired of long monotonous training. And what could be more boring than cutting a plain white sheet of paper into stripes? Why not turn the lesson into an exciting game?

You will need:

  • thick colored paper (can be replaced with napkins)
  • scissors
  • plain white paper
  • glue

Have a child slice a napkin or some colored paper. Do not be afraid, he does not shred all, he soon get bored. As soon as they noticed that the child no longer wants to cut, go to the category of artists.

From pieces of napkins can be screwed together with the child balls. Then stick them on a white sheet, laid out in the form:

  • the clouds
  • lilac bush
  • chicken
  • Mimosa branches
  • sea ​​lambs

It turns out an interesting structure. And from scraps of colored paper, you can lay out the whole picture. Include fantasy and develop it in the baby.

By the way, it is possible to give up the old catalogs or journals to be torn apart. They are thick paper that does not get stuck in scissors.

Council Do not offer kid to study the newsprint or a thin soft cloth.The first is more likely to break in inept handles than to be cut. And the second will jam in the scissors, and nothing good will come out either.

Useful recommendations

All sources in one voice advise buying special scissors for a child. Certainly small and with plastic lining. Say, it will be safer for the baby. Nonsense some kind of unjustified waste of money. Moreover, almost all such tools are of disgusting quality. Entire generations in our country have learned to cut with the most ordinary scissors. Look, a lot of people without fingers do you see on the streets?

 Baby and scissors

Learning under the supervision of parents will be the safest for a baby. And from small scissors the child will quickly grow.

Buy a tool a little more than the handle of a child. So that if necessary, he could shove not one, but several fingers into the ring. Suddenly, silenok not enough at first to close and open the blade.

The only prerequisite is the rounded ends of the scissors. This is important, and the rest is pure myth.

By the way, some sources recommend for the first experience to buy baby nail scissors for babies at the pharmacy.Hey, advisors! Have you tried to cut paper, leaves or cloth by yourself? First try, and then give recommendations ... if there is still a desire.

Parents of babies! Don't even think about it! It is better to buy once a good expensive scissors for children's creativity with a small margin for growth. The child will thank you later

Wise parents do not have a question - how to teach a child to use scissors. They just take and correctly explain to the baby all the basics, and then the subtleties. Well, not wise parents ... let them be as small as possible. Then there will be no problems with learning.

Video: how to teach your baby to use scissors

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