How to build oblique abdominal muscles: useful tips

The oblique muscles provide mobility of the body. They perform the function of a corset that protects the internal organs from injury, and the lumbar sprain from sprains. Thanks to the side press, a person can turn and tilt to the sides. Develop oblique muscles recommend to people who want to learn martial arts or sign up for boxing. A side press and athletes who dream of a thin and prominent waist train hard.

 How to build oblique abdominal muscles

Essentials for newbies

Abdominal muscles hid under a layer of reserves for a rainy day? It's time to reconsider the diet and remove high-calorie foods:

  • sweets, even honey and dark chocolate;
  • flour products;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausage;
  • fatty meat.

Exercises for the development of oblique abdominal muscles do not contribute to weight loss. If you do not stick to a diet and do not limit the number of calories consumed, subcutaneous deposits will not go anywhere.After a few workouts, the side press will increase in volume and begin to “push” the fat, the waist will become wider and larger by 1-2 sizes.

How to simulate a taut and flat stomach? Keep track of calories. Get less and burn more to start the process of splitting subcutaneous stocks. It is impossible to starve, otherwise the body, together with subcutaneous fat, also destroys the muscular system.

It is better to replace fast food and macaroni with healthy protein food, drink protein shakes and plenty of clean water. After training, be sure to snack. Boiled chicken, unsweetened yogurt or sports nutrition will do.

Before classes you need to eat. If you come to the gym with an empty stomach, then the strength will run out very quickly. But you need to eat food about 2 hours before the workout. In an overcrowded stomach during intense workouts discomfort occurs.

Begin with a run, exercise bike or jump rope to warm up the muscles and joints. If you do not prepare the body for intensive loads, there is a high probability of stretching or dislocation. Beginners are advised to do 2-3 approaches. Start with 5–9 repetitions and gradually increase to 12–15. Too overload the body does not make sense.Muscle mass will not grow faster if you do 20-25 repetitions. It is better to dilute the workout exercises for the development of flexibility. They contribute to the development of oblique muscles and help to form a thin waist.

Bends and turns

The starting position for all the exercises is the same: arrange the lower limbs shoulder-width apart, lower the upper limbs along the seams or lift them, placing them on the back of the head. Athletes who are engaged for more than 2 months are allowed to hold dumbbells or other weights in their hands.

  1. In the first exercise, the hands are locked into a lock and pulled over the back of the head. Body pull forward and down. The right elbow is trying to touch the left knee. When tilting the abdomen, to train not only the oblique muscles, but also the anterior abdominal wall.
  2. In the second exercise, the position of the hands is arbitrary. You can put your palms on your shoulders, fold your upper limbs on your chest or arrange to the sides. The main thing is that the legs and pelvis do not move. Only the torso and neck work. First turn to the right, trying to see your own buttocks, then to the left. Movement must be very fast, because the muscles are trained due to inertia and resistance of the body.What should be the amplitude of the rotations? To be guided by sensations: if a pulling pain appeared in the lower back or stomach, it means that the body has reached its limit.
  3. The lower limbs stand at the width of the shoulder joints. Hands relaxed, palms pressed to the feet. Tilting the body forward, slide the upper limbs over the hips and legs. Temechkom to reach for the left, and then to the right knee. Smoothly return to the original position.
  4. Lower limbs in a bent state. Legs can be placed a little wider if it is difficult to keep balance. Hands clasp the head. The trunk leans first to the left, then to the right. The back does not bend in the lower back or the area of ​​the shoulder blades, it should be perfectly flat. It is recommended to gradually increase the amplitude and accelerate. Exercise can be performed by lowering the arms along the hips of the body and taking dumbbells or water bottles. Weighting compounds create additional stress on oblique muscles, improving the result.
  5. Hands apart, palms looking in different directions. The legs are located on the width of the shoulder joints. On the exhale, it is maximum possible to draw in the abdomen and to bend forward, trying to reach the right foot to the left foot.Breathing in, return to the original position. The press does not relax, but constantly strain.
  6. Exercise is designed for professionals who want to make oblique muscles prominent. It will take a ball filled with sand. The weight of the inventory ranges from 1.5 to 5 kg. Depends on the experience of the athlete and his physical form. The shell to take with both hands and lift over the left shoulder. Simultaneously sit, bending the knee joints at an angle of 45-60 degrees. Lower the ball moving diagonally. When he is at the right thigh, stand up and take the starting position.

