How to get rid of snoring folk remedies

“It snores like a tank” - women complain with regret about their husbands. Indeed, snoring delivers a lot of inconvenience not only to the person himself, but also to the people around him. Men snore much more often than women. But what is snoring? Why does a person make terrible sounds in a dream, infuriating a sleeper nearby?

Doctors say that snoring is a vibration when air passes through the airways. Vibration occurs because the airways are constricted and air cannot pass freely. Narrowing of passes occurs for various reasons, we will designate some of them.

 How to stop snoring

Causes of snoring in humans

  1. Elderly age. You probably noticed that by old age, people start to snore, even if they had never seen anything like that behind them before. This happens because with age the muscles lose their tone, become flabby. This also applies to the muscles of the larynx.The tongue is so relaxed that it sinks down into the throat and narrows the airways. In this case, you need to regularly do exercises for the throat and tongue to strengthen the muscles. And try not to sleep on your back.
  2. Alcohol and smoking. The principle is the same as in the previous case. However, in this situation, the muscles relax not from old age, but from bad habits. People who abuse alcohol and smoke snore three times more often.
  3. Allergy or ENT diseases can cause narrowing of the respiratory passage. In this case, snoring is also inevitable. By the way, the narrowing of the throat occurs in a number of thyroid diseases. To get rid of such snoring, you just need to cure the disease.
  4. Excess weight. As a rule, fat people snore in their sleep too. This is due to the fact that inside the throat is covered with visceral (internal) fat, which also significantly narrows the passage of air. In fact, it is very dangerous. If you are worried about your life, your health, you need to normalize weight.
  5. Hereditary or acquired snoring may occur due to the special structure of the nasal septum. Such snoring can be congenital - when a person is born with such a structure of the body or acquired when a person begins to snore due to a nose injury.This kind of snoring is treated surgically - correcting the septum for surgery.
  6. A bed without a pillow is also a common cause of snoring. The human head is thrown back, the back of the tongue blocks the air flow. Therefore, use a pillow, even the thinnest.
  7. Dry indoor air. Young children are very sensitive to the level of humidity in the room. If the radiator is working indoors, it is very dry, the child in a dream begins to “grunt” or snore. This is because the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx dry out from such air. So a cold can develop. Therefore, you need to air the room regularly, install a humidifier, or simply throw a wet towel on the battery, even if only adults are sleeping in the room. You can also put a container with water, for example, an aquarium. This can significantly increase the humidity of the air, which will save you from snoring.

What is dangerous snoring

The person who snores does not get enough sleep and does not give to others. She wants to sleep and sends him to sleep separately, often this leads to a deterioration in relations between spouses. But snoring itself suffers the most.

 What is dangerous snoring

Snoring is dangerous because a person may have sleep apnea in a dream. This is a brief stop breathing. Follow the sleeping man who suffers from snoring. Sometimes he holds his breath and stops breathing. Following this, there is a strong breath, accompanied by a loud and sharp ratchet sound. It looks scary, it seems that the person just suffocates, although the sleeper himself never remembers these nightly events. During respiratory arrest, the whole body suffers from oxygen starvation. The person does not get enough sleep, he develops chronic fatigue. During the day, he suffers from drowsiness, and night sleep does not bring freshness and vigor. Then hypertension, irritability, depression, and impaired memory may develop. There are research scientists, according to which a person can even die from snoring, that is, breathing can stop not temporarily, but permanently. The brain simply cannot survive a prolonged lack of oxygen. Therefore, snoring is very dangerous, you should immediately get rid of it.

Snoring exercises

Exercises will bring the muscles of the tongue, the sky and jaw tone. If you exercise regularly, the tongue will no longer relax excessively during sleep and close the airways.

  1. We pull the tongue out as much as possible.Pull the tip of the tongue forward and down, fix it in this position.
  2. Firmly press the tongue against the lower front teeth for a few seconds.
  3. The lower jaw needs to move as much as possible back and forth. If you succeed easily, you can hold your jaw with your hand to give your muscles resistance.
  4. For the next exercise you will need a wooden spatula or just a bar. It is necessary to strongly compress the wood with his teeth and stay in this position for a few seconds. Relax the jaw and repeat the exercise again.
  5. To train the muscles of the larynx and the sky, you need to whistle. Since it is undesirable to do this at home, it is best to whistle different tunes on the way to and from work. 20 minutes of whistling a day will help relieve you from the hated snoring after a week of regular workouts.
  6. Get rid of snoring help sound "And". Stretch this vowel for as long as possible, it works your muscles perfectly. You can alternate "and" with the letter "Y".
  7. A wonderful remedy is a massage of the tongue at its base. That is, you need to massage the tongue with your hands or a spoon in the place where it passes into the nasopharynx. Only this should be done carefully, so as not to cause an emetic reflex.

All exercises should be repeated at least 20 times, you need to do morning and evening.

