How to get rid of acne in 1 day: useful tips

There are often cases when before an important event, an ugly inflammation appears on the face, spoiling the whole impression. For this reason, beautiful ladies begin to panic, because the abscess is almost impossible to hide with a tonal framework or powder. To avoid embarrassing situations, it is necessary to fix the problem at the root. Consider effective ways to get rid of acne in 1 hour. We give practical recommendations, we highlight important aspects.

 How to get rid of acne in 1 day

Oak bark

Oak bark is quite effective in combating acne and ulcers of various degrees. To properly prepare the composition, take a thick-walled enameled pan,pour 350 ml into it. purified water, add 80g. crushed oak bark (if you wish, you can replace the birch bark).

Place on the stove, turn on the burner to medium power and bring the mixture until the first bubbles appear. After boiling, boil the plants for another 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Let the mixture stand for about 3 hours, then pour the broth into a glass jar and close the lid.

Fold in 5 layers of sterile bandage or gauze, put on the affected area, leave for 1 hour. Perform simple manipulations every 2 hours during the day. The procedure takes time, but the result does not take long.

Tooth powder or paste

To the composition did not cause irritation on the skin, choose a toothpaste that does not contain lauryl sulfate. Otherwise, you run the risk of severe burns.

For the procedure, dilute the tooth powder with filtered water to obtain a thick mass. Apply to pimple, leave for 8 hours. During this period, the mixture will dry out and relieve the face of inflammation.

If you prefer to use toothpaste, apply it on the skin, hold about 6 hours. After the procedure, it is mandatory to lubricate the skin with butter or olive oil.


Get a block of cosmetic paraffin, cut a cube of 1.5 * 1.5 cm in size.Place it in a glass bowl, heat it in a microwave or steam / water bath. After the composition is completely dissolved, moisten it with a sterile bandage, folded in several layers.

Apply a compress to the affected skin, press firmly, secure with adhesive tape or cosmetic tape. If you want to treat only acne, apply paraffin with a cotton swab. The exposure time is about 1 hour. After this period, lubricate the skin with a cream, carry out the procedure every 3 hours during the day.

Activated carbon

The drug is considered an effective pharmacy tool in the fight against purulent acne. Due to the absorbing properties, it pulls pus, dries inflammation, fights rash. To prepare the mask, you will need to purchase about 15 tablets at the pharmacy (it all depends on the size and number of acne).

 Acne charcoal

Next, take two tablespoons, mash each tablet in turn into powder. When the procedure comes to an end, dilute the preparation with purified drinking water to a pasty mass. In another container, pour 15 g of melt water into it.gelatin, wait for it to swell.

Combine the two mixtures in one mass, dotted across the acne, wait 1 hour. Rate the result, if it was insufficient, exclude from the recipe the addition of gelatin. Repeat the manipulations every 4 hours until you achieve the desired effect.


The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is an analogue of hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is that the concentration of "chlorhexidine" was not higher than 6%. The tool tightens wounds, disinfects and is anti-inflammatory.

To properly use the composition, moisten it with a cosmetic swab, attach it to the acne and fix with adhesive tape, leave for a quarter of an hour. Try not to hurt healthy skin. If desired, the procedure can be performed with a cotton swab. Do this every 5 hours during the day.

Calendula officinalis

Make 65 gr. calendula and 45 gr. yarrow 200 ml. boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, add to the resulting broth. Put the cosmetic disc in the composition, attach it to acne, wait about half an hour.

After that, wipe the skin with a bactericidal tonic,repeat the procedure every 2 hours. If there is no result, increase the amount of medicinal calendula to 100 grams, and yarrow to 60 grams. The amount of water and lemon juice remains unchanged.

Ointment "Levomekol"

The drug produces in the form of a gel and ointment, choose products according to their financial capabilities. To properly use "Levomekol", apply the tool locally, carefully covering the entire area of ​​the pimple. After that, fix the ointment / gel with a breathable adhesive plaster or fix the sterile bandage.

The exposure time is 1.5-2 hours. Carefully read the instructions, the tool can be applied 1 time in 5-6 hours. Vyshnevsky ointment, “Fastin 1”, “Streptonitol”, “Levosin”, “Protegentin”, ichthyol ointment are considered to be analogous to “Levomekol”.


The pharmacy sells a drug called "Bodyaga", it is extremely effective in dealing with the most complex inflammations. A feature of "Bodyagi" is that the drug in powder form is more effective than gel, ointment, cream.

The composition must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, nothing else.After this, treat the acne-affected areas, taking care not to affect healthy skin. "Bodyaga" is used no more than once a day.

