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Why don't young moms take the decree as a leave? A woman caring for a newborn has to constantly feed and rock the baby, disinfect toys and bottles, as well as wash, wash and wash again. Baby diapers and vests get dirty very quickly. Mom regularly soaks something, stuffs it into a typewriter, twists and hangs it. And trying to not forget the basic rules of care for things a newborn.
Hygiene products
Why it is impossible to collect all the baby romper and put it in the machine with the husband’s shirts and socks? Or silk dressing gowns of the mother? It's all about the weak immunity of the child. In the first 3-4 months the baby's body is defenseless. The intestine of a newborn only adapts to the new environment, therefore it produces too little antibodies capable of resisting bacteria.
Microbes that remain on clothing or nipples can cause a cold, disorder, or a serious infectious disease. That is why young mothers are advised to pay special attention to disinfection.
But wash the undershirts and diapers can only special compositions. Powders and gels intended for adults contain too aggressive additives that cause allergies in newborns.
Infants are only suitable baby soap without flavors and with a low content of fragrances. The composition of the means for washing a minimum of chemical compounds and a lot of natural ingredients that care for diapers and clothing of the newborn. Cotton fabric remains soft and tender to the touch, does not irritate the baby’s skin. You can also use soap with chamomile or a string. Herbal ingredients have soothing properties and a pleasant unobtrusive aroma.
Complicated stains left after regurgitation and defecation are treated with soap. The tool, though aggressive, perfectly cleans sheets and sliders. And to alkalies that are part of the soap, did not cause allergies in the newborn, clothes after washing thoroughly rinse.
Modern mothers can use special children's powders. But the product must meet several requirements:
- The packaging is always marked "from 0 years" or "From the first days of life." Marking confirms that the product is safe for newborns.
- Also on the powder should be written that it is hypoallergenic. It is desirable that the product does not contain phosphates.
- Mom is advised to check the expiration date, and if there are any doubts, ask the sellers for certificates confirming the quality of the goods.
Powders for newborns are liquid and dry. The first option is recommended for mothers who use the machine more often than the wash. This tool gives a lot of foam and consumed more economically.
If there is no powder, it is replaced with baby soap. Rub a third of the bar on a fine grater, mix it with a small amount of water and pour it into a washing machine. Things of a newborn cannot be treated with bleach, even if it says “For children's clothes”. The composition of such funds necessarily includes bleach, which irritates the delicate skin of the baby.
Replace bleach can be a normal hydrogen peroxide.Antiseptic removes stains, brightens the fabric and does not harm the child. In addition, a bottle of the drug costs only a few rubles.
Do not recommend to buy rinses. First, there are a lot of flavors in them, and harsh smells do not like newborns. Secondly, the chemical components contained in the rinses are absorbed into the fabric. Substances cause allergies and diaper rash in newborns.
Basket and basin
Dirty diapers should be immediately sent to a washing machine or soaked. First, the eaten spots of urine and feces are almost impossible to wash off. Secondly, a humid environment is an ideal breeding ground for microbes. But not all bacteria die during washing.
Bed linen should be changed once a week. Of course, if it was not damaged during the regurgitation or changing of the diaper. Soiled sheets and clothes are washed right after another disaster. It is impossible to wear a vest with stains of breast milk or wet tights on a newborn. They are immediately sent to the basket, and then washed.
Baby romper and diaper do not mix with parents' dirty clothes.Dad goes to work, goes to the store and the pharmacy, where there are many other people. All of them are potential sources of infection, which remain on the pants, jacket and jacket. It is impossible that the suit of the father came into contact with the vest of the newborn and “shared” the microbes. That is why even winter overalls and baby envelopes are kept away from tights and sheets.
The child must have not only a personal laundry basket, but also a washbasin for washing clothes. The bath in which the baby is bathing cannot be used. A bowl in which a mother rinses her socks and underwear will not work either.
Modern technology versus tradition
What is better to wash baby clothes? Of course, in a typewriter. The equipment works with high temperatures. The device carefully rinses the clothes and diapers of the newborn, washing out the remnants of the soap solution. And also saves tired mom time.
A washing machine is advised to load envelopes, blankets, sheets and diapers. And small items can be rinsed in a basin. Mum after all will not spend the electric power because of one thin overalls?
The main thing is to change the rinse water by hand washing until it is clean.If a little bit of soap remains on the sliders, the child may get irritated.
To prevent the hands of women from being injured due to frequent washes, she is recommended to buy two pairs of gloves: cotton and rubber. First put on the first, it protects the skin from high temperatures. And on top of the stretch rubber. They do not allow detergents to settle on the fingers and dry the palms.
When heavily soiled, the diapers are soaked in a basin, and then turn on the machine. Boil things newborn is not necessary, otherwise they will quickly fade and become grayish.
Diapers do not dry on the street in winter and autumn, because at this time of year it is too cold and damp. Water evaporates from the tissue too slowly, and bacteria begin to multiply in a humid environment. The clothes and bed linen of the newborn are squeezed in a washing machine and hung in the kitchen. In this room, quite dry and warm air.
Bath is not suitable for children's things. The humidity in the room is high, so the fungus often breeds here. It is impossible for spores to fall on clothes or sheets.If the child inhales even a small amount of the fungus, he may settle in the lungs of the newborn, triggering chronic bronchitis or asthma.
Romper and undershirts necessarily stroked. The red-hot iron destroys the bacteria that the powder cannot cope with. Children's things are disinfected from the wrong side. Handled and back, and the front. Be sure to stroke the sheets and diapers.
When the clothes have cooled, they are neatly folded and put into a closet or chest of drawers. The child must have a personal regiment. The box is rubbed 3-4 times a month with antiseptics to remove germs and dirt. It is impossible to keep children's things on a chair or table so that dust does not settle on them.
Winter fur overalls, which cannot be washed in a typewriter or with hands, are disinfected with a steam cleaner. The device can be replaced with a regular iron. The main thing is that the equipment had the function “Steam cleansing”. Hat or overalls hang on a hanger or chair. The iron is turned on and carried out over the clothes at a distance of 3–5 cm. It is observed that the hot surface does not touch the fabric.
Things of a newborn can not be starch. Diapers and sliders become too rigid, do not let the air through and rub the baby’s tender skin. The baby appears irritation and diaper rash.
Baby dowry
Not all mothers know that clothes bought in a store should be washed immediately with powder and rinsed thoroughly. Before getting into the package, new diapers and sliders were in the hands of seamstresses, porters and other people. They managed to absorb other people's germs and dirt. In addition, no one knows what chemicals manufacturers used to make children's clothing so beautiful and presentable.
To care for the wardrobe and bedding of a newborn is difficult. But mom needs to last 6-7 months. Then the baby’s immunity will become stronger, and you can forget about the iron and regular disinfection. After all, excessive sterility is just as harmful to a child’s health as microbes are.
Video: washing children's clothes
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