How to stop snoring

Here are some practical tips to help stop snoring.

 Snoring Techniques

  1. The most effective and popular way to eliminate snoring is not to sleep on your back. But at night it is very difficult to control. For this, doctors advise making a pocket on which to sew a tennis ball on their pajamas. When a person starts to lie on his back, he will feel discomfort, wake up and turn on his side. At first, this method will cause irritation, the person will not get enough sleep. But gradually a person develops the habit of not sleeping on his back. Then the ball can be removed, but the habit will remain.
  2. To get rid of snoring, you need to sleep not on a flat surface, but with the headboard raised. Place small blocks under the two legs of the bed or under the mattress on one side so that the position of the head is higher than the whole body.
  3. Snoring can occur due to improper cushions. If she is stiff and tight, her head just rolls off of her and finds herself in bed. Therefore, the pillow should be quite soft. It is better to choose orthopedic pillows that take the shape of the body.
  4. With a strong and unbearable snoring, you can consult a doctor. Modern methods can help a person get enough sleep and not wake others. The most popular method is the use of a special apparatus, which with tubes supplies oxygen to the human respiratory tract under a certain pressure. This creates an expansion of the ducts, the person sleeps well and does not snore all night. However, sleep is hampered by the fact that you need to sleep in a special mask with sealed tubes. The doctor adjusts the device and exerts the necessary pressure, but a person can use the equipment independently at home.
  5. Sometimes drug treatment is an antidepressant and special drops and nasal sprays. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminate tickling, which greatly expands the airways and prevents snoring. It also uses oil droplets that lubricate the throat and remove vibration.
  6. If you really want to stop snoring, you need to change the quality of life. Regularly perform simple physical exercises, breathe fresh air before bedtime. Try to ensure the temperature of the air in the bedroom is 18-24 degrees, with a cool air, sleep better.Do not eat at night and always take a cool shower before bed. If you cannot stop smoking, try to smoke the last cigarette no later than two hours before bedtime. A glass of warm milk before bedtime will help you sleep better.

Folk remedies against snoring

There are several recipes to help stop snoring at home.

 Folk remedies against snoring

  1. Take a tablespoon of elderberry berries, the same amount of horsetail and burdock. This collection pour a glass of boiling water and simmer the mixture over low heat. After 30 minutes, the broth must be removed from the heat, drain and cool. Drink two tablespoons 3 times a day. This tool will improve the health of the respiratory system.
  2. One of the most popular means is wrinkled cabbage with honey. A little cabbage needs to be cut, pour a small amount of honey and crush the mass in a mortar. This grub needs to be eaten one tablespoon twice a day.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil will help to expand the nasal passages. Every day, 3 hours before bedtime, you need to drip one drop of oil into each nostril. After a week of regular use of oil, you will notice an improvement.
  4. It is necessary to bake carrots and eat a small piece every time an hour before meals.
  5. In the villages, people fled from snoring with the following recipe. It is necessary to grind in a meat grinder two lemons with peel and 4 cloves of garlic. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and take a teaspoon twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.
  6. Those who suffer from snoring due to ENT diseases should regularly flush their nose with seawater. For its preparation, you need to take a glass of warm water, add a little salt, soda and a few drops of iodine. For washing, you can use a small kettle or syringe without a needle.
  7. Often saved from snoring rinses. Take an equal amount of oak bark and calendula and prepare from this collection a rich decoction. This broth to gargle before bedtime. This tool removes well the swelling, thus opens the airways.
  8. To reduce swelling of the throat and remove excess water from the body, you need to eat less salty and spicy foods. Drink diuretic decoctions and follow the rules of healthy eating.

Fighting snoring with acupressure

The ancient inhabitants of China believed that snoring could be eliminated with the help of acupressure.Massage is pressing on certain points with finger pads. The pressure can be circular and vibration. You must carefully massage each area that is responsible for the health of the respiratory tract. Before performing the massage you need to wash your hands and warm them well.

 Fighting snoring with acupressure

  1. One of the points is located just below the wrist to the side of the fingers on the outside of the palm.
  2. Everyone knows that patients with flat-footed people do not have a depression in their feet. But few people know that the points on this cavity are responsible for the health of the larynx and are able to relieve snoring. Massage this area on both legs.
  3. The next point is just above the wrist at the side of the thumb. Another point, which according to Chinese healers will help get rid of snoring, is located on the sternum in its very center.

Snoring is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, it prevents loved ones and loved ones from sleeping together. If you suffer from a "noisy" spouse, save yourself from the torment and use earplugs. And to get him to start the fight with snoring, write down on the recorder those terrible sounds that he makes during sleep. This real evidence will help you convince a person that he snores,that it is necessary to get rid of this infection as soon as possible. Eliminating snoring, you will learn what a healthy and full sleep.

Video: how to normalize pressure and get rid of snoring

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