How to fix oversalted dish: useful tips

It is not uncommon for the hostess to add a lot of salt to the dish in the strength of inexperience or “on parking”. With this, at least once in life, every woman has come across, unwittingly wondering: "How to fix the situation?" There is a way out, so do not immediately send the cooked dish in the trash.

 How to fix oversalted dish

Over-salted soup

  1. The simplest option for correcting salted soup is adding rice to it. To do this, wrap the grain in a gauze cloth and dip it in the first course, the grits will absorb the excess salt.
  2. Similarly, you can correct the mistake by dropping several peeled raw potato tubers into the pan with the contents. Then boil the soup for about 7 minutes, remove the potatoes.
  3. If the above components were not at hand, arm yourself with flour. Well wrap bulk composition in several layers of cheesecloth, send in a saucepan with soup. The liquid becomes cloudy, then you can add the meatballs from the meat or strain the broth.
  4. In cases where a clear soup should be served at the table, but you have over-salted it, put a handful of fine noodles inside. She will absorb all the salt, the dish will be palatable.
  5. There is another method by which you can correct your mistake. Add a cube of refined sugar to the finished salty soup. Rate the taste, if necessary, enter another piece.
  6. If you have time, you can extract all the ingredients from the soup, then boil the new broth on meat or poultry. Alternatively, dilute the existing salted soup with water.

Salted Potatoes

  1. If you cooked mashed potatoes and overdone with salt, a portion of fresh porridge and potatoes will help to correct the situation. Stir the dish, problem solved.
  2. If roasted root vegetables and you need to restore the same taste, you can mix potatoes with sour cream sauce and greens. Or prepare an additional portion of the vegetable without salt.
  3. Boiled potatoes can be rid of excess salt by washing the root with cold water. After that, add a small amount of liquid to the pan, wait for boiling.Potatoes will be steamed, part of the salt will be washed.

Poultry dish

  1. If you cooked a dish of poultry and overdo it with salt, do not despair ahead of time. To correct the situation it is necessary to remove the meat from the bone.
  2. Next, prepare any sauce to your taste. Salt is not necessary to add. Stew the bird in the cooked composition for 10 minutes.
  3. If you cooked chicken, it is enough to put out with vegetable platter. Excess salt is easily absorbed into the products. When marinating meat, water or milk will help to return the same taste. Soak the bird in the composition of 20 minutes.

Over-salted cereals

  1. To remedy the situation with salted grits, it is necessary to discard the cooked raw materials in a colander. Rinse the product under running water. Wait for the fluid to drain completely. After that, transfer the cereal into the pan and pour in some water.
  2. Add a little butter to the products. Tom on low heat until complete evaporation of the liquid. As for the salted pilaf, the situation is also reparable.
  3. To do this, boil a small amount of unleavened rice. Stir the cereal with salty pilaf.You can add fragrant spices. Also, pilaf from salinity will help rid the soaked raisins.

Salted meat

 Salted meat

  1. There are often cases when it is necessary to urgently eliminate the excess salt from a piece of meat or a future kebab. There is an exit! In this case, it is necessary to marinate the meat in a small amount of butter / vegetable oil or flour sauce.
  2. Adding sauce is carried out before stewing or roasting on the grill, in the oven. Let the meat soak in the marinade for about half an hour, then rinse each bite.
  3. You can only slightly correct the situation. Prepare any side dish for salted meat dish that does not need to be salted. It can be fresh pasta, rice, buckwheat and other options to choose from.
  4. If you do not have the task of frying, stewing, baking meat in this form, scroll through the meat grinder. In the resulting mince add soaked breadcrumbs, onion, a little boiled rice. Make meatballs or chops.
  5. You can try to reanimate meat, poultry, rabbit by soaking a piece in fresh filtered water. Periodically it is necessary to drain the fluid and replace it with a new one.

Other salted dishes

If you have prepared the dish in a naval manner, solve the problem with an excess of salt in several ways. Mix pasta with tomato sauce.

Also with an excess of salt can be handled as follows. For this you need an extra fresh portion of pasta. Stir ingredients, problem solved.

The last way to the amateur. In pasta with excess salt, you can add beaten chicken eggs. Send the dish to roast in a pan. Eggs will absorb excess salt.

Vegetable salad
In the case of salted vegetable salad, the trouble can be eliminated by washing the food with running water. Also in the dish, you can simply add a small amount of fresh ingredients.

Vegetable stew or goulash
If you oversold one of the above dishes, decide this with the help of tomatoes. Chop the tomato into slices and mix it into a heat-resistant container with the contents. Stew the dish a few minutes. Leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Try it.

A fish
To restore the original taste of a fish dish, you can add a fresh sauce based on flour or sour cream. If you pickled fish in brine, it is worth replacing it with fresh stuff.Next, place the food in a new marinade. Boil the fish and cool. After manipulation, such a product is recommended to additionally be washed in fresh water for several minutes.

If you are faced with the problem of salted dishes, do not despair. It is enough to follow simple tips, you can easily correct the situation. Try to avoid this. Some dishes irretrievably lose their original taste.

Video: what to do if you oversalt the dish

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