How to pull a splinter from under the nail: useful tips

No wonder a person was awarded hands, with their help, you can perform the most important things on the street or at home. But with regular contact with different surfaces does not exclude the possibility of injury. One of those types is considered a splinter under the nail. New growth brings tremendous discomfort while practicing everyday things. Depending on the type of drifts vary and options for its extraction.

 How to pull a splinter from under the nail

Rules for removing splinters from under the nail

Generally speaking, the extraction procedure involves several steps:

  • finger treatment with alcoholic solution, iodine or vodka;
  • sterilization of all instruments that will be used during extraction (tweezers, needle, etc.);
  • conducting antiseptic procedures after removing the splinter.

So that after the completion of all manipulations on the finger did not appear a purulent abscess, the disinfection procedure should be given paramount importance.

If something goes wrong, you will have to seek help from a doctor. It would seem that such minor damage requires medical assistance.

If a skidding is seen under the plate, it is easy to remove it using tweezers. But in all other situations you will have to make an effort and suffer discomfort.

If the thorn has organic origin, after the extraction is completed, the person must be vaccinated against tetanus to avoid infection.

Thorn removal technology

There is a basic technology to eliminate a foreign object, let's consider it in stages.

  1. First you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass to assess how deep the splinter penetrated inside. Examine the size of the extraneous body and the presence / absence of a splinter edge.
  2. If the inclusion is wood shavings or splintering, treat the area under the nail with copious amounts of iodine. You do not have to injure the damaged area with a needle, the splinter itself dissolves.
  3. If it was not possible to examine a foreign object even under a magnifying glass, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate in a pale pink hue. Treat the damaged area, you will see the entry point of a foreign object.
  4. If the foreign body is large and you can see the tip, arm yourself with the right tools. For this purpose, forceps, tweezers or a sewing needle are used.
  5. Wipe the tools with an alcohol solution, cologne, vodka or any other antiseptic. You can hold the tweezers over the fire to kill the bacteria.
  6. Grab the tip of the tool with the tool, pull up or at an angle of entry. Do not pull in the other direction so that the splinter does not break.
  7. When the extraction is completed, pour the area under the nail vodka, alcohol or cologne, lubricate with iodine.
  8. After the procedure, the area around the wound may swell and turn red. The location of the boil should be lubricated with ichthyol ointment, then bandaged with a finger.
  9. Within 2-3 days you need to handle the wound and tighten with a bandage. If the swelling does not subside, it is advisable to contact a specialist for help.

How to remove a metal splinter

This type of neoplasm is difficult because it has many variations of forms and often penetrates deeply under the nail. The subject is not a needle, hence the extraction procedure is difficult. If the chips entered the finger parallel to the nail plate, proceed as follows.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Make sure that the tool does not fall into the zone of interruption of a foreign body. Dry your fingers with a towel.
  2. Pour the area under the nail, where the splinter stuck, with vodka. Disinfect the instrument to be removed. Eyebrow tweezers or a sewing needle (doubtful) will do.
  3. If you can not boast of exposure and resistance to pain, put iceocaine in place of the splinter. If desired, use another pain reliever for which there is no allergy.
  4. Grab the protruding tip of the object, pull it towards you. Do not create a strong angle, so as not to break the foreign body. If the end of the inclusion is not visible, gently open the skin above the thorn with a needle. Hold the magnet to pull out the metal.

How to remove the thorn from the cactus

It is known that a cactus can have needles of various thickness, length, rigidity.Beautiful plants in case of non-observance of safety measures leave bolus splinters on the owner's fingers. To extract, use the following technology:

  1. Soften a little crust of black bread, mix with two pinch of salt and black pepper on the tip of a knife.
  2. Attach the resulting slurry in the place of entry of a splinter under the nail, tape or use adhesive plasters.
  3. Note the time, hold the composition for about 6 hours. After this period, the thorn of the cactus will partially come out of the wound.
  4. Disinfect the tools, pry free edge and remove the splinter from under the nail.

How to get rid of wood splinters

 How to get rid of wood splinters

  1. Often, when working with wood, you can pick up a splinter. Especially unpleasant when a small particle climbs on the nail. To cope with the problem in several ways. It all depends on the depth of penetration.
  2. If the splinter sticks out from under the nail, the affected area of ​​the skin should be treated with an antiseptic. After that, use tweezers and abruptly remove the foreign body. After completing the procedure, treat the wound with a disinfectant.
  3. Sometimes the situation is more running.It is recommended that you cut the nail as short as possible and steam your finger in warm water. Add a decoction of comfrey, calendula or fenugreek to the liquid.
  4. Finger need to dip into the composition for a few seconds and get to cool completely. If the splinter refuses to get out, you need to resort to using ichthyol ointment or tar. If you notice a wound pus, the use of such funds is prohibited.
  5. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution of salt, soda and clay. Also, in the fight against the problem, freshly prepared gruel from potatoes, onions or cabbage will do. The composition will help the thorn to advance, after which you remove it with forceps.
  6. You can try to manipulate with scotch tape. Glue the adhesive tape to the affected area and pull back sharply. Splinter should come off with scotch. There is an alternative method using wax for depilation. Apply the composition and attach the fabric, sharply tear off the rags at the right time.

How to remove the glass splinter

  1. Glass splinter delivers the most discomfort. A foreign object has a certain form in the form of a fragment.Therefore, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, the particle can go deep into the tissue.
  2. As in the previous case, you need to shorten the nail on the affected finger as short as possible. Before proceeding with the procedure, thoroughly disinfect the skin surface without fail.
  3. To push the glass fragment from under the nail plate, you need to resort to using resin of any tree. You can also use the bath. Stir your finger in warm water with the addition of vodka, infusion of pine resin or fenugreek.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the nail so that the splinter comes to the surface. In this case, the result will be the opposite with more serious complications. Then without the help of a doctor can not do.

The difficulty of extracting old splinters

  1. After carrying out certain works, the splinter can not be immediately detected. Some people have a high pain threshold, so the trouble may simply not be felt at first. Especially if you work intensively.
  2. After a hard day of work while taking a shower, wounds begin to make themselves felt. There is pain and discomfort.In most cases, such lesions lead to an inflammatory process and the appearance of pus.
  3. In order to maximally secure health and carry out the procedure painlessly, you need to follow some rules. Try to see how deep a splinter penetrates. Pay attention to the inflammatory process, as everything is running.
  4. Prepare tools to solve the problem and thoroughly clean the surface of the affected area. Be careful with the procedure. If you doubt your own abilities, contact the emergency room. Do not run the wound so as not to aggravate the situation.

Removing splinters folk remedies

  1. Dip your finger in a glass of vodka for half an hour. Then try to get a splinter with tweezers. If the method did not help, use an Ichthyol ointment, tar or resin of wood. Such compounds are excellent pull foreign bodies.
  2. To get rid of a glass or metal splinter, soften a piece of black bread and a small amount of salt with water. Hold your finger for 20 minutes.
  3. To solve the problem, resort to using herbal decoctions.Completed with the task excellent composition of fenugreek root, comfrey, chamomile, calendula. Hold your finger for some time in a warm broth.

Splinters can have a different origin, respectively, each damage must be approached individually. Under the nail plate a person can drive a metal, wooden, glass splinter. Sometimes spikes of cactus and other “annoyances” fall. You can get rid of them by the above methods.

Video: how to pull a splash from your finger

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