How to treat enuresis in children: folk remedies

Enuresis or urinary incontinence during the day or night is a common, extremely unpleasant problem that can severely traumatize the psyche of the child. Before parents is a difficult task - as quickly as possible to help your child cope with it, while not aggravate the problem and do not scold him for the described bed. There are several ways to treat enuresis in children. These include drug therapy, physiotherapy, the use of folk remedies.


Causes and signs of enuresis

Incontinence of urine at night can be caused by several reasons, which are congenital or acquired. Underdevelopment of the bladder, infectious diseases, excessive fatigue, hypothermia, problems of a neurological and psychological nature.The list of provoking factors also includes malnutrition.

As a rule, the child is written about midnight or in the morning. In the first variant, this occurs due to excessive relaxation of the bladder, when the baby falls asleep, in the other, on the contrary, the bladder is strong enough and, when full, cannot increase to the required size, as a result, the fluid is uncontrolled out of the body naturally. Less frequently, urinary incontinence is observed during the daytime, at midday sleep.

In most cases, children who suffer from enuresis sleep more soundly than others. And, as a rule, by the morning they forget what happened at night. Even if you try to wake up such a baby in the middle of the night, although the task is quite complicated, and you put him on the pot, the result most likely will not change - he doesn’t pee until he is in his own bed again.

Why is it so important to treat enuresis in children?

Some parents think that the problem poses no particular danger, since it does not deliver any unpleasant symptoms to the baby. They are mistaken because urinary incontinence in girls and boys very often leads to many problems:

  1. The quality of life is deteriorating (for example, a child will not be able to go somewhere to rest, a children's camp for the summer).
  2. If you do not cure timely enuresis, serious complications (nephropathy) can develop.
  3. In urinary incontinence in boys in adolescence over time, degenerates into violations of the sexual plan, there may be problems with potency.

In addition, these children have serious difficulties with social adaptation - it is difficult for them to build relationships with other children, their school performance decreases, there is a closure in themselves.

Which doctor to contact

The specialist conducting the initial diagnosis and selecting the appropriate therapy for all diseases in children is a pediatrician. Although enuresis has a direct connection with the urinary system, it is first of all necessary to visit this particular doctor. Then he will send a small patient to a specialist of a narrow profile, who will conduct a more accurate diagnosis, and send him to the relevant studies.

 What doctor treats enuresis in children

If we take into account that enuresis is a problem, which can be caused by many reasons, then it is advisable to go for examination by different doctors:

  1. The neurologist will give direction to the study, with which you can determine the condition of the nervous system of the baby.
  2. The psychologist will try to find out whether the child was under stress, how he develops, and also determines the psycho-emotional background in the family, using special techniques, gives appropriate advice to mothers and fathers.
  3. The urologist gives directions to a general urinalysis, an ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys, selects drug therapy.

All doctors work in turn, identifying the causes of the disease in their area.

If it is impossible to find a provoking factor, the patient will be sent for further examination by specialists such as an endocrinologist and a nephrologist. As a rule, it is enough such actions to carry out exact diagnostics and to pick up therapy which allows to get rid of a children's enuresis.

How to treat childhood enuresis

The doctor should select the tactics of therapy, but success will depend only 50% on the procedures prescribed by him. Parents and the child themselves are responsible for the remaining 50%, they should also make some efforts to combat the disease.This means that not only the doctor’s participation but also the psychological support of the parents and the child’s desire to get rid of the problem and follow all the doctor’s instructions are necessary in treatment.

Day routine and nutrition
In the treatment of urinary incontinence in children, the ability to correctly distribute mental and physical activity throughout the day plays a significant role. The child should not be overloaded with information, it is impossible to force him to learn something all day long or to attend sports trainings every day.

The children's body must master the ability to arrange a rest not only at night, but throughout the day. It is desirable that the child chooses what he wants to do, rather than doing what his parents forced him to do.

In addition, the treatment of bedwetting will not be successful if the principles of proper nutrition are not followed. We must remember these rules:

  1. The last time the crumb must eat no later than three hours before going to bed, otherwise the body will have to work in a dream.
  2. From the diet of the child should be removed such foods that can have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the nervous system (chocolate, soda, smoked, fried, spicy, fatty foods).
  3. It is not recommended to drink large amounts of fluids, especially later than three hours before going to bed.

Other recommendations:

  1. It is necessary that the baby moved sufficiently throughout the day, since it is necessary for the proper development of the whole organism, namely the ligaments, joints, muscles and other systems.
  2. Children who suffer from nighttime enuresis need to do morning exercises and exercise therapy every day, as well as spend more time outdoors.
  3. Parents should ensure that the child visits the toilet before going to bed so that his bladder is not filled before going to bed.
  4. The crumb should not freeze when sleeping, then it should be covered with a blanket. It is necessary that the room was a comfortable temperature.
  5. To combat nighttime incontinence, the “wake-up” method is used - artificial interruption of sleep, in which the child should be awakened about three hours after he fell asleep and put in a potty or sent to the toilet.

Treatment of enuresis in children without the use of drugs is almost impossible.For this reason, it is extremely important to timely consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary preparations for the baby.

 Medicinal products from childhood enuresis

Only the doctor will be able to determine which particular remedy will suit the particular small patient, since each medicine has its own contraindications and side effects.

