How to preserve tomatoes for the winter

How to preserve tomatoes for the winter, almost every woman knows. But not everyone knows a few tricks that greatly simplify the work in the kitchen. Triple sterilization of everything and everything, careful selection of tomatoes with calipers, five-time pouring and even a large set of unnecessary worries. Let's figure out how to close tomatoes for the winter without any hassle.

 How to preserve tomatoes for the winter

The right choice is the key to success.

If the tomatoes are grown on their own personal plots or even on the windowsill and balcony, then probably before planting a bag of seeds was carefully studied from all sides. Everything that should interest us for quality preservation is the purpose, color and size of the fruit.

We are looking for the necessary line on the bag. Appointment: salad grade.That is, these tomatoes are good for spinning in the composition of adzhik, sauces, lecho, ketchup. They will make a wonderful tomato juice. But for the conservation of the whole variety is unsuitable. Fruits will be soft, creep into unappetizing slush, and the taste will leave much to be desired.

But if it is written on the bag: it is suitable for long-term storage and preparations, then we can safely preserve tomatoes. They will remain firm, elastic and magical in taste.

What to do to those who do not have a vegetable garden and only buy tomatoes for spinning? Do not buy them in the store. Often, they are covered with a good layer of edible wax, so they can be stored for months. And even in the season, in July, you run the risk of running into tomatoes, ripened in February.

For buying boldly stomp on the market. And already there we choose correctly. No need to ask the seller what the fruit is suitable for. In an effort to sell goods, he will tell you that only he has the best tomatoes in the world. Just ask him to cut, and it is better to break one fruit. And look carefully: too much juice is released - the tomato is not very suitable for spinning in general. This is indicated by large seed chambers.The flesh is thick, fleshy, there is practically no juice - it means we take the right amount and proudly drag home. Why do we drag? Because they bought a lot. Won't you buy one tomato?

Council Naturally, we choose whole tomatoes, without visible damage and dents.

The second factor that interests us is the color and size of vegetables. Nowadays genetics goes forward by leaps and bounds. Few surprise you with brown, black or striped tomatoes. Yellow and orange is also far from being a wonder. No doubt, in a fresh salad on the table, they look original. But when preserved behave completely unpredictable. Even a non-blown bank can deliver a lot of unpleasant moments. An unpleasant smell or a weakling in a muddy brine - did they really achieve this by standing idle for hours on the banks?

All tomatoes are suitable for preservation, but the most delicious and fragrant ones are of red color. Rose fruit is also good. Leave orange, yellow and black fruits for salads, ketchups and lecho.

The size of the tomato should be such that it freely passes into the neck of the jar. Some women canned chopped vegetables. So you can do, but the brine will be cloudy, and the pulp is watery.The taste of the cut does not affect.

With a large egg or a little more walnut - beautiful on the table and comfortable to eat.

But the advice to collect in the bank of exactly the same size the fruit is clearly superfluous. Will you measure each tomato? And the meaning of this activity? Unless you have nothing to do. Because during heat treatment, boiling water does not count with the size, it scalds all vegetables equally. Marinade, too, with a caliper and a notebook does not walk, and soaks all the fruits evenly.

Council By the way, small tomatoes, so-called cherry tomatoes, can also be preserved. They are happy to eat even the most capricious children.

Sterilization - the scourge of housewives in the summer heat

Well, who among the hostesses in an interview with girlfriends at least once did not say - tomatoes in the winter are good, but how do you think about sterilization? And right before my eyes, a picture: summer, in the street, there was a hell in the kitchen, steam puffs in the kitchen, banks, lids, water for filling were boiling. And in the evening, squeezed like a lemon, the woman lies seated with a cold towel on her forehead.

 Microwave Sterilization

Down with old-fashioned methods! Give civilization! Sterilize banks up to 1 liter can be quickly in the microwave.Why so small? And cherry, too, pour a three-liter bottle? Or a man who alone lives, why the hell such huge vessels?

Therefore, pour 3-5 cm of water into jars, set the microwave on a plate, turn on the maximum mode for 5 minutes. We leave to do their business. Or prepare the next batch of containers.

He poured in, took out the sterile jars, knocked him over on a clean towel, pre-drained the water. Naturally, the lid will have to boil as usual. In the microwave can not put any metal.

What should those who can preserve a large batch of vegetables do at the same time? Warm up over the kettle torment. A healthy cylinder with a microwave does not fit. Rescue the best assistant - the oven! In her, darling, right in the cold, we put the washed containers. Then we forget for 12-14 minutes at a temperature of 120 ° C. Then gently pull out mitts or a towel. Everything can be canned.

Council If you are confident in the quality of your water, you can refuse sterilization at all. Brush well with baking soda and rub the jars inside and out. Preferably with hot water. Pay special attention to the neck.Then rinse thoroughly and use.

