How to get rid of collector calls: recommendations

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not take a loan at least once in his life. This, of course, applies to large cities with developed economies. Modern realities are such that now there is no need to save money at all, if suddenly something really wanted. It is enough to collect some documents, go to the bank and get a loan.

 How to get rid of collector calls

However, not always everything is invested as we planned. Unforeseen situations bring us face to face with insoluble problems and a person simply has nothing to repay. And then the banks, in despair of returning their money, sell the debt to collection agencies, which take over the baton of "knocking out" money.

Some people with a stable psyche calmly refer to the calls of collectors, one can say it doesn’t bother them much. Others, on the contrary, are extremely nervous, which leads to a deterioration of their health.How to get rid of annoying collection calls? How to make it clear to collectors that you are not a pear for fighting and you should be treated with respect? Let's try to understand everything in order.

What to do if the collectors get calls

  1. For a start, do not be nervous and worry. Do not ignore these calls and do not pretend to be another person. Sometimes it is enough to find out what money is demanded of you. It often happens that the collectors call people of the same name who live in the same area. Perhaps the collector is not looking for you at all, but you’ve already screwed yourself up and startled at every call.
  2. Find out how much money you need to pay. Probably, collectors demand to pay non-existent interest and penalties. To do this, in the bank where you took out a loan, ask for a full statement of your loan. There it is precisely indicated when and in what amount the credit payments were realized, as well as how much you still have to pay. It also shows all interest and additional payments.
  3. Do not extinguish or show to collectors weakness and nervousness. You must understand that the law is on your side. Collectors are limited in their rights.
  4. If the call of the collector passes all borders - for example, if the person on the other end of the wire is rude or threatening you, you just need to record the conversation on the recorder. This is especially easy to do if calls arrive on a mobile phone. Modern models have a large selection of applications that allow you to record sound directly during a conversation. If the collector makes calls to a landline phone, you need to put the device on the loudspeaker, and then put the voice recorder to record. Thus, it is possible to turn the threats and rudeness of the collector against the agency itself.
  5. Remember that often collection agencies also record conversations. Therefore, be extremely careful in statements - do not be rude and do not be rude to the interlocutor. You do not need to lie and say that the person whom the collector is looking for has left or died. A lie can be used against you in court.

How to get rid of collector calls

The surest way to get rid of annoying calls is to pay off a loan. However, this is not easy to do, especially if it came to the collectors.Surely, now you have a difficult financial situation. Therefore, it is advisable to go to the bank and talk to the staff clean. Some factors, such as the death or disability of the breadwinner, give you the right to a grace period in the payment of the loan. At this time, you are legally exempt from credit payments.

 Calls from collectors

It is impossible! Being in a difficult financial situation, even with the hope of a promising future, in no case can one take another loan to pay off the old one. Especially on more stringent conditions. This will bring you even more problems.

If you get calls from collectors, you can get rid of them by sending a registered letter to the office, which indicates how you prefer to receive information. In the letter you need to indicate that the most acceptable way is emails.

If you can not cope on your own, you need to contact a lawyer. Some human rights defenders specialize in receivables. A professional will help you understand the debt, recalculate the percentage and explain the legality of collectors. However, remember that the services of a lawyer are also paid.

When the collection agency goes over the edge and behaves inappropriately, you can complain to the appropriate authorities. At the very beginning, you can write a statement to the police, and then file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. It’s not a fact that your application will be prosecuted, but if there are several applications, law enforcement agencies will certainly be interested in this legal entity.

Often, collectors frighten debtors with lawsuits and lawsuits. Remember that you are not threatened with a criminal record and a criminal case. For non-payment of a loan, only an administrative penalty is provided.

One of the most recent ways to get rid of collector calls is to set up the phone so that collectors simply cannot reach you. If you call from the same phone number, you can put it in the "Black list". Then the interlocutor simply will not be able to reach you, for him you will always have “Busy”. If the collector is bored with calls from different phone numbers, you can do the following. Just put all the familiar numbers in the “White List” and that's it! In addition to the designated numbers of your loved ones, no one else can reach you.

Collector rights

According to the new law, issued in 2016, collectors must follow some rules.

 Collector rights

  1. The collector has no right to call the debtor at night and during working hours.
  2. The collector at a meeting or during a phone call should introduce himself, indicate the collection agency he represents.
  3. Collectors do not have the right to be rude to the debtor, to mislead him, to deceive a person in order to get a debt. You can not use foul language and physical force.
  4. The collector has no right to penetrate into the home of the debtor or touch his property.
  5. A person engaged in collection activities can only use words of conviction. He explains the situation, indicates the amount of the debt, may be interested in the dates in which the debtor plans to repay the loan.
  6. The collector has the right to call a relative of the debtor only if that relative was a guarantor when taking this loan.
  7. The collector has no right to call the work debtor. In this case, he violates the law on non-disclosure of personal data.
  8. The collector has no right to call or write to persons under the age of 18, as well as mentally ill relatives.

Remember that the state protects you. Of course, you need to return the money and repay the loan. However, we should not forget that we live in a legitimate state and any humiliation of the debtor is unacceptable. If you are threatened, if you degrade honor and dignity, feel free to complain to higher authorities.

Video: how to quickly get rid of collector calls and banks

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