How to bathe wavy parrots at home

Wavy parrots, by their nature, belong to clean birds, as a result of which basic care implies water treatments. Like any other thing, bathing includes a number of important aspects that need to be considered. Experienced breeders through trial and error brought out effective methods of the procedure. Consider them in more detail.

 How to bathe wavy parrots

Preparations before bathing

  1. To bathe the parrot, take it in your hands. If the pet does not let you close, gently wrap the bird in a towel. After that, it is necessary to keep the feathery in the area, located just above the cheeks. At the same time fix the body of the animal to prevent possible damage.
  2. Do not allow bright lighting, in the twilight the parrot behaves much calmer, so it will be easier to bathe him.
  3. To lather a pet, it is necessary to do this along the tail, and then thoroughly rinse the composition with water. Never use chemicals, even if the parrot is very dirty.
  4. If we are talking about dirt with oil, paint or other persistent substances, it is necessary to lather the plumage several times and rinse well. Since birds clean feathers themselves, they can become poisoned by chemicals. If the soiled areas cannot be washed, they should be carefully trimmed.

Bathing wavy parrots

  1. Bath room. It is necessary to accustom a parrot to bathing only after several weeks of adaptation in a new house (approximately 4-6 or more). First, attract the pet's attention by putting a bright toy in a saucer with water. You can also put a leaf of lettuce in the container. In the wild, birds do bathe in dew. If your pet is interested, feel free to place him a bowl of water. It will be a great joy for the parrot to splash on the sunny windowsill, so place the cage in the appropriate place.
  2. Fountain. You can please your pet and put a fountain for him in which water rumbles continuously, this will lead the parrot into indescribable delight. For manual birds, you can use another method.If you need to wash your hands, put the bird on your shoulder and perform hygiene. Perhaps the parrot itself will come closer to the crane and get under water. In no case do not force the bird to swim by force, for it it will be a lot of stress.
  3. Wet grass. Parrots know how often they need to carry out water procedures. Therefore, leave the bath in the cage with water, give the animal the right to choose. As a rule, wavy parrots prefer to swim in a hot period of time. Some feathery enough to rub on the wet grass. The grass should be soft, so it must be thoroughly washed beforehand. If the parrot begins to rub, straightening feathers, then it's time for water treatments.
  4. Sand. In winter, it is recommended to fill the bath with a small amount (about 1 cm) of organic sand. In this way, the parrot will gladly dust its feathers, cleaning it from the parasites. The composition is sold in pet stores, the cost of a bottle weighing 1 kg. varies in the range of 150-250 rubles.
  5. Talc. If the parrot is a type of pet that does not tolerate water, purchase a baby talcum powder (powder) at the pharmacy without additional components or based on chamomile. Spread the composition over the feathers of the animal and rub thoroughly, do not rinse.An alternative to talcum powder is rye or wheat flour of the highest grade. Fill a deep bowl with loose composition and put it in a cage. Some housewives prefer to mix flour and baby powder in the same proportions. Act on your own, the effect will not change for the worse.

Features bathing parrots

Before bathing your pet, fill the bath with warm drinking water. During the procedures, the parrot will definitely take a few sips. The depth of water in the saucer should not be higher than the phalanx of the finger. You can also spray the liquid over the head of the bird with a spray gun, thereby simulating rain. It is important to bear in mind that actions can frighten a pet. If he starts alarmed to tweet and rush, you need to stop such activities.

 Features bathing parrots

Be serious about water quality. An important element is the lamp above the cage during the cold period, since the pet needs to dry off after bathing. Be sure to ensure that there are no drafts. It is worth remembering that the method of water procedures is chosen taking into account the nature of the bird. Bathing is considered to be an extremely fascinating spectacle for the owner and a pleasant process directly for the pet.

Rules for bathing wavy parrots

When organizing water procedures, it is important to follow practical recommendations. Failure to comply with the rules not only does not bring pleasure from bathing, but can also harm the health of the parrot.

  1. Water should be warm (even warmer in the sprayer).
  2. Make sure there are no drafts.
  3. Adjust the depth of water in the bath (not above the phalanx of the finger).
  4. The temperature in the room should not be below 20 degrees.
  5. It is important to use filtered water, because parrots have a habit of drinking it during water procedures.
  6. Do not force the bird to swim by force.
  7. Upon completion of the procedure, remove the container with water from the cage so that the parrot does not have the opportunity to drink it.

Practical recommendations

 Recommendations for bathing parrots

  1. For swimming, you can add a little bit of chamomile to the water. Such a decoction will be useful for digestion and parrot skin.
  2. After water procedures, the bird should not be dried with a hairdryer. In the axillary region of parrots, the sensitive dermis is located. Any exposure to thermal instruments adversely affects the skin.
  3. Upon completion of all manipulations, leave the pet to dry on a thick terry towel or paper napkins.Do not prohibit the bird to rush around the cage, so the pet removes residual moisture from the feathers, putting it in order.
  4. It is important to remember forever that parrots are prone to frequent colds. For this reason, it is recommended to close all windows in the house and turn off the split system. The recommendation is also relevant for hot summer days.
  5. If water procedures are carried out in the winter, after the poultry is driven into the house, take the cage to the radiators. Warm air will help your pet to dry faster and prevent the development of inflammation.
  6. It should be understood that the frequency of bathing depends on the nature of the pet and its susceptibility to water. It is not recommended to carry out procedures more than once a month in winter and three times a month in summer.
  7. In the process of bathing make sure that water or soap solution does not fall into the eyes and nostrils of birds. If the oversight could not be avoided, and the liquid got into the forbidden places, gently take the parrot in your hand and lower it headfirst. Keep the bird in this position for no longer than 10 seconds.

It is easy to wash a parrot at home, if you have practical knowledge and follow the instructions.Leave the bird to splash in warm water or clean the feathers with baby talcum powder. Conduct water treatments with wet grass or fortified sand. Do not disturb the temperature, do not allow drafts.

Video: how to bathe a wavy parrot

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