How to train Huskies at home

Huskies are by nature extremely active creatures, they are excellent companions and guards. Due to the overly cheerful nature of the dog, this breed needs careful training and education. From early childhood puppies are taught to discipline, teach basic commands, while properly punished or, on the contrary, encourage. If you skip this stage of training, the animal will create a lot of trouble for its newly minted owners. Consider the important aspects in order, we give practical recommendations.

 How to train Huskies

How to punish and encourage husky

Dogs of this breed are dominant by nature, they prefer to keep the situation in their paws. Even a small puppy may notice that he is pampered, and he will start using it with great pleasure.Cunning does not oblige the owner to punish the pet, but unfortunately it is impossible to do without tough measures. Educational work is carried out in the event that the owner repeatedly notices that his four-legged friend shows unreasonable aggression towards other dogs.

It is also not uncommon for a pet to have a negative attitude towards its owner, without having objective reasons for such behavior. Very often a dog pokes a curious nose where it does not follow, this option also implies a partial punishment, as the animal can harm itself.

Do not try to punish the Huskies with physical labor; animals of this breed do not understand such manipulations. To start, try to convince the puppy of misconduct, using a strong and stern voice. In cases where the pet does not understand, take it by the collar and shake it, hold the case with your hands. If these methods of exposure have not brought fruit, press the animal to the floor, wait until the dog stops moving. You should by all means show that the leader of the pack is one here.

With regards to encouragement, treat an animal with a treat for high-quality work.Initially, you need to cheer up your pet in this way, and then you can move on to verbal praise. It is important to understand that kind words should be spoken in a gentle, non-shrill voice, since husky squeaky sounds are not perceived. Adhere to the differences between intonation when giving orders and timbre with praise.

Important rules for training huskies

  1. As practice shows, the optimal age to start training Husk is considered to be the period from 2.5 to 3 months. Some owners start half a month earlier, it all depends on personal preference.
  2. As mentioned earlier, Huskies are excellent companions, but at the same time they are extremely stubborn and proud. It may seem to you that the pet is stupid, but this is far from true. A puppy learns the world, he stubbornly, does not want to obey because of his age. To outwit the dog, occupy it with an exciting game, encourage delicacy.
  3. Most of the mistakes that new husky owners make are dog permissiveness. That is, the owners descend the dog from the hands of many dirty habits, so that the animal begins to consider itself the main thing in the family.This should not be allowed, otherwise the dog will be difficult to train. As the owner of the Huskies choose an authoritative family member, the most stringent.
  4. As soon as you bring the dog to a new house, think up a nickname for him, the puppy will get used to it quickly enough. Call a pet by name every time after your morning awakening, speak in a quiet and tender voice that gives you confidence. Also remember the name will help gentle strokes when feeding: put a bowl of food in front of the pet, call it a nickname and stroke the back, behind the ear. You will need 3-5 days to fully accustom the dog to the name.

How to teach husky to muzzle, leash and collar

 How to teach husky to muzzle, leash and collar

  1. Collar. Puppies are not enthusiastic about wearing a collar, but this measure is necessary. Starting from 2 months to teach your pet to this device, carefully make sure that the dog does not remove it. Always treat the animal with a treat, distract the huskies with exciting games or walks, if possible, the latter option is preferable. Later, the pet will begin to associate donning a collar with pleasant moments, and will itself expose the neck, not opposing.
  2. Leash It should be shown immediately after getting used to the collar. Hitch a leash, walk around the apartment, playfully fun. Cases when the puppy refuses to follow the owner are frequent. Lure him with a treat: stand back along the full length of the leash, put delicacy on your hand and wait for your pet to fit. Gradually move through the entire area of ​​the room, perform simple actions three times a day, luring the puppy behind you. No need to pull the dog by force, otherwise you will increase the duration of the training for a few more days.
  3. Muzzle. To accustom a pet to a collar and a leash is much easier than to a muzzle. In most cases, all dogs are horrified at the sight of such ammunition. The first week, 3 times a day, put a treat in a muzzle, then slowly put it on the dog. After the puppy eats the treat, remove the uniform and repeat the steps in 5-6 hours, you can earlier.

Huskies are neat creations, they quickly get used to order. As soon as you bring your puppy to a new home, select a specific place (free walking zone) for him to move around.Protect the forbidden places with toy fences or keep your pet in a cage for a while so that he does not harm yourself.

Team "To me!"

Call the dog by name, then say the command “To me!” In a joyful voice. As soon as the puppy starts moving in your direction, cheer him up "Well done, to me, to me!" Treat your pet with a treat, stroke, scratch behind the ear. Food and friendly attitude - your main assistants, husky will like this approach.

There are cases when the animal does not want to approach the owner, even at the sight of treats. Try to jump away from him, supposedly playfully, while constantly repeating the command “To me!”. If you move a sufficiently long distance, the puppy will be frightened and will run up to its protector automatically. Do not forget to praise and treat your pet at the moment when he will be next to you.

As for the command “Near!”, Everything is quite transparent here: keep the pet next to you on a leash so that it is on the left side. Constantly repeat “Nearby, well done!”, Let us have a treat, do not let them pull you forward much.

Huskies are overly selfish, temperamental and proud. In the case of this breed, literature on the technique of training service dogs will not help you; an individual approach and constant patience are needed. An important role is played by timbre of voice and intonation of the host. Give orders clearly, but with a bass, loud, unhurriedly. Do not forget to persevere, but as a rule, Huskies are more likely to respond to a request, ignoring orders.

Video: training a puppy husky 3 months

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