How to pump a trapeze at home

At present, a toned and athletic body is an essential element of the image of a successful person who is always able to find a few hours a week for self-development. And many people, sincerely wanting to get in shape, but who do not have the opportunity to attend the gym, work out at home, making up their own programs that focus on the main muscles (chest muscles, back muscles, etc.). At the same time, when the question concerns the muscles of the back, 90% of people pump over the broadest muscles, but not trapezoid.

 How to pump a trapeze

This muscle group is one of the most important adductor muscles in the body, which have the functions of the main motor mechanisms. The paired muscles of the trapezium are located behind the two sides of the spine, and the appearance of each individual muscle resembles distantly a triangle, and combining them gives a trapezoid muscle complex. The trapezoid connects the back of the head, shoulder joints and partially the shoulder blades, being lowered just below the back.

Important: Trapezius muscles in most cases with the muscles of the forearm, therefore, these muscle groups should always be pumped at the same time.

The main function of the trapezoidal complex of muscles is the implementation of the movement of the blades of the cyclic movement up and down: the reduction of only the upper parts of the complex sets the movement of the rise, the lower - the lowering. Obviously, the work on the trapezoid should consist in the implementation of exercises that make the shoulder blades rise and fall, plus bring them together. The most useful exercises, therefore, are the various wiring-reports with the use of average weights, not maximal, exercises on horizontal bars, uneven bars, classical push-ups.

Exercises with weighting

It is no secret to anyone that bodybuilders, while working in the gym on their figure, always use different dumbbells and weights to exert a greater load on certain muscles. Controlled heavy load leads to the rupture of muscle fibers, their rapid healing and the emergence of new, stronger ones.

Important: it is impossible to pump the trapezius muscles without working with additional weights; Exercises that are performed with its own weight can only help to lose weight, but no more.

The classic exercise is the so-called "Shrugging", which, firstly, is very easy to do at home, and secondly, have a simple technique. This exercise focuses on the vertical work of the muscles and will give an excellent functional load (because it is recommended to always perform at the beginning of the workout). Exercises are performed as follows: dumbbells (or bottles filled with water or sand) are taken in each hand, standing upright with feet apart, after which you only need to lift your shoulders up, as if giving a negative answer to any proposal. You must perform at least 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

A variety of shrugs are scars with weighting behind the back, which are also aimed at the forearms and help to correct the posture, because attention should also be paid to it.Back when performing should be straight, and the line of the spine - natural. While inhaling, shoulders rise with straight arms behind the back, but at the same time, both legs and chest, and, importantly, hands should not bend in any direction. Only shoulders should work here.

Tip: when you reach the highest point, you should strain the muscles of the trapezoid in order to give them maximum tension and, as a result, the best pumping effect.

Exercise "Thrust", which will give the necessary load trapezoid muscles - dumbbell up on an inclined solid surface. Usually, the back of the chair, which is inclined at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall or sofa, acts as such a surface. The idea is that you should lay your belly down on your back, so that your legs feel the floor with confidence, while your arms hang down. Again, dumbbells are taken into each of the arms, which is necessary to pull up, working solely with the back muscles, not with biceps and triceps, that is, stretching the arms slightly to the sides. Raise your hands as much as possible up is not necessary, it is enough only amplitudes of 15-25 centimeters.

Advice: these exercises will give the best effect to the growth of muscles in the case of their implementation, so it is important to first give the maximum trapezoid load using the first exerciseand after that - finish it with the help of the second.

If the joints of the arms are well developed, then the trapezius muscles can be pumped with the help of rotations performed with dumbbells. To perform the exercise, it is enough just to take projectiles in hands, after which they describe circles of about 40-50 cm in diameter, first clockwise, then against. It is enough to perform the exercise 40 times (it is possible in two approaches).

Since the trapezius muscles cannot be loaded without a load on the muscles of the hands, the latter can be severely damaged when choosing a too heavy sports equipment to perform the exercises. Therefore it is important:

  1. To carry out a set of warm-up exercises before training, aimed at working out the back muscles and trapezius muscles.
  2. Pre-lubricate the back with warming creams.
  3. Follow the technique of each exercise.

There is also an exercise called “Chin to Chin,” which requires some convenient bag to lift a bag or container — several filled bottles or something heavy should be put into it. Initial position: legs are shoulder-width apart, and lowered arms hold a backpack or bag with a narrow grip (that is, from their width, the arms are lowered to almost one point). The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. When inhaling, you should slowly pull the backpack to the chin so that at the highest point the elbows are slightly higher than the wrists.
  2. At the highest point of the backpack hold a little more, in order to give the muscles to feel the tension.
  3. After that, the weight slowly goes down to the starting position.

Exercise with its own weight

Although it is impossible to give volume to muscles without a forceful approach, it is possible to work out trapezius muscles with the help of special exercises that use a person’s own weight.

 Trapeze pushups

Classic in this area are push-ups, familiar to everyone from the school. They are carried out as follows: initially, such an emphasis is lying down, so that the back, thighs and arms are within the same line, while the elbows are maximally reduced to the body. The palms should be set at about the center of the chest; push-ups themselves are performed very slowly, in order to give a load to each joint and each muscle in the composition of the trapezium. It is necessary to go down until the chest touches the brushes lying on the floor. Three sets of at least 30 repetitions should be performed.

Also pay attention to the exercise "Cobra", which has little in common with the "Plank". The starting position for this exercise is the laying on the arms and legs. After accepting the starting position, you should lie down on your stomach, then trying to raise both the head, arms, legs and shoulders off the ground at the same time and trying to keep them at the highest point for a long time (at least a minute).

The classic "yard" exercise, which focuses on the trapezius muscles, consider pulling on the bar wide grip. Such a grip implies fixing the arms on a horizontal bar by a width far exceeding the normal grip (shoulder width). Pulling up - lifting at the expense of work on the reduction of the blades; in this case, you can help yourself a little with your biceps, but only to finish the way out of the crossbar; the lifting itself should be carried out only by the trapezius muscles.

Tip: Usually when performing pull-ups with a wide grip, the bar is approached at a slight angle (between the uprights of the bar and the person’s plane, it can reach 20 degrees). This will help pay extra attention to the trapezium, not the biceps.

Not bad work out the muscles of the trapeze tightening with the establishment of the head. To perform this type of exercise, you should place your hands on the crossbar with the usual grip, and pull up almost perfectly straight, at the end of which take the head forward so that the neck just touches the horizontal bar. It is much more important here than in the previous exercise to ensure that only the muscles of the trapezium work, since with a large number of repetitions the body will unwittingly help itself, including the biceps and triceps in the work.

Most athletes use two days a month to train the trapezoid and forearm muscles, since these groups of muscles are more leading, and they are involved in other exercises, such as those aimed at the broadest. In any case, it is necessary at least sometimes to pay attention to the pumping of the trapezius muscles of a full-fledged training day. Trapezius muscles belong to the group of muscles that are fairly easy to increase in volume, because the result with the right approach will not take long to wait.

Well-developed trapezius muscles reduce any stress on the joints of the shoulder, cervical vertebrae,obviously minimizes the risks of any injuries, sprains and tears. Moreover, with developed trapezoid muscles, it is much easier to maintain posture due to the fact that volumetric muscles simply interfere with the curvature of the vertebrae. Growth of the mass of trapezius muscles is impossible without a forceful approach, because over time it will have to increase the weight and it will not be enough to do with plastic bottles filled with sand and water.

Video: how to pump a trapezoid without iron

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