How to treat a pip on the tongue at home

When a person lies or says unpleasant things, he is answered - “Pip your tongue.” A pip is an ulcer or inflammation in the tongue that brings a lot of inconvenience. A pip on the tongue often leads to pain while eating and talking, a person often tries to speak less so as not to bring pain to himself. Maybe that's why the liar wants a pip to the tongue?

 How to treat a pip on the tongue

In medicine, the pip is called glossitis. Glossitis is an inflammation in the tissues of the tongue, which leads to a change in its color, shape, size. This is a rather unpleasant disease that is difficult to tolerate. Glossitis is one of the most common diseases, accounting for 25% of all pain syndromes in the face area. Glossitis rarely occurs as a separate disease, most often ulcers in the tongue appear against the background of other diseases.We will try to deal with glossitis in more detail, learn about the causes and symptoms of this disease, as well as how to cure inflammation with medical and folk remedies.

Why does a pip appear in a language

Glossitis can be completely different - depending on the reason that provoked its appearance. Inflammation in the tongue can have a different shape, color and intensity. Here are some factors that can cause the development of the inflammatory process in the language.

  1. Often the pip develops due to injury of the mucous membrane of the tongue. The tongue can be cut on the edge of a sharp candy wrapper from candies or by licking the film from the top of the yogurt. Tongue can bite, damage fish bone and even burn. If a bacterium enters an open wound, inflammation begins to develop in this place.
  2. Sucking candies can also cause a pip on the tongue. This also includes sunflower seeds and overly spicy, salty and smoked food.
  3. Any allergic reaction to food or hygiene products can develop from a simple ulcer into an inflammation site.
  4. Alcohol and smoking also contribute to the development of the piping, since nicotine contains heavy salts in its composition, which erode the mucous membrane. Alcohol also erodes the soft tissue of the tongue.This can also be attributed to the frequent use of alcohol-based mouthwash.
  5. Sometimes a pimp occurs on the background of dental diseases - periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  6. Sometimes improperly installed crowns or braces lead to inflammation.
  7. Very often, various wounds and ulcers in the tongue appear due to a lack of vitamins.
  8. Sometimes glossitis says a failure of the liver or gallbladder, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Very often, a pip on the tongue is caused by improper and poor oral hygiene. The tongue should be cleaned as regularly as the teeth in order to rid it of plaque, food debris and bacteria.
  10. Sometimes various ulcers and inflammations on the tongue indicate intestinal dysbiosis and decreased immunity.
  11. Often the cause of the development of glossitis can be such infectious diseases as measles, rubella, lichen, syphilis, scarlet fever, etc.
  12. Anomalies of language development can be congenital pathology.
  13. Often, various inflammations appear in a pregnant woman - after all, her immunity during the period of carrying a child is reduced.
  14. Worm infestation is another common cause of various tongue ulcers.

Whatever the reason for the tipun in the language - without treatment it can not be left. But first, let's try to figure out how glossitis appears.

Symptoms of pip in language

It is very important to distinguish the pip from other diseases, since the ulcers in the tongue may indicate not only glossitis.

 Symptoms of pip in language

  1. One of the first manifestations is the change in the color of the tongue, it can become bright red, crimson, or vice versa, pale and barely pink. Sometimes glossitis makes the tongue spotty. Often this is accompanied by a large amount of plaque in the tongue.
  2. When a person consumes sour, spicy or hot food, he may feel burning, pain, numbness, distortion of taste. It is difficult for him not only to chew, but also to swallow.
  3. The tongue becomes soft and loose, swollen.
  4. The pip itself can manifest itself arbitrarily - purulent ulcers, multiple or isolated blisters, surface heterogeneity of the mucous membrane, small papillomas, plaques or abscesses.
  5. If the inflammation is severe, it can spread to the throat and cheeks. This development of the disease can not be treated independently, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the inflammation can become purulent - this is very serious.
  6. If a patient has a vitamin C deficiency, blood vessels can be seen in the tongue. If you do not have enough vitamin A, the tongue becomes dry and cracked. With a deficiency of vitamin B, the surface of the tongue becomes painfully red.

Whatever the symptoms of glossitis, it is better to consult a doctor and make sure that the intended diagnosis is correct. And only after that proceed to take any action.

