How to treat knee bursitis at home

Very often, after a strong load or stretching, too much intra-articular fluid is released from the shell of the knee joints. This can be called a kind of protective function of the body, due to which the joint has a smaller load and reduces the risk of injury. But it also happens that the joint fluid accumulates so much that it collects in the sheaths of the joints, because the body does not have time to process it. All this leads to the appearance of bursitis.

 Knee Bursitis Treatment

What is knee bursitis?

The process, during the course of which the articular bag inflames, is called bursitis. Symptoms of the disease manifested in the form of bumps and acute pain in a particular place.Among the traditional medicine there are a lot of light and very effective methods of getting rid of bursitis. About them and will be discussed.

How to behave when detecting bursitis

Initially, it is necessary to reduce the load on the joints. Try to provide troubled limbs full rest. In the place that hurts, it is recommended to put a medical bandage or a special retainer.

To reduce pain a little, you can make compresses from warm salt in bags or cotton gauze dressings, folded in 10 layers. They should be heated and applied to the problem joint for 10-20 minutes. If we talk about cold compresses, then they are relevant only when the injury occurred, and applied immediately after it.

What tinctures can you drink with bursitis

There are several proven recipes for oral administration:

  1. 30 grams of propolis is mixed with 200 grams of butter, and take a teaspoon before a meal for a week.
  2. 2 tablespoons of willow bark can be soaked in 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Drink 3 tsp.
  3. 4 tablespoons of Hypericum mixed with 4 cups of liquid and allowed to brew in the dark for a couple of weeks. It is necessary to drink means on 25 drops several times a day, having diluted with water.Need to be treated for at least 10 days.
  4. 4 tablespoons of burdock root pour 0.5 liters of water and insist in a thermos. Then filter the mixture and drink 3 times 2 spoons.
  5. 4 teaspoons of poplar buds brewed with boiling water. After 2 hours the broth is filtered and drunk 2 spoons per day.

How cabbage leaves treat bursitis

Cabbage very well cures bursitis on the knee joints. The leaves effectively relieve pain and all signs of inflammation. To make a compress, you need to take a few cabbage leaves, remove all the veins from them, beat them with a hammer so that they let the juice in. This is quite a crucial moment, because it is the juice that treats problems with the joints. Next, you should wrap the leaves of the sore joint and carefully fix the compress with bandages.

 How cabbage leaves treat bursitis

After all this, you need to warm the knee, tied it with a scarf or wool product. If bursitis manifested in small joints, then you can do with socks or mittens. This method of treatment is suitable for the disease of the knee or elbow joints. In order to achieve the desired result, the compress should be done constantly, every 4 hours, replacing the old leaves with new ones.Complete cure usually occurs in a week.

The use of decoctions of burdock

Everyone knows what a burdock is, because it grows almost everywhere. But not everyone knows the unique properties of burdock root, often used in alternative medicine and considered indispensable in the fight against bursitis. Broths are used to make compresses that relieve pain and fight inflammatory processes.

If you are afraid that your disease will gradually become chronic, then use the following advice: chop the burdock root finely, pour water into it at the rate of 2 liters per 4 tablespoons of the root. Then put everything on fire and wait until the mixture boils. Leave on low heat and boil for about 5 minutes.

Before using the decoction, let it brew for 20 minutes and then make compresses: soak a piece of cloth in the broth, wrap your knee or elbow with it, and wrap it with a feather scarf or some other warm product on top. Keep this compress should be 2.5 hours. For a complete cure in this way you will need 3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

The use of therapeutic baths for bursitis

During the treatment of the disease it is very important to remember that it is possible and necessary to use various healing baths with herbs that relieve joint inflammation and pain. Coniferous baths and baths with hay dust are considered the most effective.

 The use of therapeutic baths for bursitis

In addition to the fact that the needles are very useful, it is also pleasant. Take a young twig, needle or cones, soak them in cold water and boil. In order to make a decoction, you need to boil the product for half an hour. When the decoction is ready completely, you need to close the lid and set aside for 10 hours. If you did everything right, the liquid will turn brown.

In order to make a bath for the whole body, you need to stock up on 1.5 kilograms of needles. And for a small bath for any part of the body enough 500 grams of pine twigs. Cold mixture should be poured into the tank for swimming. Water should not be colder than 40 degrees. Take a bath every day for 25 minutes, until the disease completely disappears.

In the bath of hay dust will need 1 kilogram of grass. If a small bath is enough for you, then 4 handfuls of the above means will suffice. I recommend pouring the icy water with ice and boiling for about half an hour. Bathing, you can add to the water well cooled broth.In the bathroom with dust is allowed to stay no more than 10 minutes.

Propolis in the treatment of bursitis

The ideal treatment for diseases of the knee joint is propolis. Take 30 grams of the product and mix it with 200 grams of real butter. Stir until you have a thick mass. Drink remedy every day for 3 teaspoons for half an hour before eating.

In addition, propolis is used as lotions to the sore spot. You need to take 40 grams of propolis and dissolve it in two glasses of good vodka. Then mix everything well and insist for a week. After the lotion is ready, moisten gauze or bandage in it and put it on the problem area for 10 minutes.

Remember that if you strictly adhere to all the proportions given in the recipe, you will be able to overcome your unpleasant ailment without any problems. Due to the fact that there are quite a few recipes for treatment, you can always choose one and follow its recommendations by purchasing all the necessary preparations in pharmacies in advance and preparing the necessary ingredients.

All methods of treatment of traditional medicine are always easy to manufacture and use. But despite this, they are very effective in bursitis of the knee joint.However, no matter how good the above means are, before using them you should consult with your doctor who diagnoses bursitis of the knee joint. Only he can allow or prohibit such methods of dealing with the disease and propose alternative treatment options.

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