How to get rid of annoying girlfriends

Life is flowing, changing social circle and the people around us. School, institute, driving school, work, hobby - friends, friends, friends everywhere appear. Sometimes you meet a congenial person who becomes your friend and faithful companion. But sometimes you get "girlfriends", from which it is not so easy to get rid of.

 How to get rid of annoying girlfriends

“She stuck like a bathing sheet” - they say so about girlfriends who do not have a sense of tact, impose their communication, imitating a friendly atmosphere. It is difficult to get rid of such friends, because most of these girls are energy vampires who feed on your emotions and experiences. There are several types of annoying girlfriends:

  1. She constantly tells you about her problems. Such a person is always on a negative wave, she always whines that everyone around is bad. And her husband is lazy, head goat, home needs repairs, but there is no money. Such pseudo-friends throw the whole bunch of their own problems on you and constantly spoil your mood. Such a pessimistic attitude is transmitted at the energy level.The girlfriend is gone, but until the end of the day you feel some dissatisfaction and annoyance, although you have everything in life. Communication that does not bring joy, laughter, pleasure and inner harmony will not lead to anything good. After all, friends are needed to improve mood, and not worsen it.
  2. There are such friends who show their increased interest in your life. This girlfriend will never ask you about what you yourself silent. Tactless and annoying will try to find out the most intimate aspects of your life. In fact, this is bad, because this type of people, as a rule, tells everyone about everything. These friends do not know how to keep secrets. If she tells you gossip about others, do not hesitate - she tells them about you.
  3. There is another type of annoying girlfriends. They use you for their purposes. Take somewhere, if you have a car, give a write-off, if you learn better than her, to talk for your superiors, if the director is with you in a relationship of trust. Such deceitful natures imitate interest and friendship, creep in front of you, and in fact only pursue their own selfish goals.

Usually annoying girlfriends are with you in the same social circle, you have mutual friends, so you do not want to swear and make trouble.But it is necessary to get rid of such a friend, because it is simply impossible to continue her society. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Try to simply refuse to communicate with her. Do not answer calls and messages, do not communicate in social networks. If you see this person, you can just pretend to be surprised and say that you have not seen any missed calls. If a person hints to you about a meeting, refer to the fact that you have other plans, important matters, you need to help your mother, grandmother, and in general, you are late now! Sooner or later, a person will understand that you do not want to continue communication and will stop chasing you.
  2. If this does not happen, you need to be able to set priorities and say “no” to people. What is more precious to you - your personal peace of mind or the preservation of strained and unnecessary relationships? Explain to the person that you have too different interests, needs and attitude, and therefore it is better for you to stop contacts and close communication. If you do not do this, you will have to put up with arrogance and endure a person who is unpleasant to you.
  3. There is another way to discourage the annoying girlfriend. It is necessary to attract a third party - a mutual friend.Hint to him or her that, they say, a friend is constantly coming or calling, she is already fed up with order. These words will certainly be transmitted, you can not doubt. It may turn out not very nice, but the main thing is that the goal is achieved and the annoying girlfriend finally falls behind you.
  4. If nothing helps, ignore it. Just imagine that a person does not exist. Do not talk, do not even say hello. Believe me, as soon as you get rid of such communication, you will fall a mountain from your shoulders. And do not worry that a friend will be offended at you. Such people do not survive for a long time - they simply find another object, stick to it and suck a new portion of fresh energy out of it.

This girlfriend will never burden you with your worries and abuse your good attitude. As soon as you get rid of the annoying girlfriend, you will feel how much time and emotional resources you have released. You need to be able to cut off unnecessary and sticky people from your life in time. And then you will open the door for new acquaintances and you will make true friends.

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