The content of the article
- 1 Why do you need to get rid of lice as soon as possible?
- 2 How to understand that it is lice?
- 3 Why do lice appear?
- 4 Can I get rid of lice without cutting my hair?
- 5 How to remove lice in girls with long hair?
- 6 What pharmacy remedies for pediculosis exist?
- 7 What medicines can be used from an early age?
- 8 Other medicines that can be used for children from two years
- 9 Video: how to remove lice and nits on the hair
Head lice in children is a very common phenomenon that gives parents a lot of trouble. Lice can be infected in the kindergarten, on the playground, but do not immediately raise panic. At the moment, there are a large number of effective, safe for the baby pharmacological agents that will allow in a short time and without much suffering to get rid of lice. Consider them in this article, as well as the causes and symptoms of nits and lice.
Why do you need to get rid of lice as soon as possible?
Insects can cause damage to the skin - this is the main reason for which the parasites need to get rid of as soon as possible. Every parent should know that the parasites themselves will not disappear! They need to be fought, and not all methods are effective. For example, our grandmothers poisoned lice with vinegar and kerosene. Not only is it toxic, these substances can leave a burn on the delicate scalp of a child, therefore it is forbidden to resort to these methods.
Lice bring the child considerable discomfort - the head is itching all the time from bites. In addition, the child may develop an allergic reaction with severe symptoms, and ulcers may form on the scalp. If parents are extremely negligent about the health of the baby, then, albeit rarely, but there are diseases that threaten the life of the child - for example, typhus.
Before you engage in therapy, you must make sure that the baby really has lice. Other parasites can also leave bites on the neck, and improper treatment can only aggravate the situation.
How to understand that it is lice?
In science, infection with these parasites is called pediculosis. Characterized by the following symptoms:
- There will be obvious bites on the skin - a swelling colored in a dark pink color, and a dark dot will be present in the middle of it. If such bites are absent, then most likely the baby has either a viral infection or a scabies tick.
- Bite sites are very itchy. The child can rub the skin to the blood, he will scratch his head almost constantly - it is for this symptom that parents usually understand that the baby has pediculosis.
- On the hair will be present nits. So called eggs of parasites, they are white in color, and usually located at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the surface of the skin, they are tightly attached to the hair.
- You can find yourself lice - if you carefully examine the head of the child. They are also found during combing.
Interesting Facts! Insect can reach sizes from 1 to 3 mm. Outwardly, they are gray, or yellowish, sometimes there are yellow lice. Parasites are inactive, unlike fleas, they do not jump and live directly on a person. But bugs are insects that can hide in furniture, behind plinths and even behind wallpaper.
Why do lice appear?
Many parents are completely at a loss - where did the lice appear from their children, because hygiene procedures are carried out regularly, the child is not asocial and does not happen in places of severe pollution. The most common cause of the disease is transmission by other children. This can happen both in the garden and in the school camp, in the sports school - in a word, wherever there is a large crowd of children.
Infection occurs when:
- the use of combs and other hygiene items;
- if there was close contact with an infected baby;
- if an item of clothing was exchanged with a child who is infected with parasites;
- in the absence of hygienic procedures.
Can I get rid of lice without cutting my hair?
To date, there are a large number of pharmacological agents, through which you can remove lice, while not cutting off the head of the baby. There are also very effective folk remedies. But still, if the child is still very small, the safest and easiest option is to shave the baby bald. If you cut several centimeters, this will not change the situation in any way due to the fact that the nits are attached to the hair, a few mm away from the scalp, and the lice live directly on the scalp.Therefore, only a complete shave of hair will save the situation.
Of course, it will be much easier for boys to cut their hair - they are initially short. But with girls the situation is more complicated - they usually have long hair, and hardly a crumb wants to part with them. Therefore, it is worth considering a treatment option with the use of pharmaceuticals.
How to remove lice in girls with long hair?
If it is necessary to eradicate head lice from a girl who has long hair, it is best to use pharmacy medications. Of course, you can try and folk methods (note that they are not so effective, so the lice will not disappear immediately - the treatment will take some time).
So, in advance you need to prepare the following:
- lice medicine - you need to choose it based on the girl's age;
- comb, which has small teeth;
- hairpins - in order to make the strands easier to handle;
- diluted vinegar;
- PET package.
In order that there was no recurrence, processing needs to be carried out 2 times. So that the medicine is spent more economically, you can slightly moisten the hair before applying anti-pediculosis medication.
Further therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:
- The solution is applied to the scalp, while you need to capture about 2-3 cm of hair, starting from the beginning of the hair shaft.
- Using a comb, you need to evenly distribute the insecticide.
- Next, you need to collect curls on top.
- To make the product more active, you must wear a plastic bag over your head.
- The composition must be held for some time - in order to know for sure, it is important for parents to carefully read the instructions before using the drug.
- Shampoo, which you usually use, you need to wash the composition from the hair - it should be done carefully.
