How often do I need to cut my hair: useful tips

Every girl wants to be a happy owner of a healthy head of hair. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this. Basic care includes washing, drying, combing and, of course, haircut. We are interested in the last option. The procedure should be carried out regularly, the state of the mound directly depends on it. Consider the main aspects in order, let's talk about how often you need to cut hair.

 How often do I need to cut my hair

Stages of hair growth

Follicle formation and hair growth can last up to 1.5 years.

The second stage includes the cessation of hair growth or its slowdown. The length of the process is 4-5 weeks.

The last stage involves stopping the growth of hair, which contributes to its loss. The period lasts about 3 months.

  1. As soon as the loss begins, a new stage of the emergence of a new hair occurs.The faster the division of cells in the bulbs, the better the hair is growing. The follicle under the detailed examination resembles a sac, the root of the hair originates in it.
  2. The growth and transformation of hair depends on the vitamins, minerals and trace elements received by the body. Also, the intensity of the development of haystacks depends on the time of day and year-quarter. After research, experts have shown that hair grows stronger at night, in the morning the process almost stops.
  3. In the warm season, the body undergoes an active process of hormone formation, therefore, during this period, the curls gain maximum growth. If we take into account the average indicators, the development of hair in humans is about 9 mm. per month. In some individuals, the growth of hair can be from 5 mm. up to 15 mm. in 4-5 weeks.
  4. It is also worth considering that the density, health and speed of hair in most cases depend on heredity. In such situations, there is only one way out - meticulous care and constant feeding of hair. Especially such actions relate to weakened and split ends.If you have a painted shoal, then easily determine how fast it grows. Measure the length of the released roots.

Why the tips split

So that the hair does not become brittle and fragile, and the growth of the stacks did not stop, you need to trim the tips in time. The reasons for split hair may be several.

  1. Do not abuse the frequent washing of the hair, the manipulation leads to washing off of the protective substance that envelops the curls.
  2. The problem of long hair is that the bulbs can not get to the tips of the nutrients produced by sebaceous glands.
  3. Also one of the reasons for the deterioration of the hair condition can be diseases of the organs or the susceptibility of the organism to chemotherapy. In this case, the leaching of nutrients.
  4. If you picked up a comb that does not match your hair type, or often wear hair. Also on the state of curls affect the frequent use of thermometers.
  5. In addition to the above reasons, hair weakens due to weather conditions, regular dyeing, bad habits, running water, poor ecology, poor diet.

How often do I need to cut my hair

Regular haircut depends on many factors. An important factor is considered the length of the hair, the state of the tips, the type of curls, the holding of frequent dyeing and chemical perm.

 How often to cut hair

  1. Long hair. If the mop is healthy and without damage, the haircut should be done once every 3-4 months, no more than 15 mm should be cut. lengths This way you get rid of dead ends. If the hair is subject to cross-section, it is worthwhile to attend a specialist visit up to 3 times per semester. Then go back to the normal haircut schedule — about 1 time in 4 months.
  2. Section. In case you notice a strong cross section, contact a professional for help. Cut off unhealthy ends with hot scissors, then after a couple of months repeat the manipulation. The frequency of haircuts at the whipped tips is carried out throughout the year. After that, you should go to a normal haircut 1 time in 3-4 months.
  3. Short hair. With a small length of hair, haircut tips should be carried out 1 time per month. If you consider yourself to be the owner of a complex fashionable hairstyle, a trip to a specialist should be made up to 2 times in 3 weeks.In the case of a perm, you need to visit a hairdresser once a month. Such a move will help prevent dry and fragile tips.

Features of growing hair

  1. Before growing healthy hair, get rid of brittle and split ends. Completely discard staining, minimize the use of thermal devices.
  2. You should think about a healthy diet and make a daily diet. Eat quail and chicken eggs, dairy products, cattle meat, nuts and seafood.
  3. Take the habit of drinking at least 2 liters. filtered water. If necessary, drink a complex of vitamins and minerals. Also it is necessary to give up bad habits. If possible, start going to the gym.
  4. Apply restorative balms and masks. Choose detergents based on your hair type. Do not be lazy to do homemade compresses. Rub natural oils and esters into the scalp.
  5. Massage your head, it helps to increase blood circulation. Follicles begin to receive more nutrients, which contributes to the accelerated growth of hair. Massage for 10-15 minutes a day.

If you belong to the owners of long hair (up to the shoulders or below), you should cut the tips only if the curls have become brittle or sectional. Otherwise, the hair will begin to spoil your beautiful image, highlighting the shock of untidy. After the manipulation of the curls re-acquire their original appearance.

Video: how often to cut hair ends

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