How to treat a flushed back at home

How often in life there are situations when negligence to their own health turns into back pain. Myositis is an inflammation of the spinal muscles caused by a sharp temperature drop. People simply say that they have blown back. This is especially characteristic in the summer, when we go from a hot street to a cool room with a working air conditioner. Sleeping with an open window, wind when riding a motorcycle or in a car, the inconsistency of clothing with weather conditions - all this can be the cause of back pain.

 How to treat a flushed back

How to recognize myositis

Before you begin treatment, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. After all, back pain is not always a cold muscle. Sometimes a source of pain can be problems with the spine, as well as injuries.

  1. If the back really blew, the pain while aching, constant, not passing after rest and sleep.
  2. Painful sensation especially pronounced during movement, when bending. The pain can sometimes be so piercing and sharp that a person is forced to freeze in a certain position. It is often difficult for him to even straighten up.
  3. If the back has blew, often the pain is localized on one side of the back.
  4. Palpation of the muscles of the back can detect small seals. The skin at the site of pain may be swollen.
  5. Sometimes back pain is accompanied by burning, redness, itching.
  6. If the cervical spine has a cold, the pain may be given to the shoulder or head. With inflammation of the muscles of the lower back pain can shoot through the buttock or leg.
  7. Sometimes severe inflammation may be accompanied by high fever.

With these symptoms, you can safely treat myositis.

What to do if your back blew

Often the back is blown at the most inopportune moment - then the report at work, then the child has no one to leave. In this case, need emergency help. Remember that for a successful and speedy recovery you need to comply with two conditions - Peace and Rest.

If you suddenly feel pain in your back, you need to ask someone from your family to apply a warming ointment on the painful area - Fastum Gel, Finalgon, Kapsikam. Surely, such funds will be found in every home. After that, wrap the lower back with a warm scarf made of natural wool. To remove the pain you need to take a pill of any analgesic that is on hand. After taking these measures, you can go to a specialist who will assess your condition and prescribe a more serious treatment.

Myositis treatment

If the back is blown very hard, then complex treatment is necessary.

 Myositis treatment

  1. At least the first few days should try to stay in bed - no physical exertion.
  2. You need to sleep on a hard bed, ideally - the thinnest mattress on the floor.
  3. It is necessary to start taking anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Dikloberl, Nimesil, Movalis. They not only fight inflammation, but also relieve pain.
  4. If you still suffer from pain, you need to take analgesics - Ketonal, Beralgin, Spazmalgon.
  5. Regularly apply warming ointments to the painful area. During pregnancy and lactation, coordinate the use of such ointments with your doctor.
  6. After using ointments and gels, you need to wrap your back with a warming scarf. Excellent properties has a belt made of dog hair.
  7. You can warm your back, not only with the help of ointments and gels. Heat salt or sand in a frying pan, place in a cloth and apply to the painful area. Dry heat warms the muscles perfectly and reduces inflammation.
  8. You can warm your back twice a day with an iron. To do this, you will need an assistant, because it is almost impossible to warm up your back to yourself. It is necessary to lay several layers of towels on the lower back and turn on the iron for a delicate ironing mode. The temperature can be changed using the regulator on the iron or changing the number of layers of towels. Everything is determined by sensations - if the temperature is tolerable, warm up the muscles further.
  9. You can attach pepper plaster or mustard plaster to your back. They irritate the nerve endings of the skin and increase blood circulation in this area. It speeds up the healing process.
  10. Alcohol has an excellent warming effect. You can make compresses based on it, which will quickly put you on your feet.

These simple, but such irreplaceable recommendations will make the disease short-term.

Folk remedies for the treatment of the back

In the treasury of folk wisdom there are many recipes that will help in the quickest time to restore the health of the spinal muscles.

 Folk remedies for the treatment of the back

  1. Badyaga. This tool is designed to treat bruises, you can buy at any pharmacy. When applied to the skin, badyaga irritates the nerve endings, which allows to increase blood circulation in the tissues.
  2. Fat. In the villages, since ancient times, various muscle pains have been managed with the help of bacon. It should be mixed in half with butter and applied to the painful part of the back.
  3. Mashed potatoes. Potatoes need to be boiled, crushed and put in the package. Spread the potatoes in a bag so that it lies evenly. Put a few layers of towels on your back, and put hot potatoes on top. As the compress cools, you can remove the fabric. Then wrap your back in a warm scarf and go to bed.
  4. Tincture on dandelions. If back problems hurt you often enough, then you should always have a dandelion tincture at your fingertips. Fill a glass bowl with dandelion flowers and fill it with alcohol.Let stand for a couple of weeks, occasionally shaking the bottle. Keep the product in a cool dark place. After two weeks, strain the composition and apply a healing tincture on your back several times a day. It will relieve even the most severe pain.
  5. Salt, mustard, horseradish and honey. This is a very effective compress that not only warms, but also has anti-inflammatory properties. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions (horseradish needs to be crushed). The prepared mixture must first be applied to the wrist to check the skin for an allergic reaction. If you feel warm, not burning, you can apply the prepared remedy on your back.

As soon as the pain recedes a little, it is important to do light gymnastics, which will help to strengthen the muscular frame of the back. One of the most effective exercises is as follows. Lie on a hard floor, bend your knees. Turn your knees from side to side, touching the hips to the floor on the right and left. The pelvis should remain in place. It is very important to do the exercise with comfort. If there is pain when moving - set aside the load until full recovery.

With frequent back problems, swimming is very effective. With a gentle load on the spine, it can strengthen the muscles of the back. Regularly massage the painful area to stretch the muscles and improve blood circulation in this area.

If you have a sedentary job, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle, the muscles gradually become decrepit and weak. To make your back bleed less, you need to strengthen your immune system, play sports and dress according to the weather. Take care of your health, you have one!

Video: how to cure back pain in 1 minute

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