How a man pumped up legs at home

Modern standards of male beauty flash on the covers of glossy magazines, attracting girls and women of different ages. This was the reason for many men to do their own body and figure. But the sports and pumped body is not only an opportunity to please the opposite sex. This is health, weight loss, longevity.

 How a man pump up legs

How often most men begin to improve their bodies with biceps and triceps. They successfully model the upper part of their figure, forgetting about their legs. And the result of this is at least ridiculous. The body of an adult strong man becomes like a grasshopper - a powerful back, strong arms and shoulders, coupled with thin and thin legs. To avoid this common mistake, you need to swing your legs along with the rest of the body.

How to pump up the legs at home

Most modern men stay up late at work and there’s not always time to go to the gym. But this is not a problem, legs can be pumped at home, without the use of sports equipment. When performing these exercises, only your own body weight is used.

  1. Warm up before any exercise. This can be easy running, aerobic exercise, jumping rope. This will warm up the muscles, disperse the blood through the body and protect the ligaments from sprains.
  2. One of the most effective leg exercises is squats. While doing squats, you do not need to go all the way down so as not to harm your knees. When performing the exercise, place your legs apart a little, this will allow you to pump not only the muscles of the thighs and calves, but also the buttocks. Usually, squats are easy, so you can complicate the task and add a load. It can be simple dumbbells or discs for the bar. If there are no special devices at hand, use a backpack with bricks or bottles of water. The optimal weighting agent should weigh about 20-30 kg.
  3. One of the ideal leg exercises is running. In general, when running, not only legs, but also the whole body, almost every muscle are involved. If you want to burn fat, you need to run at a moderate pace and for a long time.This will help you lose weight, dry out and give muscle relief. If you are working for the masses, running should be sprint, that is, you need to alternate running at high speed with small intervals of rest.
  4. Well pump calves will help rises on their toes. To do this, just stand on your toes and slowly lower to the starting position. So you need to repeat at least 50 times. If the exercise seems too easy for you, you can use weights that are attached to the ankle. You can also get up socks on the step, lower the heel below the level of the toe and rise from this position.
  5. To perform the following exercise, you need to lie on your side and put your hand under your head for convenience. Slowly lift and lower the leg, which is on top. The lower leg can be slightly pulled back so that the amplitude of the rise of the second leg was greater. If the exercise is easy for you, you need to add a load.
  6. One of the most simple, but at the same time difficult exercises is the pistol that we were taught in school. Stand near a wall or other support, stretch one leg forward, and crouch on the other leg. Every 10 squats, change your leg.Make as many reps and approaches as possible. Not only the leg on which you squat is pumped over here. A raised leg is also involved, because it keeps balance.

Exercises with the use of sports equipment

The following set of exercises is based on using extra weight. Most often it is dumbbells and a barbell. Surely, you have these devices at home, so you can successfully conduct classes at home.

 Exercises for pumping legs

  1. The most high-quality exercise for pumping the muscles of the legs - it lunges with dumbbells. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in your hands. One leg should be put forward and bent at the knee so that the arm with the dumbbells drops almost to the floor. Then you need to return to its original position. It is necessary to pump in this way both legs, 10-15 times in 4-5 sets. After this exercise, you will feel an incredible tension in the muscles, because almost all muscle groups of the legs are involved.
  2. Side attacks. This exercise will help you pump up the inner and outer thighs. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.Take your leg to the side and sit down on it. Then with a springy movement try to return to its original position. Exercise is incredibly useful and involves those muscle groups that are usually at rest. It is more effective to carry out exercise with dumbbells in hands.
  3. To perform the following exercise, you will need a small weight. Stand near the door jamb or two chair backs so that you can comfortably hold your hands. With one foot, hook the weight with your legs (as if with your fingers) and try to lift it. The exercise is static - that is, you just stand and hold the weight with your foot. At the same time, a large group of muscles of both legs is involved. Hold the weight as much as you can, and then change your legs.
  4. Another exercise that will allow you to pump your hips and buttocks is shallow squats with a barbell. Stand up straight, take the barbell on your shoulders. The back should be flat, and legs slightly bent at the knees. Do shallow squats so that your knees do not protrude socks. It is very important to breathe deeply here; you cannot hold your breath during the exercise.

After any set of exercises, do stretching.Smooth movements will help stretch hot muscles, which contributes to their elasticity and growth.

Training mode

It is very important to understand that training aimed at muscle growth should not be daily. Any trainer knows that one day the muscles are swinging, and the next day they grow, and you need to leave them alone. The most optimal training regime is in a day. If you study every other day, it is best to alternate the load. For example, the first day you train your arms and shoulders, the second day you relax, on the third day your back and legs are involved, the fourth - rest. And so in a circle. The correct training regime will provide you with a good result in the form of pumped legs in a few months.

I would like to say a few words about the number of repetitions and approaches in a particular exercise. If you want to work on the mass and gain relief, you need to do fewer approaches, but do as many repetitions as possible. So you train endurance. If you are working for strength, then the number of repetitions must be reduced, and the number of approaches increased.

Nutrition for leg muscle growth

Everyone knows that muscle growth needs proteins.That is why nutrition is an important part in the formation of beautiful, prominent and powerful muscles of the legs. So, what, how and when to eat to get pumped up?

 Nutrition for leg muscle growth

If you work and play sports at home, it’s best to do it in the evening. There are a number of reasons for this. First, the morning loads are harmful to the heart, which has not yet had time to wake up and disperse the blood through the body. The second reason is that if you pump your legs intensively in the morning, then all day you will feel tired and nagging muscles. Another reason why you should practice in the evening is the ability of the body to more serious physical exertion in the evening.

So, you came from work and had dinner. After that you don’t feel like playing sports, the sofa and your favorite TV beckons you. As an option - a computer with an adorable game. So that your plans have not changed, dinner should be loose after work. Prefer light salads, side dishes, baked meat or fish. No mayonnaise, soda, sweets, pastries, fried or fatty foods. No need to overeat to the blade, so that a full stomach does not discourage your desire to conduct a workout.

After a half to two hours after dinner, you can start training. It lasts about one and a half hours. Another hour after training can not eat anything. Before going to bed, you will surely get hungry, especially after intense activities. But at this time it is very important to restrain yourself from unforeseen consumption of food, especially carbohydrates. It is best to eat a protein product that will be focused on muscle growth.

  1. Eggs One of the best products for building muscle. It is best to eat only protein, without the yolk.
  2. Chicken breast. It contains a huge amount of protein, with virtually no fat. It is better to have a breast in a guy or boiled form.
  3. Kefir and milk. Dairy products must be fat free. Cheese and cottage cheese can also be noted here - these are wonderful bricks for building muscles and healthy bones.
  4. Buckwheat. Of course, in buckwheat more carbohydrates than protein, but this cereal contains a huge amount of protein, which is so necessary for men during the period of muscle building.
  5. Fish and seafood. It is an excellent product for muscle growth and fat burning. Seafood is low in calories, but incredibly high in vitamins.
  6. Nuts With the help of any kind of nuts you can fill the lack of energy. But at one time you should not eat nuts more than a handful the size of a tablespoon.

These simple rules will help you accelerate the growth of muscles and maintain the result over time. After all, proper nutrition, training regimen and the quality of the exercises are three important conditions, the observance of which will allow you to achieve a beautiful and relief figure. Improve your body and be healthy!

Video: how to pump up your legs at home

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