How to treat the lymph nodes in the neck at home

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. This is not an independent disease, but a consequence of primary disorders in the human body. Lymph nodes are small round and oval balls that produce lymphocytes. They check the cells of the body for the presence of cancer components. Lymph nodes are our barrier and protection against cancer. Lymphocytes can inflame, become large and painful for many reasons.

 How to treat lymph nodes in the neck

Causes of lymph node inflammation

Usually, the lymph nodes swell and become inflamed from the general infection of the body with infectious and viral diseases when the body's immunity is zero. Most often this occurs in autumn and winter during the period of seasonal colds.Here are a few more reasons that can lead to lymphodenitis.

  • Sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (for example, ulcers, caries).
  • Bactericidal and fungal infections.
  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the autoimmune system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Lymph nodes can increase significantly if a bee or a wasp has bitten your neck.
  • Lymphodenitis occurs when there are parasites in the body.
  • Swollen lymph nodes may be associated with an eating disorder - anorexia, bulimia, etc.
  • Sometimes the lymph nodes react to the presence of foreign objects in the body - implants.

If the lymph nodes are in an inflamed and enlarged state for a long time, this means that they signal the presence of oncological tumors in the body.

In case of inflamed lymph nodes, it is very important to promptly consult a doctor who will identify the true cause of lymphodenitis and prescribe effective treatment. Folk remedies in the form of tinctures, ointments, decoctions and compresses can only be an auxiliary tool for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in the home.However, homemade recipes are a salvation to relieve pain and relieve swelling.

How does lymphodenitis manifest

The most important symptom of inflammation of the lymph nodes is considered to be a significant increase in size. The lymph nodes become large globules that are visually visible on the neck and easily felt. Inflamed lymph nodes become painful, they are surrounded by significant swelling. In addition to this, it becomes difficult for a person to turn his head, to bend down. He is dizzy, has difficulty swallowing, and has shortness of breath. Most often, the inflamed lymph nodes are accompanied by high fever, which is difficult to stray by antipyretic agents.

When the lymph nodes are inflamed, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. At the same time, the organ that has caused the inflammation of the lymph nodes, that is, the cause, and not the effect, is being treated. Sometimes the lymph nodes may be slightly enlarged, indicating that the infection is mild in the body. In this case, you can use only homemade methods of pain relief and relief of edema.But before that, you need to donate blood for tests and make sure there are no serious inflammatory processes. With frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes, you need to pay attention to the state of immunity - it needs to be strengthened.

Is it possible to warm the lymph nodes

 Is it possible to warm the lymph nodes
Among the recipes of home medicine there are several warming up procedures - with the help of a hot egg or boiled potatoes. What does the official medicine say about this? Is it possible to warm the lymph nodes? The answer to this question is definitely not, it is impossible. It is dangerous to warm the lymph nodes without prior examination and examination by a doctor. They can have purulent formations which, when heated, can rupture and spread in the internal tissues. This leads to even more serious problems. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment with heat in lymphodenitis.

Home remedies for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes

  1. Walnut leaves struggle well with various formations and seals. From the leaves, you can make alcohol tincture. Fill a bottle of dark glass with clean walnut leaves and fill it with alcohol. Put in a dark cool place for 10 days.Periodically shake the bottle, and after a specified time, strain the tincture. You can make a compress from it - soak a cotton pad in liquid and apply it to the inflamed area. If you do not have time for long preparation of nut tinctures, you can use the juice and pulp of fresh leaves. To do this, you need to grind 8-10 leaves in a blender or in a mortar and put juicy pulp on your neck for 10 minutes.
  2. Herbal decoction. Everyone knows that in case of viral diseases only heavy drinking can help. To remove the virus from the body and strengthen the immune system, you can drink the following decoction. Mix in equal proportions hop cones, yarrow, oregano and horsetail. Prepare from the collection of saturated broth - liter of boiling water for three tablespoons of herbs. Drink the prepared remedy three times a day for half a glass.
  3. Echinacea. The root of this plant has excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Tincture and decoction of echinacea root is successfully used in the fight against inflammation of the lymph nodes. Echinacea tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. 10 drops of tincture must be dissolved in half a glass of water and drink 3-4 times a day.If you have echinacea root, you can make a natural and very effective medicine from it. In two liters of water you need to boil four tablespoons of shredded roots. Boil need a long time on low heat. After that, pour the composition into a container with a tight-fitting lid and leave overnight. In the morning, you can strain the broth and drink one third of a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.
  4. Rinse. To get rid of the inflamed and painful bumps on the neck, you need to do regular rinses - every two hours. As solutions for rinsing you can use sea water (salt, soda, iodine), decoctions of chamomile and calendula, aloe juice. The juice of this home plant generally fights perfectly with inflammations of any type. To quickly bring your lymph nodes to their former state, you need to rinse your mouth with water with the addition of a tablespoon of aloe juice, and also drink a teaspoon of juice in the morning on an empty stomach. This will save you from inflammation in a couple of days.
  5. Celandine. This plant is actively used in the fight against inflamed lymph nodes. Clean leaves need to grind and put gruel in a small piece of gauze.Tie the ends of the fabric to get a peculiar bag. This compress should be applied to the inflamed lymph node and leave for 15 minutes. This procedure can be done 2-3 times a day.
  6. Ointment. Pharmaceutical ointments can be used as an effective treatment for lymphodenitis. Vishnevsky ointment perfectly relieves swelling and pain, resolves inflammation. Ichthyol ointment affects the lymph node, reducing its size and relieving pain.
  7. Massage. To improve blood circulation in the tissues and speed up the healing process, you can do a light massage using essential oils. Lie on the pillow so that the chin is slightly raised. Dampen fingertips in olive or lavender oil. You can also use tea tree oil - it relieves swelling and pain well. Gently massage the neck from the bottom up and after a few sessions of this massage, you will receive a welcome relief.

Treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in children

Enlarged lymph nodes in children may not always be the cause of the disease. It is very important to distinguish between the concept of "enlarged" and "inflamed" lymph nodes.Lymph nodes may slightly increase due to the active growth of the child, as well as during the growth of the baby's teeth. In this case, the lymph nodes simply cannot be rebuilt so quickly and react to rapid changes in the body.

 Treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in children

While enlarged lymph nodes can be dangerous. Large, inflamed and painful lymph nodes are observed in infectious mononucleosis. This disease can be dangerous if you do not go to a doctor in time. The course of the disease is aggravated by the fact that the symptoms are very similar to a sore throat. However, in infectious mononucleosis, the child becomes hard to breathe, the temperature is almost impossible to knock down.

In this case, the child must be prescribed antibiotic therapy. Along with this, to cleanse the body of the virus and infection, you need plenty of warm drinks and diuretic herbs.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Most diseases attack the body at the moment when it is least ready to resist. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from lymphodenitis, you need to follow some preventive measures.

To strengthen the immune system, you need to drink more drinks containing vitamin C in their composition. These are currant and cranberry juice, tea with raspberries, citrus fruits, rosehip decoction. A decoction of burdock and birch leaves is very good for the children's body.

To reduce the risk of inflammation of the lymph nodes, you can timely cure sore throat, sinusitis, rhinitis. With the appearance of ulcers and wounds in the oral cavity, it is necessary to disinfect them in time by treating with antiseptic compounds. Early treatment of caries can also prevent the development of lymphodenitis.

When inflammation of the lymph nodes is worth remembering that the wrong, untimely or unqualified treatment can lead to serious consequences and complications. Among them are sepsis, encephalitis, skin abscess, osteomyelitis, oncology, thrombophlebitis. Watch your health, you have no second.

Video: how to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes

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