How to treat a cough in a dog at home

Not every dog ​​owner pays special attention to the cough of an animal. The owner of the pet may refer to the fact that the dog simply choked with hair. Do not ignore such signals. They may indicate the presence of a serious disease in the dog.

 How to treat a dog cough

Causes of Dog Cough

  • pneumonia, pulmonary edema with lesions;
  • nasopharyngeal disease;
  • inflammation of the organs, cough accompanied by sputum;
  • damage to the airways;
  • breed feature (pets with a short jaw);
  • viral cough (transmitted from animal to animal);
  • the presence of foreign objects or fluid in the airways;
  • the pleural region contains air;
  • tooth disease, infection in the mouth;
  • heart failure;
  • the presence of a tumor in the lungs;
  • disease of various parasites;
  • allergy.

Aviary cough

  1. Most often, the dog is affected by tracheobronchitis. Such a disease can pick up any four-legged friend in contact with fellow people, especially with homeless. A nursery cough is like a cold disease in humans. The virus is transmitted by close contact.
  2. Try to protect your pet in advance from this problem. Walk the dog on a leash or let it go to play only with those brothers who have a master. Do not neglect such a formality, it can save your pet's life.
  3. The main symptoms of the disease are considered to be a strong and dry cough, swollen tonsils, trachea redness, lack of appetite. Also in some cases, there is a runny nose, the release of foam with spasms of the respiratory tract. If the dog is infected, it will cough as if a foreign object is stuck in the throat.
  4. A coughing illness can last for several weeks. The immunity of the dog is able to overcome the ailment only in mild form. If the body of the animal can not cope, the pet may experience fever, mucous discharge from the eyes and nose.
  5. If you go to a veterinarian in time, the doctor will prescribe a cough medicine, antibiotics and means for expectoration of sputum. Also, to speed up the recovery of the dog, it is necessary to ensure proper humidity in the room, optimal temperature and rest for the four-footed friend.
  6. It is important that the pet is less in contact with people and was in complete isolation from other animals. If you take a puppy from a shelter, make sure the dog is vaccinated. You can independently send a pet to the clinic for vaccination.

Bronchitis cough

  1. If the dog’s cough does not stop for a long time, bronchitis may be the cause. If left untreated, the disease develops into a chronic form. Initially, the cough is dry and painful, then wet, with phlegm.
  2. The symptoms in an animal are similar to human signs. The temperature rises, appetite disappears, lethargy appears. The cause of bronchitis in a dog can be pollen or a polluted environment.
  3. The treatment process takes place at home. The four-legged friend needs to do warming compresses on his chest and provide all the conditions for recovery. The animal is also given expectorant drugs and sodium bicarbonate.The dog is injected with vitamins and antibiotics intravenously.

Cough with ARVI, allergies

  1. If the cough passes in a mild form, the reasons for its occurrence may be an allergy to external stimuli, hypothermia in the reservoir after a walk, or an infection of the flu. In any case, you need to consult a doctor and prescribe a dog treatment.
  2. In the case of a mild cold (ARVI), the cough usually goes away after 7-10 days. With a similar virus, a pet is cared for as a person. The dog is warmed with a blanket, is provided with complete rest, is given medicines based on Althea and licorice root.
  3. If the coughing is more complicated, the pet is given glaucine hydrochloride and codeine. Walking a dog can be a short time in a warm dress. Also take care that the four-legged friend does not contact anyone.
  4. Also, the dog may experience an allergic cough. Its symptoms are discharge from the eyes, rhinitis, pain in the nasopharynx. It is possible that in case of allergies only a cough is possible without any additional symptoms.
  5. Allergic cough may be caused by detergents, street dust, pollen, unnatural wool, and foodstuffs.In such a case, “Diprazin” is prescribed as an intramuscular injection, as well as oral calcium chloride, “Dexamethasone”.

Cough caused by parasites

  1. Any dog ​​can become sick with parasites, even if the pet is regularly vaccinated. The reason may be an insect that is able to bite through the cover of the four-friend.
  2. Symptoms are similar to other diseases. Manifests dry or moderate wet cough. Similar symptoms indicate parasites in the airways and lungs.
  3. Pay attention to what your pet appetite. It can be bad or, on the contrary, brutal. There is also lethargy and drowsiness.
  4. Unfortunately, the disease is practically not treated, the parasites can only be suppressed for a while. Therefore, the animal needs to be systematically preventive.

Cough due to foreign bodies in the respiratory tract

  1. In some cases, the dog may face the problem of swallowing due to diseases of the nervous system or during a cold. A similar situation accompanies inflammation in the trachea and larynx.
  2. There is also wheezing, coughing attacks, in rare cases with blood.Choking, refusal of the animal from food and water, discharge from the nasal cavity with foam.
  3. The only way to heal the dog remains the removal of a foreign object. In such a case, immediately contact the veterinary clinic.
  4. Depending on the complexity of the problem, a pet may be assigned an operation. It is forbidden to give the dog laxatives. The animal may die.

Ways to prevent coughing

  1. At the first symptoms of cough in a dog, it is worth contacting a veterinarian. You do not need to self-medicate, the specialist will do the necessary tests and take tests. After that, he will determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the animal.
  2. The reasons for this behavior can be mass, watch the pet for 2-3 days. If the cough does not disappear, consult a specialist. A pet can have a serious illness, if necessary, the dog will be prescribed such procedures as ultrasound, ultrasonography and X-rays.
  3. Do not be negligent to treat the health of the animal, do not let the situation take its course. It is forbidden to engage in self-treatment of the dog, do not try to buy a cough medicine and give it to the dog without knowing the root causes of the disease.

During the first symptoms, pay special attention to the pet, monitor the frequency and strength of cough, the general condition of the dog. Provide your pet with nutrition and clean water. Give him a warm place to stay. If the cough and well-being deteriorate each time, immediately go with the dog to the clinic.

Video: what to do if a dog has a cough

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