It is recommended to start with 4-6 reps. Work the oblique muscles, not the arms or lower back. Be careful not to pull your back. The movements are smooth, avoid sudden jerks that can cause stretching of the lumbar muscles, especially if the ball weighs about 4–5 kg.

Load increase

It will take a karemat that does not allow the body to slide during exercise. Rug spread on the floor, lay on his back. The surface must be flat. Heels rest on the floor, bending the knees. Perform 3 exercises:

 Oblique abdominal muscles

  1. Clasp the back of your head with your palms, spread your elbows apart.Legs turn left, the body remains in place. Only the body rises, but without too sharp and fast jerks. The loin does not move, is pressed against the floor. Only the press works, the remaining muscles are in a slightly relaxed state. After making 5–10 repetitions, turn the lower limbs to the right.
  2. The hands continue to compress the back of the head, the heels rest against the floor, and the bent knees are perpendicular to the ceiling. Raise the lower limbs and touch the chin, then reach the right or left shoulder and return to the original position.
  3. Lower the right arm along the body, lean on the elbow and forearm. Left palm to clasp the head. On the right leg, bent at the knee, put the foot of the second limb. Push your lower back to the floor, only the upper body moves. The left elbow touches the right knee, then returns to the starting position. Do not lie down on the ground with paddles. Quickly rise and fall. If an athlete feels tension in the lateral muscles, then he is doing everything right.

Staying on the floor, roll over on the other side and continue training:

  1. Legs bent at the knee joints, pull up to the stomach.Rest your right elbow and forearm on the floor, keep your head straight. Raise bent legs 15-20 cm from the ground. Straighten and bend lower limbs, without dropping them to the floor. You can abut the ground upper thigh.
  2. Resting against the floor with the right forearm and the outside of the foot. Tear off the body from the ground, it should be straight and not sag down. Raise your left hand so that your fingers look at the ceiling, and then gently lower it down and touch the floor with your palm. Do 5–10 repetitions, and then rest for 20–30 seconds. Roll over on the second side.
  3. Straighten your right hand and pull it up, put your head on it. Left to rest on the floor to make it easier to keep balance. Legs close together and tear 20 times off the ground, trying to lift as high as possible.

Exercises are performed for both sides. Move smoothly and not too fast, because the main task is to wake up and make the abdominals of the abdomen work. They need to be kept in constant tension.

Twisting gives a good result:

  • Raise the lower limbs, bent at the knees, and put the legs on the sofa.
  • Hands clasp the head, spreading his elbows.
  • Loin fix on the floor.
  • Tear off from the ground only the upper part of the body.
  • To reach the right knee to the opposite knee. Do not lower the body.

A pleasant tingling will appear in the muscles, which indicates that everything has been done correctly.

Additional inventory

It is possible to pump up a lateral press with the help of a fitball:

  1. Catch your feet on the sofa or bench.
  2. Lie back on the ball, clasp your head with your hands or cross your upper limbs on your chest.
  3. Raise the case, twisting left-right.
  4. Having taken the initial posture, relax for 2-4 seconds so that the muscles do not get tired so quickly.

The horizontal bar will help to form a relief press and a thin waist. It is necessary to hang on the pipe and lift bent legs to the chest. Right knee pull to the left shoulder and vice versa. Experienced athletes are recommended to raise straight legs to increase the load.

You can pump your oblique muscles at home, you only need to exercise regularly and follow a diet. One lesson is recommended to spend from 30 minutes to 2 hours, taking small breaks between approaches. If you perform all the exercises correctly, do not skip workouts and work hard, the result will appear after 1-2 months.

Video: how to build a press at home

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