How to treat a runny nose in a dog: useful tips

As you know, dogs are very similar to their owners. Including in diseases. Dog snot can appear as often as a human. A runny nose in a dog is aggravated by the fact that the dog loses the activity of its main sense, smell. From this the dog begins to worry. If you notice that your dog has snot, you need to try to help your pet as quickly as possible.

 How to treat snot in a dog

Why do dogs have snot

  1. One of the main causes of secretions is allergy. Allergic rhinitis can be triggered by anything - pollen, new types of food, collar, cosmetic care products, insect bites. In this case, the snot is usually transparent and watery. Allergic rhinitis is also manifested by tearing, sneezing, itching and even difficulty breathing.
  2. Often, dogs inhale with their noses various objects that successfully get stuck in the nasal passages. It can be observed not only the secretion of mucus, but also blood.
  3. Another common cause of snot is a viral infection. The dog forgives and is sick just like a man.
  4. Hot air blow dryer, acrid smoke, toxic smell - all this can cause increased secretion of mucus.
  5. Snot appear after long winter walks simply because the dog is frozen.

Some breeds of dogs (for example, pugs, bulldogs, Pekingese) have naturally narrow nasal passages. This natural defect often prevents them from breathing through the nose, and the dog is forced to breathe through the mouth. At the same time snot flow, often foamy. If desired, you can correct this situation surgically. In any case, the owners of these dogs should be more careful about the health of their pets and immediately begin treatment for a cold. If this is not done, the usual symptom can turn into a chronic disease.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog

Before treating a runny nose itself, it is very important to find out the reason for its occurrence. If a dog often sneezes, not only mucus comes from her nose, but also blood, then, most likely, foreign objects are stuck in the nasal passage. It can be thorns, plant seeds, twigs.Carefully inspect the nose of the animal and, if possible, remove the foreign object with tweezers. If you fail to do this, be sure to take the dog to the vet, otherwise the inflammatory process may begin.

If the cause of a cold is allergy, you should try to identify the allergen. Remove from use everything that could cause an allergy in a dog - a new food, a new collar, a bowl for food. If possible, reduce the time for walking and do not walk in the grass. With a strong cold, watering and sneezing, an antihistamine can be given to the animal (Zodak, Ketotifen, Diazolin, Suprastin). The dose should be calculated based on the weight of the animal.

Very often, with a cold (whatever its nature), crusts form in the dog's nose. They interfere with the normal passage of air, the dog often sneezes, breathes through his mouth, tries to release the nasal passages. In this case, you need to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into each nostril. After a while, when the crusts are softened, they need to be pulled out with cotton buds. With a cold, such cleaning should be done 1-2 times a day.

Often during a runny nose, a dog cracks and a nose aches.Lubricate it with a nourishing cream, petroleum jelly or olive oil. This will heal cracks and prevent new ones.

Important! In the treatment of dogs can not use human vasoconstrictor drops and sprays for the nose. It may be dangerous.

How to treat colds

If the cause of your dog's snot is a cold and hypothermia, the principle of treatment changes. Here are some effective ways to quickly and painlessly get rid of a cold in a dog.

 How to treat colds in a dog

  1. Dissolve the streptocide tablet in a small amount of water. After that, using a pipette, drip 2 drops of the prepared solution into each nostril of the dog. This will alleviate the condition of your pet if the cause of the snot is a viral cold.
  2. Another excellent remedy for rhinitis is onion juice. Fresh onions need to chop and squeeze juice out of it. It is best to wet the cotton swabs in this juice and put them in the dog's nose. However, not every dog ​​will withstand such a procedure, so in most cases it is easier to drop a few drops of onion juice in half into each nostril with water.
  3. Also in the nose of the animal you can bury beet juice.It is diluted with boiled water and instilled into each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  4. If the snot is thick, yellow or green, you can treat the dog with Pinosol. Instill 2-3 drops several times a day into each nostril and very soon your dog will come to his senses.
  5. Another excellent tool for dealing with snot is the Derinat nasal drops. This medicine does an excellent job with bacteria, viruses, and infection.
  6. Many dog ​​breeders are actively using vitamin A in liquid form in the fight against rhinitis. It is sold in a pharmacy in ampoules. It not only suppresses the virus, but also softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa.

If the dog has a cold, you need to make it so that the room is cool. Take care of the humidity of the air, because dry air dries the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of crusts. Let the dog drink more. If you add a spoonful of honey to the pet's water, she will gladly drink a whole bowl. After all, drinking plenty of fluids contributes to the early removal of the virus from the body. In addition, honey is useful for strengthening the immune system.

When dealing with snot independently, it is very important to monitor the general health of the dog.If the pet has lost its appetite, if it is weak and apathetic, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Sometimes snot can be a symptom of a serious disease, such as plague or tuberculosis. It is possible to treat your dog for snot only if nothing bothers you about the cold. Take care of your pet and react in time to the symptoms of his body.

Video: a dog is sick - how to treat and what to do

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