How many times to fill

There are recipes in which tomatoes are tortured with boiling water repeatedly. Practically turn them into gruel only one fillings. And in the winter, opening a jar, they gaze up at the grief - the variety got bad again!

Why are these dances with a tambourine? Properly canned tomatoes for the winter should be as follows:

  1. Carefully washed without pressure, allowed to drain water. By the way, they are not wiped, so as not to bruise once again.
  2. They put the selected spices on the bottom of the tank, the tomatoes on top. Preferably without tamping, neatly.
  3. Filled with boiling water, put a lid on top. Left for 20-25 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the next batch or drink tea.
  4. Poured liquid into a saucepan. Added salt and sugar. In containers with tomatoes, the required amount of acid was added according to the recipe (if required). Brine boiled - you can fill.
  5. Twisted the lid, tipped upside down. Everything.

It is not necessary to wrap the vegetables tight and dense. Additional warming is required only for green tomato preservation recipes. They are harder than red, so they only benefit.

The tricks of the preparation of tomatoes

In order not to waste time on washing a large number of tomatoes, it is easy to do. All raw materials are poured into one basin or vat, filled with pure water and left for 20 minutes, let them float. In the other - a large sieve or colander. Tomatoes are washed with pens right in the first container, laid out in the second structure. There the party is doused with clean water, they let it flow down and that’s it, you can make any blanks.

Often, you can observe this situation: the vegetables seem to be strong, dense, and when the first scalding the skin breaks. It will not affect the taste, but the appearance of the twist is not the same. How to avoid such troubles?

Use a wooden toothpick to chop up each tomato on the stem. This will avoid a sharp pressure drop and the skin will remain intact.

And if you have to preserve three buckets and even cherry? Or more? Half a day will go only on piercing. There is a solution. Pour tomatoes not boiling water, and let it cool slightly. They turned off the fire, waited 3-4 minutes and only then poured into containers with vegetables.

You can never bother with these methods, but simply remove the skin completely.Without processing it is impossible to do this. Therefore, doing so:

  • cook three saucepans
  • one on fire with boiling water, the second with water and ice, the third is empty and the largest
  • throw tomatoes in the first, waiting for 5-6 minutes
  • with a skimmer we throw from a hot liquid into an ice one, wait for 2-3 minutes
  • during this time in the hot put the next batch
  • from ice water skimmer we shift to an empty container

After all the vegetables are planted, it is easy to remove the skin with bare hands. You can say she is removed by herself.

This is only a long time to read the description, in fact, everything happens quickly, and the result will please.

Council The processing time can be shortened by first making a shallow cross-shaped incision on the top of the tomato with a sharp knife.

Classic recipe

All products and spices are designed for a standard can of 3 liters:

 The classic recipe for canned tomatoes

  • thick red tomatoes, about 1.7-2 kg
  • pure water, 1200-1500 ml
  • acetic essence, 1 dess. l
  • rock salt, 2 tbsp. l
  • granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l
  • 4 medium cloves of garlic
  • spices to taste

The most commonly used spices in the preservation of vegetables are currant leaves, dill umbrellas, allspice peppers, carnation roses.For a standard recipe, take each ingredient in 5 pieces. The quantity can and even should be varied to suit your own taste preferences. If desired, add horseradish, black peppercorns, basil sprigs.

Seasoning is placed on the bottom of the jar, then prepared vegetables are reported to the top. Boil clean water, poured into a balloon. Cover with a lid. After 25 minutes, pour the liquid into the saucepan, add both “white deaths”, and let them boil. Vinegar is poured into the jar and filled with potting so that it slightly overflows. Rolled, turned and allowed to cool.

You can try in 14 days. Store is recommended in the cellar.

Council Some hostesses first pour out the water, allegedly she washes away all the dirt, and the brine is done on a new one. We do not recommend this. First, what is the dirt if you have thoroughly washed the containers and tomatoes? And secondly, it collected the brightest aroma from tomatoes. Why pour this magic down the toilet?


Some councils recommend boiling water over tomatoes three times and then sterilizing them before final rolling.Why these extra efforts? From such a number of heat treatments at the output is obtained porridge in the shell from tomatoes. They just brew! All contagion dies after the second fill. That is quite enough.

The classic recipe for tomatoes for the winter involves 2 tbsp. l sugar on a three-liter bottle. Take sweet tooth, add not 2, but 4 spoons. In winter, very pleasantly surprised. Not only tomatoes fly away, but the brine will be drunk without residue.

By the way, on the basis of this sweet-sour pouring, some housewives prepare amazing mustard. Just something you need to add dry mustard powder to the state of liquid sour cream, and let it brew for an hour. And salt and acid is enough in brine.

How to preserve tomatoes for the winter? Thanks to our advice - easier than easy. The result: the mother is not tired, the cellar is packed to capacity, the household is happy and fed with delicious preparations.

Video: how to preserve tomatoes for the winter

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