How to treat hand tremor at home

We are accustomed to seeing shaking hands in old people, although today tremor is not always a sign of old age, hands can shake even in a child. If the palms are shaking in an infant, this is not considered a pathology, the whole thing is in unformed neural connections. Senile tremor is also quite acceptable. In addition, hands can shake with fear or excitement, there are plenty of reasons for which the tremor is considered physiological. But, unfortunately, there are also a lot of diseases (in most cases, neurological), in which tremor is one of the main symptoms. In this article we will try to figure out what hand tremor is, how and why it appears, how to cope with it independently and under the supervision of a doctor.

 How to treat hand tremor

Causes of tremor

A tremor is an involuntary trembling of hands with a small amplitude that cannot be controlled. Tremor occurs due to chaotic muscle contractions.Tremor can be physiological (which does not require any treatment) and pathological (due to a certain disease). Let's try to deal with this symptom, let's start with the usual tremor that can occur in any person.

It is proved that tremor most often occurs in emotional and suspicious people who perceive everything close to the heart, are quickly excited, etc.

Nerve overvoltages, depression, stress, nervous work and other factors also adversely affect the health of the nervous system.

Hands can shake in people whose work is associated with hard physical labor - most often it is the porters, builders, etc.

Hand tremor occurs in people of such professions as a jeweler, a watchmaker - all those who work with small objects are affected by constant tension in their hands.

Often, tremor overtakes professional athletes, due to the fact that the muscles of the arms are constantly at the limit of their capabilities. Here, first of all, you can select weightlifters.

Hands can begin to shake at anyone, even the most healthy person, if he is worried, afraid, worried.

The tremor of the hands occurs on the background of alcohol intake and smoking, hands are shaking due to the use of narcotic drugs and even due to excessive consumption of coffee.

Sometimes tremor is a reaction to some medications, and tremor is considered one of the most common side effects. Often hands are shaking against the background of taking antidepressants, neuroleptics, drugs for the expansion of the bronchi.

Shaking hands when cold.

Children (up to 4-5 months) and older people (over 70 years) often suffer from tremor, this is absolutely normal.

The predisposition to tremor is genetically transmitted - the risk of shaking hands is much higher if your parents were exposed to this symptom.

Hands may shake after being severely poisoned by heavy metals, carbon monoxide, etc. In this case, the tremor will pass only after detoxification of the body.

In the examples presented, the tremor is not terrible - you just need to exclude the provoking factor. That is, get rid of alcohol and coffee in the diet, calm down, try not to be nervous and not cold. Old men are prescribed special medications that relieve tremor a little bit - this improves their quality of life. Things are much more complicated if tremor is a symptom of a more serious illness. So, under what diagnoses can your hands tremble?

  • Various injuries of the cerebellum - in fact it is he who is responsible for the coordination of human movements.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland - an increase in the number of thyroid hormones.
  • With hypoglycemia, when the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply.
  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Brain injury.
  • Liver failure, viral hepatitis and other disorders in the liver.
  • Hands may begin to shake after being bitten by an encephalitic tick.
  • Hands shaking against the background of low hemoglobin.

The exact cause of hand tremor can only be named after a thorough examination and diagnosis. If the tremor appeared suddenly, and you do not associate it with objective reasons, you need to consult a doctor. But is it possible to get rid of tremor at home?

How to treat hand tremor yourself

These are simple recommendations available to everyone, they will help you cope with tremor, if its cause is not covered in another, more serious disease.

 How to treat hand tremor yourself

Try not to be nervous, solve all the questions and problems that bother you, try not to overwork at work.If necessary, take sedatives, neuroleptics and tranquilizers that will help you get rid of feelings of anxiety and anxiety, but remember that only a doctor should prescribe them.
Do not overcool!

Give up bad habits - eliminate the consumption of alcohol, drugs and coffee, stop smoking. If your hands are shaking against the background of prolonged alcohol intoxication, you need to detoxify the body - put a cleaning dropper with vitamins. It is necessary to stabilize blood pressure, introduce enzymes into the body to assimilate food, drink a course of sedatives and antidepressants. In combination with psychotherapy, you can stop drinking alcohol, and the tremor will disappear as soon as the body clears up a little and its nervous system recovers.

If you have a responsible or exciting event, take a sedative one hour before it starts - do not wait for the tremor to bother you.

Exercise to improve blood circulation in the tissues and improve the nerve endings. Very good soothing water sports.

Adhere to a special diet that does not excite the state of the nervous system.Give up energy drinks, coffee, chocolate, strong tea and similar products - they increase the pressure and increase the production of adrenaline.

An excellent treatment for tremor of the hands is considered to be contrast bathing. Turn on the shower and adjust it to a comfortable warm temperature, after which you need to gradually make the water more and more cold, as far as you can stand, several times. It stimulates nerve endings, improves muscle function. You can take a contrast shower completely or pour water into two cups and lower the hands in them alternately.

Lie down no later than 10 pm, sleep at least 8 hours a day, healthy and full sleep - the basis of human neurological health.

Engage in a hobby that develops fine motor skills - you can draw, weave items from beads, sculpt from clay, knit.

Often, patients are prescribed vitamins - they must contain vitamins of group B, magnesium and calcium. You can also take home soothing means - tincture of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn. In difficult cases, the patient is assigned inhibitors that inhibit the activity of certain areas of the brain, eliminating over-stimulation. In case of old tremor, anticonvulsants are prescribed.

In some cases, bees help to get rid of tremor. During a bite, special substances that improve the work of the nerve endings get into the tissue of the skin and muscles of a person. The same effect can be achieved with hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

In difficult cases when conservative treatment does not help, the patient is prescribed a surgical operation. Its principle is the deep stimulation of the brain by specially introduced metal electrodes. The peculiarity of the procedure is that during anesthesia a person remains conscious - doctors must make sure that the electrode is installed correctly. Such treatment is very effective, but quite dangerous - among the side effects of the operation are speech disturbance, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.

Exercises to treat hand tremor

In the fight with trembling hands it is very effective to do special gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of the hands and improves coordination.

  1. Squeeze your hand tightly into a fist, spread your hand in a sharp movement, repeat at least 50 times for each hand.
  2. Squeeze the four parallel fingers of each hand in the lock, your thumbs should be pressed against each other with pads.Move your thumbs tight to the right and left.
  3. The starting position - as in the previous exercise, the thumbs in a free position - they should be twisted one around the other.
  4. Hook two index fingers together, try to stretch your arms, but hold the hitch. Repeat the exercise with each finger.
  5. Weave a pigtail from three laces.
  6. It is very useful to sort out the rosaries, work with the expander, play with two large balls from the bearing.

Do these exercises as often as possible - at least 3-4 times a day. In combination with our recommendations for treating tremor, you can get rid of annoying trembling after a couple of weeks.

Hand tremor is a serious symptom, and if you don’t manage to cope with it yourself, you don’t need to be afraid and hope that it will go away by itself. The sooner you consult a doctor, the more successful and easy the treatment will be. With this problem it is better to contact a neurologist or a neurosurgeon. And then the tremor will not be able to darken your life, you will eat, apply makeup, write, shave and embroider without problems!

Video: how to get rid of the tremor of the hands during anxiety

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