How to tune in for weight loss: useful tips

The main feature of the correct weight loss is the psychological aspect. Many girls do not believe in their own strength, so do not dare to go on a diet. Some find all sorts of excuses, others believe that they have a wide bone. One way or another, you need to overcome fear and act immediately. It should be immediately explained that it is absolutely not recommended to use the principle “I will start from Monday,” you need to act right now. Consider the important aspects of how to adjust yourself to lose weight.

 How to tune in for weight loss

Step number 1. Believe in your own success

You can not go on a diet if you do not start to believe in your own strength. Any diet - this is work on the subconscious, willpower, tolerance. Do not start to lose weight, if in doubt, get rid of them beforehand.Approximately 2 weeks before the day "X" start to drive into the head the thought "I can, I will lose weight!". When you realize that doubts have disappeared, act!

Many girls successfully lose weight than you are worse? Do not let fear knock off the intended path, fight. You must clearly present yourself in a new body: how tight jeans or a short dress sit. Represent men watching them while you walk past them in high heels.

Remember, on a diet you can also eat delicious. It is not necessary to use unsalted buckwheat porridge or kefir. Options for proper nutrition mass: delicious fish in its own juice, diet pancakes, low-fat fruit desserts, and more. Expand the area of ​​knowledge, look for recipes for delicious low-calorie dishes.

Step number 2. Set goals

Psychological mood to lose weight requires a goal, without it you can not stand a week. Ask yourself: “Why do I need to lose weight?”.

Perhaps you decided to surprise your colleagues, make your beloved man proud of the lady of the heart, or simply cannot get into your favorite jeans. It doesn't matter what exactly motivates, the main thing is the presence of a stimulus.

After you have highlighted the important aspects, proceed to the practical part. Take a notebook or an album sheet, measure your own parameters. Write on paper the current weight, height, waist and buttocks, forearms, chest, hips.

Set the date and time to calculate in the future the period for which you have achieved incredible results. Perform such measurements 1 time in 10 days, at the same time observe the same time (morning, afternoon or evening).

Further on the same sheet it is necessary to clarify the desired parameters that you want to achieve. Do not be a dreamer, assess the chances of real. It is important to understand that when losing weight the chest first thing disappears, so you will lose 1 size.

In addition, the model parameters (hourglass) can not be achieved with the figure "pear" or "rectangle". Specify the exact number in centimeters (chest, waist, hips) and the desired weight in the final result.

Next, subtract from the present weight that which you aspire to. Do the same manipulations with body volume indicators. The result will be a difference, this will be your direction. For example, the current weight is equal to the mark of 55 kg., And you aspire to 50.

So, you want to get rid of 5 kg. At the same time, keep in mind that in 1 month it’s really possible to lose a maximum of 3–3.5 kg. (diet medium), therefore, it will take 1.5 months of daily work on themselves.

Step number 3. Go in for sports

Sport is a great motivation! For the most part, the psychological mood for weight loss is achieved through active physical exercise. Sign up for a trial lesson in the gym or start pumping at home. Go jogging to the nearest park, make daily walks around the house for 1 hour.

Other types of sport include swimming in the pool, dancing. Begin to engage in hip-hop, salsa, twerk or other areas as desired. The main thing is to take time for such activities.

After a certain period of time you will notice how the muscles tightened, those extra pounds will melt before your eyes. Every day you are more willing to lose weight, seeing undeniable results.

In cases where, due to lack of time, there is no opportunity to attend a fitness club or a dance school, get some workouts at home.Find online lessons in the right direction, follow the step by step instructions.

In addition, download to your phone a program for calculating steps and, as a result, calories. Go to work on foot to expend additional energy resources of the body.

Step number 4. Balance the diet

At this stage, you need to get used to feel healthy and slim person. Review the daily menu, exclude salty, spicy, fatty dishes. Lean on fresh vegetables, make salads, season them with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Eat more seasonal fruits and berries, prepare milkshakes in a shaker with added proteins (without sugar).

Make a diet in such a way that it contains fish and meat (beef, pork pulp, chicken, turkey, duck fillet). Cook the listed foods in a double boiler, oven, multi-cooker, and grill. Once a week, eat seafood cocktail (octopus, shrimp, squid, mussels, etc.).

You should not completely exclude bread from the menu, replace it with bakery products from hard wheat varieties, eat no more than 2 slices per day.With regards to other sweets flour type, they will have to give up. Cookies, cakes, muffins, puffs - all this under strict prohibition.

As can be understood from the above, the main task at this stage is the replacement of junk food with useful one. Changes should take place gradually, without sudden changes. Once you get used to eat right, feel free to go on a diet. Perhaps you do not need a rigid method, a correct and balanced diet implies weight loss without damage to health.

Also, do not forget about the necessary daily fluid intake - at least 3 liters per day. At the same time 2.4-2.6 liters should be given clean filtered water, the rest - fresh juices, green tea, natural fruit drinks, kefir.

Step number 5. Really evaluate your chances

At this stage, you need to decide - whether you can clearly follow the diet with regard to lifestyle. In cases where, by the nature of the service, you are forced to drive around on business trips, talk with partners in a restaurant, attend banquets, and observe the regime is unlikely.

In addition, the violation of a special diet can be triggered by family life, if you need to prepare various goodies for the household.Strange as it may sound, but lack of money is another enemy of the diet. Proper nutrition requires financial expenditure, so evaluate your own budget.

If you have decided to go on a diet in spite of everything, choose a technique that will be adapted to the rhythm of life. This may be a five meals a day in small portions or, on the contrary, food intake 2-3 times a day with snacks.

Before you start losing weight, get a diary. Write down the menu for the week, calculate how much money you need. When the time comes, go to the store, buy groceries, start cooking.

By the time you go on a diet, the body will be ready for loads of varying complexity, this is an indisputable plus. Unaccustomed in advance to eat in front of the TV or behind a PC, and you should not dine in the dim light. These actions lead to overeating, due to which the stomach is stretched.

Step number 6. Stimulate yourself

Without a stimulus, weight loss is impossible; this fact has been proven by nutritionists more than once. Find the reasons why you can no longer be in the current weight class. Consider an effective method of motivation, which has been approved by women in most European countries.

First, get out of the closet clothes that you small.Terrorize yourself with exhausting fittings to understand for sure - it's time to lose weight. The same applies to shopping, where the light in the booths shows all the flaws.

Next, stand in front of the mirror, collect the fat folds with your hands and be horrified by what you see. Agree, not very impressive sight? This means it's time to go on a diet!

Then go to the old archives, find your own snapshot on which you look full. Beat in your head that you cannot be like that, you need to urgently change something.

After viewing the imperfect pictures, find the image you are delighted with. Print, hang on the fridge. Each time, coming to the kitchen, look at your own "I" and dream again to return to the previous body.

After partial self-destruction, start looking for a real incentive. Get on the Internet, find stories of celebrities or ordinary people who were able to lose a lot more extra pounds than you plan. Impossible is possible, isn't it?

It is important to understand that you need to lose weight forever. For this reason, completely give up mono-diets and miraculous pills,promising weight loss for three days. You should not live in cycles of "weight loss" - "weight gain", such manipulations only exacerbate health.

TV screens and Internet pages are full of modern methods of losing weight, but everything is not so simple. You can not sit all my life on pills that suppress the appetite, or eat portions of 100 grams. Easy to tune in to lose weight, if you have sufficient knowledge with regards to psychological techniques. Believe in your own success, set realistic goals, play sports and stimulate yourself. Do not try to lose 5 kilograms per week, strive to ensure that weight loss goes away gradually.

Video: how to tune in for weight loss

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