For the treatment of bedwetting in children using the following drugs:

  1. Synthetic antidiuretics (Minirin, Adiurekrin, Desmopressin). The impact of such funds is based on compensating vasopressin - a hormone that reduces the production of urine at night. Contraindications to use is age under six years. The duration of therapy is 90 days. If necessary, it is repeated.
  2. Anticholinergics (detrol, spasmex, driptan, belladonna, levzin, atropine). Under the influence of these drugs, the volume increases and the reservoir capacity of the bladder improves. Such a drug for urinary incontinence, like Driptan, is considered to be the last generation remedy, as it can selectively affect the tissues of the organs, while there is almost no “systemic effect”.When taking medication such an action is extremely important to comply with the regimen and the prescribed dose, because overdose is a serious threat in the form of negative side effects. Among the adverse reactions in the use of drugs from this group can be identified such as: dryness in the oral cavity, blurred vision, instability of mood, redness of the skin, etc.
  3. Prostaglandin inhibitors (Aspirin, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, etc.). The mechanism of action of drugs included in such a group is based on the effect on the process of urine production at night due to the fact that the amount of prostaglandins synthesized in renal tissues is reduced. At the same time, the sensitivity of the bladder increases, thereby improving its reservoir capacity.

Drugs that have a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the central nervous system cells. Below we analyze in more detail some of them.

  1. Piracetam is a drug that positively affects many metabolic processes in the brain. It helps to improve the nutrition of cells and their relationship with each other due to the fact that the vessels expand and blood circulation accelerates.The tool allows you to deal with exposure to harmful substances and damage to brain structures. But the desired effect does not occur immediately, but after some time, because of which the drug should be very long.
  2. Pantogam. It is a drug whose action is aimed at increasing the resistance of brain cells to the lack of oxygen and the influence of toxic substances. It contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes in brain cells, has soothing properties. It has a beneficial effect on mental and physical activity. It reduces the frequency of urination. Similar properties and composition of the drug has Pantokalcin.
  3. Picamilon. A drug that is widely used in the treatment of enuresis. It is highly effective against the symptoms of vegetative dystonia, has a beneficial effect on mental and physical activity during the day, helps to improve mood and normalize sleep, helps to fall asleep faster.
  4. Phenibut. A tool that improves the transmission of impulses between brain cells, improves metabolism, accelerates blood flow in large and small vessels.It has mild psychotropic properties, normalizes sleep, helps get rid of the feeling of fright and unreasonable anxiety.

The complex treatment of enuresis in children includes physiotherapy - electrophoresis, electrosleep, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, ozokerite, paraffin. In addition, exercise therapy and restorative massage is used. These activities will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Parents need to remember that the treatment of bedwetting is a long process that can take a month or even several years, so you should be patient.

Folk remedies for enuresis
Among the many recipes of traditional medicine there are quite a few of those with which you can cure enuresis in a child. All of them are safe, effective, consist only of natural ingredients, tested by any generation. Below are the most effective recipes.

 Folk remedies for enuresis

  1. Lingonberry On the basis of the dried leaves of this plant is preparing a healing infusion. To do this, take 50 grams of raw materials, poured into a container, poured two cups of boiling water and put on the stove. After a quarter of an hour, the fire must be turned off.Means to insist for an hour, then strain. Ready infusion to give the baby drink 4 times a day, it is better in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day 30 minutes before each meal. The results will be that the daily urination will be more, and at night the child’s bed will be dry. This berry is an excellent component of fruit drinks that are recommended to drink to your baby three times a day, but not at night.
  2. Dill. Dry seeds (1 tbsp.) Pour 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for at least two hours. Prepared infusion should be given to children under 10 years old to drink 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, older children - 200 ml each.
  3. Parsley. Dry the root of the plant finely chopped, add water and boil a little, insist for 60 minutes. Broth to give the baby drink 2 tbsp. a day with a meal during dinner, but no later than four hours before going to bed.
  4. Bay leaf. A few large leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Allow to cool and infuse. The child should drink two or three times a day, 100 ml of the finished product. The course of therapy is 7 days.
  5. Bread with salt. At night, 30 minutes before going to bed, you should give the child a small piece of bread, which must first be sprinkled with salt.Salt retains fluid in the body, making the baby’s bed dry. In the same way, small pieces of salted herring are offered to children.
  6. Onions and honey. Take one large onion, chop it with a grater. Add half grated apple green varieties and 1 tbsp. fresh honey. Mix. Means to give the baby within 14 days 1 tbsp. before eating. The composition is not subject to storage. Before each reception, you need to prepare a new one.
  7. Plantain. Pour 250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. crushed dried leaves of the plant. Insist on for two hours. Give the child to drink the infusion three times a day.
  8. Honey. If the baby suffers from urinary incontinence at night, it is possible before he goes to bed to offer him a dessert spoonful of honey. The tool has a calming effect, promotes relaxation of the nervous system and retention of fluid.


It is necessary that parents understand that the fight against enuresis is a necessary event. This problem requires great attention from specialists and moms and dads, because only through common efforts, you can achieve the desired result from treatment.

Urinary incontinence is a condition that must be treated by specialists of several profiles (pediatrician, neuropathologist, psychologist, urologist, physical therapist, etc.), since the approach to therapy in such patients should be complex.

Video: what not to do if the child has enuresis

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