How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in an intimate place

Absolutely any woman can face the smell in the intimate zone. Most often this is a consequence of the violation of the normal microflora of the vagina. If you notice that there is an unpleasant smell in the intimate area (it can resemble the smell of fish), you should immediately contact a gynecologist who will confirm or rule out the presence of infectious or other diseases.

 How to get rid of the smell in an intimate place

Why does a smell appear in an intimate place

  1. Vaginal odor can appear due to thrush, fungal infections, venereal diseases. When diagnosing it is necessary to pass tests and tell the doctor about possible associated symptoms (itching, rash, burning). Tell us about the intensity, color and viscosity of secretions. Accurate readings can significantly narrow the range of possible diagnoses.
  2. Sometimes the vaginal microflora can change from the quality of your life. Such a change is not considered a disease, it is just a small deviation from the norm, which is called bacterial vaginosis.Vaginosis may appear after a woman takes a course of antibiotics. Often the microflora is disturbed when the body is weakened by the disease, with vitamin deficiency, with low immunity.
  3. Inadequate intimate hygiene products are also a cause of the appearance of the scent. Soap for intimate hygiene and pads can cause an allergic reaction to the components of cosmetic products. Think about when an unpleasant smell appeared, perhaps after applying a new brand of hygiene products?
  4. The quality of the underwear is also very important. If you wear synthetic pants, artificial fabric does not allow oxygen, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant smell.
  5. An intense vaginal odor can appear during menstruation and after childbirth. This is a normal physiological condition of a woman that you just need to go through, carefully observing all hygiene measures.
  6. Sometimes women do self-medication and “douching” without a doctor’s instructions. This is very dangerous, because such "popular methods" of treatment can harm. If you make a popular “soda douche”, you will definitely provoke a violation of the normal intestinal microflora.And that is what will cause the unpleasant smell.
  7. Inadequate hygiene is also a common cause of vaginal odor. To avoid it, it is enough to take a shower regularly and daily, thoroughly wash the genitals.
  8. Please note, perhaps the smell in the intimate area appears after physical activity? The fact is that it can be a simple smell of sweat. Indeed, in the inguinal zone is the same high concentration of sweat glands, as well as under the armpits. If you suffer from excess weight, then the likelihood of sweating and, as a result, an unpleasant odor in the intimate area increases.
  9. Every woman has her own special smell that she gets used to. If she began to feel that the smell has changed, then something in the body is wrong. But sometimes a woman can begin to smell the intimate zone only because her nose has become aggravated. This happens during pregnancy.

How to get rid of the smell in the intimate area

Sometimes the smell in an intimate place is a signal that inflammatory processes of the small pelvis occur in the body. Therefore, we can not close our eyes to this problem.Fight with the smell in the intimate area can only be after the doctor excludes the presence of gynecological diseases, remember this!

 Getting rid of the smell in the intimate area

  1. Chamomile and calendula. These herbs have bactericidal properties. Of them need to cook a decoction. Take two tablespoons of chamomile and calendula, fill them with a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse, wrapped tightly with a towel. Then the broth must be filtered through cheesecloth. Rinse with a decoction every day. It will save you from unpleasant smell.
  2. Tea tree oil. This is a very effective remedy for various odors of the human body. Tea tree oil should be diluted with warm water and washed with this composition every evening. After a few days you will notice the result.
  3. Vitamins. If vaginal dysbiosis appeared due to beriberi or antibiotics, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the woman. For this you need to eat vitamins, eat more fruits.
  4. Hygiene products. If a woman has permanent sex, then a slight change in the microflora of the vagina is permissible and is considered the norm. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, in the pharmacy, you can purchase special intimate hygiene products.They are of two kinds. Daily hygiene products are designed for daily maintenance of the vaginal microflora. Intensive cosmetology products should be used only during menstruation and after sex - when the smell of discharge increases.
  5. Beneficial bacteria. To restore the normal microflora of the vagina, it is necessary to take the bacteria inside. They are contained in fermented milk products - yoghurt, kefir, yogurt. The packaging must state that the product contains probiotics.
  6. Deodorizing products. These are special cosmetic products for those who have special properties of the body (if the smell is not due to a specific reason). They are designed specifically for the intimate area and are absolutely safe.
  7. Medicinal amla. The decoction of this plant can be prescribed even by a doctor - as it is effective. A few spoons of amla need to be filled with boiling water and left to brew. After the broth is ready, it must be drained through a fine mesh. Rinse with such medicine should be at least three times a day.
  8. Exclude provocative products. Some foods may enhance the vaginal odor.These include coffee, onions, alcoholic beverages, hot spices, meat, milk. In order for these products to affect the smell of vaginal discharge, they need to eat quite a lot. However, with a pronounced amber, try to limit the consumption of such food, to make sure in the relationship.

Hygiene - above all!

Careful and daily hygiene is the key to health, comfort and cleanliness. Remember that with proper washing away it is not necessary to penetrate into the vagina. Also, do not douche it with any formulations not prescribed by a doctor. Your amateur, you can wash out good bacteria and finally upset the balance of microflora.

After visiting the toilet, wipe from front to back to prevent germs from the anus from entering the vagina. Wear breathable cotton or linen. For menstruation, change a tampon or pad every 4 hours to get rid of the smell and feel the body fresh. If it is not possible to wash away, carry with you special wet wipes for intimate hygiene. These simple rules will help to keep the intimate area clean and comfortable.

Intimate questions should be intimate only to others.Do not hesitate to contact them to your doctor, do not forget that he is, first of all, a doctor. The time taken disease increases the success of treatment several times. Only you are responsible for your health.

Video: the smell of fish from the vagina

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