How to treat a pip on the tongue

The most important thing is to understand the cause of the inflammation and fight with it, and not with the symptom itself. Sometimes the treatment of the underlying disease is enough to suppress the development of inflammation. If the reason - in the malfunction of the digestive tract, you need to normalize the work of the intestine and stomach. If the pip appeared due to worms, you need to urgently remove them from the body.

At the time of treatment, you need to abandon spicy, salty and sour foods - such dishes and beverages provoke the development of inflammation and pain. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, you need to eat more fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Ideally, you need to pass an analysis and identify what vitamin deficiency the body is experiencing. You can also take a complex multivitamin.

If the ulcer appeared due to damage from a filling, a crown or improperly installed braces - you should immediately contact your dentist to correct the situation. It is very important to eliminate carious cavities - this is the source of infection in the mouth.

You also need to give up bad habits - nicotine and alcohol contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. If the pip arose against the use of a new rinse aid or toothpaste - change the hygiene product, you are probably allergic to it. It is very important to observe oral hygiene - brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, rinse your mouth with water after meals. After all, food residues are food for bacteria.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that the body itself can cope with small foci of infection. Walk more, exercise, harden, watch the food and then small ulcers and abscesses are not terrible for you.

Drug treatment of glossitis

If the pip appeared due to injury and bite of the tongue, the sore should be treated with antiseptic compounds. You can rinse the mouth with a solution of furatsilina, hlorofillipta, miramistina.With a rather painful sensation, it is necessary to lubricate the inflamed areas with dental gels - Metrogil, Kamistad, Holisal. They not only anesthetize the mucous membrane, but also inhibit the development of bacteria. You can rinse the mouth with salicylic alcohol. It is very effective to treat ulcers with antiseptic sprays that we use to treat throats - Hexolar, Ingalipt, Strepsils, etc.

If the pip is of infectious or bacterial origin, antibacterial therapy is mandatory. Moreover, antibiotics should also be used for external treatment of inflamed areas of the tongue. If the ulcers are in the language of fungal origin, you must take antifungal drugs - for example, Futsis, Diflucan. The oral cavity should be treated with Zovirax ointment. Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed to maintain immunity.

The course of glossitis can be quite serious, so the patient is often prescribed symptomatic drugs - decongestants, local anesthetics, antipyretic. But remember that only a doctor can give recommendations on a specific treatment.

Folk remedies against pips in the language

There are many recipes of traditional medicine that will help you cope with sores and abscesses in the tongue.

 Folk remedies against pips in the language

  1. Soda. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and rinse the mouth cavity three times a day with this solution.
  2. Chamomile, oak bark and calendula. Take one tablespoon of chamomile and calendula blossoms, as well as shredded oak bark. Pour the collection with a liter of boiling water and leave for 10 hours in a thermos. Then cooked broth should be drained and rinse their mouth every 4-5 hours. Chamomile well soothes the mucous - struggling with swelling and redness. Calendula disinfects the surface and suppresses the center of inflammation. In oak bark there are a lot of tannins that give anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Honey and propolis. Bee products have a powerful bactericidal property. To get rid of ulcers in the tongue, you need to dissolve a piece of honey or propolis. After that, you can not eat and drink for 30 minutes.
  4. Aloe and Kalanchoe. These plants perfectly help with any inflammatory processes. It is necessary to take a clean sheet and cut it in half so that the area of ​​the cut was maximum.Attach the sheet with a cut to the wound and leave the tongue in this position for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in it and apply it to the inflamed part of the mucosa.
  6. Eucalyptus juice. Eucalyptus juice has not only healing, but also analgesic properties. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the juice. Precisely treat the affected areas of the mucous. You can also rinse the mouth with a mint decoction - mint reduces sensitivity, which allows the patient to eat a little.
  7. Potatoes and butter. Raw potatoes should be grated and mixed with sunflower oil. Apply the resulting mass to the sores as a compress. After several applications, inflammation and swelling subside.

Never burn the pip with acetic acid or other aggressive compounds - this can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.

So that the pip on the tongue no longer appears, follow all the rules of hygiene. Any open wound - if you bite your tongue or injected with a bone, it needs antiseptic treatment.Try to take toothpaste at the pharmacy, medical pastes contain many extracts of medicinal plants. Visit the dentist in time to identify various pathologies in the oral cavity. If a tooth breaks off - it needs to be ground off. Otherwise, it may damage the mucosal surface. By following these simple rules, you can forget about unpleasant ulcers and wounds in the tongue.

Video: language pip

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