How to get rid of a scar after surgery: 6 ways

Scars can appear not only as a result of surgery, but also because of ordinary injuries: cuts, burns; however, postoperative scars are usually the largest and dense in size. They look the least aesthetic, and getting rid of them is the most difficult, despite the fact that now there are many cosmetics. And in extreme cases, you can always contact a plastic surgeon who will correct any flaw on the skin.

 How to get rid of a scar after surgery

Scars: what they are

Even the scars from operations can be different: it all depends on what kind of surgery was, how well the surgeon worked, what tools he used, and, of course, on the individual characteristics of the organism.

  1. After operations performed directly on the skin surface (for example,removing hemangiomas in the early stages - in newborns or small children), there remains a light flat scar, which is not too different from the general skin, but can slightly change its relief, as if to wrinkle. In some cases, it resolves and becomes completely imperceptible as a person grows up and stretches the skin. This is a normotrophic scar that causes the owner the least amount of inconvenience.
  2. Keloid scar - these are the scars that can be seen on the body immediately after the "deep" operation. Often, they never change their shape, they remain elastic, uneven, with a clear contour and bright color, which contrasts sharply with healthy skin. In addition, they tend to grow. They are trying to get rid of them in the first place.
  3. Hypertrophic scars are usually of small size and light pink hues. They protrude slightly above the skin and, depending on the size, can pass for a large pimple. In turn, atrophic - on the contrary, "sink" in the skin, creating a hollow.

Laser scar removal

Methods of getting rid of scars and scars are not very different from the fight against acne and acne, here, too, cosmetologists come to the rescue with their newest equipment, which is able to completely update not only a small area, but the entire skin. And because the leading position is precisely the removal of scars by laser. The principle of operation is surprisingly simple - the laser beam heats the treated skin area to a very high temperature, and all the water we are made of in this place becomes steam. Thus, the damaged layer of the dermis disappears, and at high temperatures, collagen begins to be actively produced, and the process of skin renewal, its regeneration, is accelerated at times.

During the procedure, the patient himself, due to local anesthesia, does not feel any pain, can experience only mild discomfort. After that, no grinding or peeling is needed, besides, the laser does not come into contact with the body, because the wound is absolutely sterile, the risk of getting an infection is completely excluded.

Acid peels

The use of glycolic acid allows you to get rid of not pronounced bright scars with the help of several peeling sessions, because the tool does not penetrate deeply under the skin and works only with its superficial layers.During the peeling, the damaged cornified areas are peeled off, the skin is cleared, and the upper layer is quickly restored, but there are no signs of the former scar or scar on it. Regeneration occurs due to the revitalization of the cells that create new tissue.

Peeling is also used to remove deeper scars; in this case, trichloroacetic or phenolic acids are used, their spectrum of action is much wider, and the procedure itself is more rigid - the skin simply dies off, and the process is accompanied by darkening and covering the area with a crust. She eventually peels off, and the treated place begins to slowly heal. This type of peeling can help reduce the depth of the scar, make it less noticeable and thus prepare for a more gentle past method that will completely renew the skin.

Cryodestruction - freeze treatment

Even keloid scars are subject to this method. The essence of the procedure is to freeze the scar, for its use using a cooling agent (usually liquid nitrogen) and a special applicator with which it is applied to the scar before the formation of frost from ice.Cryodestruction is quite painful at all stages, but a very effective way to remove scars, and therefore it is performed only with anesthesia. After freezing and defrosting, the scar swells; if you have ever seen severely frostbite parts of the body, then during cryolysis the effect is similar. Such a “bubble” will last for about a week (maybe a little more or less - depends on the individual properties of the organism), after which it will start to become covered with a dry crust. In a few more days, it will disappear, and only a small pinkish trail will remain from the scar, which over time will disappear almost completely.

For large, deep scars and scars, it is recommended to undergo 2 to 3 sessions of cryodestruction at certain intervals, since each time new layers of skin will be affected, and in the intervals between freezing they need to heal.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Deep scars, which cover several layers of skin tissue, can be reduced with the help of dermobrasion and microdermabrasion. The first method is more rigid, it involves grinding the scar with special brushes.Since not only the scar itself is removed, but also the surface of the skin, the procedure will be accompanied by painful sensations (therefore, it is performed after anesthesia) and slight bleeding. The result is a wound, for which you need to carefully care until it is covered with a crust.

Microdermabrasion is a gentle alternative to the previous method. True, it is applicable only to those scars that are located on the skin surface or affect its upper layers. The scar is ground with exfoliating powders, and the process does not cause pain. But it may take several procedures.

Feeling - Scar filling

Filling is possible with atrophic scars that do not protrude above the skin, but are located below its surface. For this purpose, surgeons take some fatty tissue from other parts of the body. If this is not possible, then apply preparations with hyaluronic acid, which are used to increase and contour lips, cheeks and other parts of the face. The procedure is carried out after local anesthesia: subcutaneous microinjections are made in the area of ​​the scar, and the first effect is immediately visible, and the final result is made out in a couple of days - the scar gets additional volume, and the damaged area is leveled to the level of the skin.

But there is an unpleasant side - this effect is not eternal. After a few months, a maximum of six months, the drug (even if it was natural fat tissue) will resolve completely and disappear from the body. The procedure can be repeated, but the result will be just as short.

Doctors do not have a common opinion about when it is better to remove scars - immediately or after some time, so that they should heal properly. It is better in each individual case to consult with your surgeon, as well as a beautician, who plan to trust.

Video: how to remove scars and scars without surgery

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