- After you need to wash the hair with a weak solution of vinegar.
- To distribute the hair on the strands, each of them for convenience you need to grab a hairpin.
- Using a fine comb, you need to alternately comb each strand - from parasites.
- Those curls that have already been processed, must be separated from the strands, where there were parasites.
- After all the lice and nits have been removed, they need to be burned, and the tools that were used during processing should be sterilized with alcohol.
Tip! Removing nits is quite painful if you try to do it by hand or by combing. In order for your baby not to experience discomfort, you must first crush the nits. When the egg is dead, it is much easier to remove it from the hair.
What pharmacy remedies for pediculosis exist?
As mentioned above, the pharmaceutical market has a large selection of medicines for head lice. They are distributed in age categories, and parents should take into account the fact that quite a few of them are applicable to very young children.
So, all pharmaceutical preparations can be distributed in the form of release:
- shampoos;
- cream;
- emulsions;
- high concentration gels;
- lotions;
- sprays;
- sprayers.
What medicines can be used from an early age?
Children who have not yet turned a couple of years old are very sensitive to various toxic substances, therefore, it is necessary to select a medicine with extreme caution. Let's get acquainted with the line of least toxic substances, thanks to which the parasites can be eliminated in the shortest possible time:
- Parasidosis. It is possible to apply, since three-month age.As part of the product contains coconut acid, it tends to kill the parasites. Also, the composition of the product is made in such a way that the active substances dissolve the sticky secretion by which the nits are attached to the hair. To use the cream is simple - you just need to apply it on the scalp, rubbing it gently into the root zone. Wait about 40 minutes, then rinse with regular shampoo. The tool can not be used for persons who have bronchial asthma, as well as for people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Here. You can use children who have already reached 1 year of age. The composition includes Dimethicone, which clogs the respiratory tract of parasites with oil, as a result of which they suffocate. Spray need to spray on dry hair, evenly distribute and hold for about 40 minutes. Rinse with regular shampoo. Not prescribed to children who have skin diseases, as it can provoke exacerbation of the disease.
- Pair Plus. The aerosol can be used from 1 year. The hairy part of the head should be thoroughly processed by spraying the spray directly onto the hair roots. Leave for about 10 minutes, rinse with shampoo.The trouble is that the spray has a rather sharp and unpleasant smell.
- Tar soap. It can be used for children at any age, but it is worth remembering that the soap with the addition of tar has a very unpleasant smell that your kid may not like. However, our grandmothers also used this tool to remove lice in both adults and children. To kill the parasites, it is necessary to apply tar soap on the root zone, carefully rub the soap into the scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Using a fine comb, remove the parasites from the hair. Here it is necessary to note an important nuance - the soap should be used for a very long time, at least 2 weeks. Only in this case, you can completely kill the parasites without a chance for a relapse.
- Anti bit. This is a shampoo that is used if the child needs to get lice out, but at the same time he has reached the age of two. Lather the head with shampoo - carefully, lather well and leave for 5 minutes. After washing off and well combing the hair with a comb with fine teeth in order to eliminate the dead parasites and nits.The advantages of this shampoo is that it has almost no odor, but the tool allows you to quickly eliminate head lice.
Other medicines that can be used for children from two years
Consider effective remedies that will be relevant for children suffering from head lice. Immediately it should be noted that before using it is necessary to carefully read the instructions, as well as consult with a pediatrician.
- Medfoks. Sold in the form of a concentrate, and in the form of a gel. The method of use is simple: apply to the zone of the roots, then leave for 40 minutes. The tool must be carefully rubbed into the scalp. After the specified period, rinse with ordinary shampoo. The drug has low toxicity, but when applied it can cause a burning sensation and itching.
- Sifax. It can be used with pediculosis, and as a prophylactic agent. How to use: Apply to the scalp, not excluding the hair root zone. Hold for 15 minutes, then rinse hair with regular shampoo. After treatment, dead lice will need to comb comb. It is important to carry out prophylaxis so that the lice do not reappear - for this, it will be necessary to process the head in exactly the same way after 2 months.
- Pedilin. This tool is produced not only in the form of a shampoo, it can also be purchased in the form of a gel or emulsion. Use in the treatment of pediculosis can be from the age of two. The emulsion is applied on dry scalp, shampoo wash the head - it is ideal as a prophylactic agent. The gel should also be applied to the scalp. Hold for 5 minutes, after which the drug should be washed off. Use with caution, as it can provoke an allergic reaction to the components that are contained in its composition.
If your child has pediculosis - this is not a reason for frustration. With the right approach, timely start of treatment, lice can be removed, while not a single drop of harm to the health of the baby. It is important to take into account the fact that before applying pharmacy remedies against pediculosis, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. In the fight against lice and nits, you can also use traditional methods - but they are not always effective, besides, it will take a long period of treatment. If you need to quickly get rid of pediculosis - it is better to immediately go to the pharmacy.
Video: how to remove lice and nits on the hair
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