After processing, wipe the acne with a solution of "Iodinol", it perfectly disinfects. Do not use iodine in pure form, otherwise you risk getting burns on the skin.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is considered to be a powerful anti-inflammatory plant, so it can cope even with a furuncle. Pick up the fleshy stem, wash it and dry with a clean cloth. It is important that the age of the plant was not more than 2.5 years.

 Aloe vera acne

Cut the stem lengthwise, then apply gauze to the inflammation. You can peel it and skip through a blender, then make a mask.

Fix the gruel or whole stem in a convenient way (bandage, adhesive tape, gauze, etc.). Walk with aloe vera for about 6 hours, then apply a drying ointment to the pimple (Vishnesky, ichthyol, etc.).

Cosmetic clay

For the use of cosmetic clay as a remedy for acne, the perfect composition would be black, white, pink, blue and green. Dissolve 55 gr. mix in purified water, mix with a fork to a paste.

Apply the clay on the entire surface of the face, pay special attention to acne, they need to be treated with a very thick layer.

The exposure time of the skin is about 40 minutes. After that, remove the mixture with a cotton swab moistened with olive oil. Repeat the procedure once every 4 hours.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate treats only the affected skin, and healthy skin should not be touched. Dissolve the potassium permanganate crystals so that the composition is intensely crimson in color.

Dip a cotton swab into the solution, smear the acne, leave it to dry completely. Do not sunbathe and do not visit the solarium for 10 hours after the procedure. If necessary, repeat the session after 5 hours.

Drinking soda and sea salt

Mix 15 gr. drinking soda and 35 gr. crushed sea salt, dilute the prepared bulk mixture with water to obtain a pasty mass. Place the paste between the layers of gauze, apply a compress on the affected areas, wait a quarter of an hour.

Do a compress every 3-4 hours, do not exceed the exposure time.If, after the third procedure, the abscess has not decreased in size, increase the amount of soda to 25 grams. The technology of use remains unchanged.


Citrus fruits are considered to be the most effective against acne, but prefer lemon over the other. Cut the citrus fruit in two parts so that the flesh is clearly visible. After lemon acne treatment, wipe the epidermis with sage-based cosmetic ice.

 Acne Lemon

To cook it, pour 40 gr. herbs 100 ml. boiling water, let it brew, strain, pour into molds and freeze. If you wish, you can replace citrus juice with citric acid. To do this, dissolve 5 gr. composition in warm water, wipe acne and wait until it is completely dry.

Beeswax (cosmetic)

Folk remedy is sold in a store with honey. Purchase beeswax, cut a piece of 1.5 * 1.5 cm in size. Place on a dish, melt in a microwave, putting the composition on the edge of a rotating dish. After warming up, wax the acne and the area around it.

Make sure that the composition is not too hot. Exposure time - until complete drying (about 30-45 minutes).After this period, do not peel off the drug by force. It is enough to moisten the cosmetic sponge in vegetable oil and gently remove the wax. Make a mask every 2.5-3 hours.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

You can fight with ulcers and red inflammations with the help of regular aspirin, provided there is no individual intolerance. Brew in boiling water 55 gr. burdock, let it brew for about a quarter of an hour. After that, strain through a cotton gauze filter.

Mash between two spoons of 7 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, dissolve the infusion of burdock until completely dissolved. The method of application is quite simple: soak a cotton pad or a stick in the solution, process only acne, try not to affect the areas not affected by inflammations.

If the solution was ineffective, prepare a slurry. Mash aspirin into powder, dilute with water until paste is obtained. Put on acne, fix with adhesive plaster, wait 20 minutes, wash off. The procedure can be repeated 3 times a day.

Zinc ointment

Zinc-based drugs effectively fight acne, because they have a bactericidal, drying and anti-inflammatory effect.To use the ointment for its intended purpose, carefully read the instructions. The drug can not be perederzhivat on the skin, otherwise you risk getting burns.

The tool is washed off with plain water after 15-20 minutes. The next therapy is carried out in 2 hours, not earlier. You can perform the procedure throughout the day, until the pimple is dry.

To cope with acne in 1 day may use the available folk remedies. Consider a recipe based on activated carbon, oak bark, paraffin wax, toothpaste / powder. Do not forget about "Chlorhexidine", calendula, "Levomekol", aloe, "Bodyagu".

Video: 7 simple ways to get rid of acne in 1 day

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I do not know how you can remove acne in a day, it seems to me - it is simply impossible. Personally, it helps me well to remove ulcers and inflammation in general Ilon ointment. I just put it on the cleansed face 2 times a day. Even pores become less noticeable after application.


Usually I use salicylic acid or aloe, it helps a lot. In general, acne is often a problem inside the body. You can try to drink a course of ovesol and vitamins to strengthen the body, or consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the problem.

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