How to treat bursitis of the shoulder joint at home

Many often encounter various diseases of the joints, which are accompanied by pain and swelling. One of these diseases is considered bursitis, which can occur in both young and older people. To quickly get rid of it, you should use traditional methods of treatment.

 Treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint

Bursitis - what is it

Bursitis is a chronic inflammation of the joints, which forms and accumulates fluid in the cavity of the exudate. This fluid stretches the bag, which causes swelling at the joint. The size of some tumors sometimes reaches 8-10 centimeters. Most often this disease is manifested in the shoulder joints, but can also occur in the knee, femoral or elbow. There are the following bursitis:

  • chronic;
  • recurrent;
  • acute;
  • subacute.

Causes of bursitis

Sometimes even experts can not determine the causes of bursitis. The main cause of the disease is injuries. In addition, bursitis often occurs in professional athletes. This is due to the fact that their joints are subjected to constant physical stress. Bursitis can occur as a result of intoxication of the body, with metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, or various allergic reactions.

Another cause of bursitis is diseases such as arthritis and gout. During these diseases, inflammation of the joint begins, which affects the bursa. First of all, it is necessary to limit the movement of the joint, reduce the load and consult a doctor. For a detailed study of the injury may need an x-ray, and for successful treatment - the imposition of a tire.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of bursitis are distinguished depending on its shape. For example, in acute form bursitis develops very quickly, but also passes quickly. In chronic form, bursitis can begin with pain, which will increase during movement. But often the disease is not accompanied by painful sensations.If there is no pain, it is the tumor that can be the main symptom.

Usually, acute bursitis occurs in 1–2 weeks, and, nevertheless, it may subsequently appear from time to time. Acute bursitis with improper treatment often becomes chronic. At the same time, the chronic form is characterized by poor mobility of the joints and calcium deposits in the region of the synovial sac.

Bursitis treatment at home

There is a huge amount of effective treatments for bursitis at home. For the preparation of medicines it is not necessary to have a lot of rare ingredients, often 1-2 products are enough:

 Bursitis treatment at home

  1. For this drug will need a crushed golden mustache. Enough 1 tbsp. l in a glass of water. The grass should be boiled for 5 minutes and then infused for about an hour. Strain this broth, moisten a gauze pad in it and attach it to the sore joint. Top wrap the tampon with plastic and a woolen scarf. It is best to do the procedure before bedtime and leave a compress for the night.
  2. An excellent remedy for bursitis is the leaves of the Kalanchoe plant.They need to be applied to the inflamed place, after a little beating. This compress should be warmed and left overnight. The course of treatment is one week.
  3. When bursitis should be treated shoulder joint, not only outside, but inside. For this you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs. This medicine can be prepared at home. To do this, mix 100 gr. butter and 15 g of propolis. Ingredients carefully grind to a homogeneous mass and take 1 tsp. an hour before meals.
  4. It does not hurt to drink healing tea from celery. To prepare a drink 1 tsp. Seeds insist in 1 cup boiling water. After that, it must be filtered and taken 1-2 times a day. Also for treatment you can drink grapefruit juice in half a glass.
  5. This method is simple to perform, but no less effective than the others. And most importantly, that it does not require special components. It is required to take a cabbage leaf and discourage it a little. It is necessary that the cabbage let the juice. Then it is applied to the sore spot and well insulated. Change it every 4-5 hours. The method is good because it can be used even if it is necessary to leave the house.
  6. Quickly get rid of the tumor will help propolis infusion on vodka. The ratio of ingredients is 1:10. This medicine is then moistened with compresses. They are warmed and left overnight.
  7. In chronic bursitis, you can use the old recipe. To prepare the composition, you must have honey, onions and laundry soap. 1 tsp soap, grated, and the same amount of honey to melt in a water bath. Then the mixture is spread on a clean bandage or cloth, and sprinkle onion gruel on top. This compress is kept on the sore spot all night.
  8. This healing property for bursitis has a common burdock root. 2 tbsp. l dry root pour 1 liter of water and hold for half an hour on the steam bath. Well, if the decoction will infuse for several hours. During this time, the liquid will cool down, and it will be possible to wet the compress in it. It should also be warmed, wrapped around a shoulder with a woolen scarf or scarf, and kept all night.
  9. Another effective medicine is sugar based. It should be heated in a frying pan, but in such a way that it does not melt. Then pour it into a tissue bag and attach it to the inflamed area. All wrap with cellophane and insulate.
  10. For successful treatment, you can make a bath of needles. For the whole bath you need 1–1,5 kg of needles and cones. First, they should be left for a short time in cold water, and then boiled for 30 minutes. After that, pour into the bath. Take it is recommended not more than 20 minutes.

Bursitis - the disease is quite serious, so you should not experiment much with self-treatment. You can start the disease so that it becomes chronic and will bother you all your life. Therefore, if folk remedies do not help, it is better to consult with a specialist. A home remedy can only be part of a complete treatment.

Video: what causes and how to treat bursitis

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